“Stop everybody! I’m happy now!”…from a 4 year old

This is a true incident described to me by a  friend, about her 4 year old granddaughter: apparently, her granddaughter had felt very sad when she woke up from a nap at preschool, and the teachers and other kids were kind and concerned and comforted her…. A little while later, while sitting at the table with other kids, she threw her hands up in the air and announced, in a very loud and excited voice…

“Stop! Stop everybody!…I’m happy now!”

Don’t you just know that feeling?

Click on image to enlarge

6 Responses to “Stop everybody! I’m happy now!”…from a 4 year old

  1. Anonymous says:

    So cute!!! from PF’s sister 🙂


  2. z says:

    i was the first one to know!!!


I'd love to "hear" your ideas about this....

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