***ALL POCKET PERSPECTIVES posts: EASY LINKS to many images and posts


Link to:  google images of multiple Pocket Perspectives images


Pocket Perspectives Blog has gotten quite large. If  people are interested in finding certain images,or images about specific “topics,” the following suggestions might be helpful.

To access easy links to ALL Pocket Perspectives posts and image pages:

Far below in PURPLE FONT: links to specific posts, displayed in order of number of views.  (starting with most viewed posts.)

Google Image Search archives: Many people arrive at Pocket Perspectives through Google Image Searches  for words such as gratitude, kindness,  I’m happy,  etc.)  (April 2011- October 24, 2012) (Many of the images are displayed at the very bottom of this post)

Other easy ways for finding or accessing  images/posts of interest:

“Search key words” box:  in upper right side column of “Home” page. Type in word or topic of  interest. Posts will be listed, pertaining to that word 

“Category/Topic” List: listed in right side column, below the Monthly Posts list.  Click on “topic” of interest. Posts pertaining to that category will be displayed.

“Network Blogs:” this link, Network Blogs,  shows small image icon from each post and the first several sentences. It’s very easy to scroll through.

Google Image Search:  displays many of the images from Pocket Perspectives, Link to many of the Pocket Perspectives images,   Very easy viewing of images. (Many images are shown at bottom of this post, too )


Below are easy links to ALL Pocket Perspectives posts and image pages

Complete index of posts, presented by number of views: only as current as October, 2012

click on links to access specific posts

(from April 2011- 10/24/2012)

