Feelings: “Arise, Abide, Dissolve”

Feelings seem to follow a progression….

arise: they begin to be “felt”… 

abide: they continue for a period of time… 

dissolve: they drift away

And so, to be aware of that…especially when the feeling doesn’t feel good…

arise, abide, dissolve…

About Pocket Perspectives

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This entry was posted in Acceptance, Awareness, Buddhism, Comfort, Compassion, Courage, Good thinking, Life, Loving kindness, Mindfulness, Patience, Persistence, Tolerance and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Feelings: “Arise, Abide, Dissolve”

  1. So true! I’m always amazed that something I felt so strongly ever dissolves, but it always does. Sometimes it just takes so long and is so gradual that you don’t even realise its happening! Thanks for the reminder.



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