Eight Worldly Concerns…developing understanding, awareness and balance

(“work in progress area”)

(this section contains a draft of  images  that tie in with images and pages in Pocket Perspectives post called “A day in a life..”uh oh’s” and “wow’s””    These images expand on those ideas…it’s a workshop area, not a completed “post” area…expanding on “Eight Worldly Concerns,”  also called “Eight Worldly Winds”



Understanding of “Eight Worldly Winds/Concerns”
the extremes and more balance


tying in  Eight Worldly Concerns with “Taking in the Good” principals from Rick Hanson’s class and ideas (July-August 2012 class)


“a day in a life”….(from previous post) tying in with 8 Worldly Concerns…wow’s and uh oh’s


images from previous post: the ups and downs…bouncing from wow’s to uhoh’s

the wow’s:

the  uhoh’s :


realizing the reactions are within us…with understanding and awareness, there is choice that can lead to improved perspective and more balance.


looking at uh oh’s and developing more awareness and understanding


tying “uh oh’s”  in with awarenesses of Eight Worldly Concerns


Looking at “wow’s” through Eight Worldly Concerns…draft…
(pleasure, gain, praise and recognition)

to be continued….
(will continue with images/ ideas developing awareness of how to learn to choose, balance etc)

a work in progress…


Learning choices ties in with the following ideas from Ven. Jampa, Reflections from a Friend

Link to post: Learning to Transform Negative Thinking into Positive

steps I’ve been encouraged to follow …and do follow…they’re helpful


small reminder cards of steps

a work in progress

5 Responses to Eight Worldly Concerns…developing understanding, awareness and balance

  1. Pingback: “To know the truth, only cease to cherish opinions”…. 3rd Zen Patriarch | Pocket Perspectives

  2. Pingback: “To know the truth, only cease to cherish opinions”…..Third Zen Patriarch « Reflections From a Friend

  3. Pingback: decreasing “seeking approval”… going back to our own positive motivation and intention | Reflections From a Friend

  4. Joseph Hayes says:

    Thanks you so much for these visuals on the eight worldly concerns 🙂


I'd love to "hear" your ideas about this....

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