Title Views
“Stop everybody! I’m happy now!”…from a 4 year old
Creating Ripples …creating positive ripples throughout our days…
An Irish Blessing: May the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face….
Mindfulness: Choosing how we talk…(and think)
“Uh oh! It’s getting dark so early! Now WHAT am I going to DO?”
“Stop! Stop everybody! I’m happy now!” by a 4 year old
“Can I do anything about this?” …choosing how one might react to challenges or worries…
“Stop everybody, I’m happy now!”… said by a 4 year old
A “wish” for today….. “believe… in yourself….”
“Wishing you a relaxing and productive day, full of happiness and a peaceful and stable mind”
“Appreciate…be grateful”
“Sail away from the safe harbor….catch the trade winds in your sails….explore, dream, discover”
The time to be happy is…..now
“I am ONLY one, but still I AM one…I cannot do everything, but still I can do something” …Helen Keller
“Today….it’s given to you….it’s a gift….”
Helpful Thinking: “A Flow Chart”
Believe…..in yourself
The time to be happy is now….if not now, then when?
Henry David is thankful…for the compassionate hearts of others
May we all help each other out….
“Appreciate…be grateful”
Flying on the wings of wisdom and compassion
“That everyone you meet today will be blessed by your presence…”
“It’s amazing the things we do…to avoid doing amazing things” …strategies for shifing out of avoidance and into “doing”
“I allow you to be you, and me to be me” …acceptance, understanding, wisdom
A compassionate heart
A Very Special Thought…. “So long as space remains….” a prayer from the DalaiLama and Shantideva
Accessing motivation…I can’t believe the number of “excuses” that I can come up with!
We are sending you light, to heal you, to hold you…
Morning has broken….the beginning of each new day
May we dance brightly… finding our own special “dance”
Good things are happening….all the time
The incredible potential of the human mind…left brain, right brain…. appreciating and using both “sides”
Hang in there….not stopping now… humorous “pocket cards” supporting patience and persistence
Happy New Day…..Happy New Moment….
“If you want to climb a mountain, begin at the top”…. a Zen saying… ideas and materials for setting motivation
” The sacred beauty of the everyday…. ”
“Don’t GO through life…GROW through life”…. wise words from another blogger
Feelings like clouds…moving on
“Creating a sanctuary in the mind…take in the good”
May we all feel….. happy and contented…. “loving kindness wishes”
Kindness can open a “shuttered” heart
Living with generosity, ethics, patience, joyful effort, concentration and wisdom
I don’t want to live on the moon…. I’ll dance on a moonbeam and then come home once again
True to my own North Star… but also, in this moment, I am….
Leaping….with curiosity, enthusiasm, intention, trust and goodheartedness
Time to release it…let it go…. shifting from one way….to another
“Muddy Dog” Thinking …how our thinking can be like dogs rolling in the mud
You just never know… little accomplishments can add up to A LOT
Happiness…if not now, then when?
Piles of Smiles
One step at a time….patience, persistence and perseverance…
Friendship, love and connection…the orangutan and the hound dog…an amazing, heartwarming video….
Sydney Australia Sea Eagle Cam
An update…Henry David, the rescued wild goose
“Taking in the good”…. noticing and taking in the goodness around us…ideas from a class by Rick Hanson
Please, show me you’re “listening”… with your eyes
“Friday wishes”…rekindling each other’s light…. rekindling with kindness, generosity, compassion and encouragement
Today, I am truly grateful for the kindness of others…. awareness and appreciation
Surprise myself… opening to positive possibilities and actions
Pocket Reminder Cards: Set 1
Might anyone like a free window “suncatcher”…. to light up an intention?
Smile ’til Your Cheeks Hurt
“Our prime purpose is to help others”…DalaiLama
“The Compassionate Brain”….7 week online video event series from Sounds True
Acceptance: “the nature of things”
The progression of “feelings”…arise, abide, dissolve…..
Smile ’til Your Cheeks Hurt
“That everyone you meet today will be blessed by you…by your eyes, your smile, your touch, your presence….”
A mother’s wish…. “believe in yourself…” A beautiful poem by “hugmamma”
“Thank you for showing me what that looks like”…gaining more perspective on our own reactions…how “TO be or NOT to be”
The House of 1000 Mirrors … reflections of “self”
May we all hold each other with tenderness and care
Courage: “It’s good to stand on my own 2 feet…”
“We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us, something is valuable…” eecummings
“Well….certainly I can do this ONE little thing…..” …encouraging and motivating oneself…
Pause…notice…appreciate….be grateful…..living with a warm heart
Flying on the wings of wisdom and compassion….
What do you want to see?…House of 1000 Mirrors… reflections of “self”
“Bearable”…it may be hard, but it is bearable
A basket full of good wishes for all….
F.E.A.R: False Evidence Appearing Real …but it’s NOT
Shhhh…things will be okay….you’ll see…you do see…
Surprise myself….consider NOT choosing “my ordinary…”
Creating a “meaningful life”…. meaning, structure and community
Hornby Eagles : A baby eagle has hatched…
Learning to develop “faith in a good outcome”… persistence, perspective and wisdom… “it will turn out”
*** Perspectives in pockets…and on windows… a few perspectives from this summer ***
A heartfelt wish….the “gifts” of kindness, appreciation, compassion and persistence
Good things are happening….all the time
I Am ONLY One, But Still I AM one
“A bird does not sing because it has an answer…it sings because it has a song…” learning to sing our songs
“I wish I could break all these chains holding me…”
I’m in the mood to be ______, ….hey, how about you?
“To get into a space where life becomes more of a source of wonder….”
Leaping….with courage, strength, curiosity and enthusiasm….
“Old Bridges and me”…. an insightful “must read” …by my 96 year old aunt
“Clear” thinking: a few helpful steps and strategies to progress through a “reaction”
Yippeeee….I did it…I actually did it! Shifting from “work”…to…. new meaning
Brainstorming strategy charts for… “Opening up to & CREATING a good outcome”
Reflecting on…this past year, today, and the coming year…
Plant Flowers, Pull Weeds: Creating a Garden of Life
“Show me the way to go home…. “
Today I am thankful….for feeling quietly content
“Hope comes from a large family….”
Just like myself, 6.9 billion other people wish for…..
Today I am truly grateful….for the kindness of others
“Believe in yourself” ….. a continuing wish….
An Irish Blessing…may the road rise to meet you…
Stillness: A Quiet Mind
Circle round the planet…circle for each soul…keep this circle whole
May love flow freely…..
“Mindfulness”….watching the activities of a busy mind
“Ouch!” ….challenges with varying communication styles
Shift…both an invitation and a challenge….
“Tests and life…” a book
“Each of us usually has a glimmer of what our heart’s desire is…..” learning to figure out “what” that glimmer might be…
“Wide open spaces…to find a dream and a life of their own….”
“It’s time to try…. defying gravity….”
Earth….holding it gently…for the children of our children, please keep this planet whole
Notice the Positives
“Time is… suspicious”…those pesky “relative” aspects of time
Patience: a “vast subject”…
Seeking… “peace and harmony….”
Why? … “There’s naught so queer as folk”
Looking for…looking for…a few happy, cheerful, positive people…
Loving kindness: May we all feel….
Consider….before saying or doing…. “mindful” speech and actions
Living as both the potter and the clay….shaping, shifting, evolving, transforming
The Bongo Board…balancing in the present moment
10,000 Cups of Kindness
Creating ripples…. contributing, making a difference
Heigh ho….heigh ho…it’s off to work we go…..
Keeping them in mind….Pocket Perspectives Cards: Set 6
A wish for happiness, contentedness and satisfaction
The infinite possibilities of a life fully lived…..
Letting it go….I just don’t have time to worry about what people think about me anymore…shifting to positive
A “Friday Wish” for all… “Self kindness”
Sonja Lyubormirsky The How of Happiness: book notes
“Have faith that whatever you are offering to the world…”
OGT: One Gutsy Thing
“Muddy Dog” Thinking
Perhaps….be the hammer, not the nail
The Courage to Have a Voice and to Use It
Right now, I’m alright….
Going into situations with an open and flexible mind….
“My religion is kindness…” Dalai Lama
Sharing one’s heart with the world
Loving kindness
An “every day wish….”….. kindness, compassion, love, encouragement and generosity
River, take me along….
Noticing the “wow” in each moment of “now”
“Dancing Brightly”…to continue to lighten up and enrich our lives
Courage: One Gutsy Thing…OGT
Advice and encouragement from the sunflower… “stand tall, back straight, chin up…face the sun!”
Continuing to surprise myself… opening to exploring possibilities and opportunities
Show me the way to go home…
10,000 Cups of Kindness
Ah ha!….the mouse got the cheese!
To everything, there is a season…a time to reflect….
Balancing compassion
“Reflections From a Friend”
Seeing and appreciating life….with “new eyes”
“My home is a refuge, not only from the world, but a refuge from my worries, my troubles, my concerns….” Maya Angelou
A whole lot of kitty love…or a whole lot of kitty grooming
Uh oh…. “my get up and go…got up and went”
Flying on the wings of wisdom and compassion….just like myself….
We each have a voice….and it’s important to use it
Plant Flowers, Pull Weeds: more positives, fewer negatives
Your message DOES matter…. developing the courage and belief to “speak it”
I Am ONLY One, But Still I AM one
Life is a gift….
I have a voice…and I can learn to use it
Sisters, sisters, take my hand…
We’re all doing the best we can with what we know now… and when we know better we’ll do better
“A Starbuck Moment” … nesting instinct???
“Muddy dog thoughts”…. off….. away with you… go take care of yourselves….
Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine…today is THE moment…
Sweet and delicious…a summertime treat…New Zealand Pavlova!
Sail away from safe harbor… “explore, dream, discover… become”
“Persistence and patience go hand in hand…”
To not worry about situations that might be around the corner….but to see the positive potential
“Bearable” reminder cards and games….
“Do a little bit at a time… patience and persistence from a “bearable” point of view
“The Magical Mystery Tour”…hypothetical thinking
Courage: Advice from the sunflower…
“A Starbuck Moment” …looking at life with a sense of wonder
Comfort: Shhh….it’s going to be okay
Time is “suspicious”….
Do you ever “wonder” about why you create certain posts? Reflecting on some possible motivations and intentions
Choosing how we talk….
Now: TODAY is the moment, the story is NOW
Living life’s opportunities…..
Living in the “now”…today IS your moment
The Incredible Potential….creating a slide show… “left” brain creates for “right” brain
Loving kindness: May we all feel….
Truly appreciating the miracle of….now …so remarkably precious and fleeting… notice and appreciate
“A Starbuck Moment” …lightening up
If we took “fear” out of our lives, how might our lives look?
“Right now, I’m alright…”
“A Starbuck Moment” ….may all beings feel loved and appreciated
“I pray for a more friendly, more caring and more understanding human family….this is my heartfelt appeal…” DalaiLama
” Loco subscription….” wordpress follow-up comments checkbox…uh oh…
Stillness: A Quiet Mind
Meditation: “googling” the mind
Pocket Perspectives: youtube channel
Thoughts…. lead to feelings …so learning to be more careful
“They say we are old, could it possibly be?”
Serenity is not freedom from the storm…
A basket full of kindness
“Hope comes from a large family….”
“Worrying about what others think”…I just don’t have time…
“Be A Light In My Lantern…”
“A day in a life…” noticing the “wow’s!” and “uhoh’s!” throughout a day
A Mother’s Day wish… “may you feel happy and contented, healthy, safe and at ease”
True to my own North Star….
“Choosing a Good Path”… A gameboard
“Mis-gauging”…double checking my observations and interpretions
Irresistibly Sweet?
“AIMS”: coping with feeling “overwhelmed”
May I dance brightly…. to my own songs, along my own path
“Mis-gauging”….learning to have more perspective on my own thinking…
A wreath from space….a nebula
May all our innate seeds of natural bravery…..
“Please, feed the wolf of love…”
Pocket Reminder Cards: Set 2
“Seeking approval”… letting it go, resting in positive motivation
“Clear” thinking
A “group walk”…from the Redwood Forests to the SF Bay waters…my little corner of the world.
“Why?” …why do people do what they do?…. causes lead to effects….acceptable levels of risk?
It’s good to stand on one’s own two feet…courage, independence, persistence, resilience
A Banana Bread Perspective …the past….present…future….
“Listening and learning and yearning….run, river, run….”
An afternoon in the redwoods… “my little corner of the world”… beauty, quiet, reflection
Wish it….. dream it….. do it ………
“Guangualez”…encouraging “being” a strong, capable, independent woman
Noticing positives throughout each day…. positive leads to more positive leads to more positive… noticing
Just imagine….
Riding forward….present… toward future… Letting go of the past, living in the present
Persistence is good….
Persistence: Step…step…chip…step…step….
Hornby Eagles : Phoenix, a precious little bird
“A Starbuck Moment”…. yumm….Starbuck found a Trader Joe’s special on ice cream sandwiches
A Starbuck Moment….her Christmas list
May our cups….runneth over….
Uh oh….a wandering mind…. “DGT”….Don’t Go There…. encouraging positive thinking, limiting less postive
“In the classroom of the teacher that is your life….”
“faith” in goodness, kindness and love
Feelings: “Arise, Abide, Dissolve”
Piles of Smiles
May there be abundant kindness amongst all…
A “thank you” to all those who help others…..
“I’m doing the best I can with what I know how….”
Loving kindness: May we all feel….
Notice the positives…
Pocket Reminder Cards: Set 3
The perfecting of generosity, patience, effort, ethics, concentration and wisdom
“Everyday Miracles”…please add a few of your own….
2 “related” websites
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you….over the river and through the woods
The Complaint Department Has Closed…..
October: To everything, there is a season…
Celebrating Creativity…. a plethora of creations….
Notice & Appreciate: Sunshine
Creating Ripples
“Mind mumbling”
What could be nicer than….a basket full of kindness?
To not worry about situations that might be around the corner
But….but….but….what about the way it’s “supposed to be” ???? …learning to accept and let go
Persistence is good…
I just don’t have time to worry about….
“A Wide Angle Lens”: strategies and 5 steps to learn to accept and adust
The Liebster Award..passing it along
Learning to “rest at zero”= not interpreting
“Metta” …. loving kindness
***Pocket Reminder Cards: April, Set I
Beauty….it’s all around us
The “hammer” considers some options…
Time is not…..suspicious
“Muddy Dog Thinking”
To do something we might be meant to do…
“A wee break from worrying…”
Art Show Today…look up, look down, look left, look right
What IS a “coincidence” ??? How COULD this happen?
Lantern: “My religion is kindness….” …HHDalaiLama
“Pull Weeds…”
“A Starbuck Moment” …please help meeeeeoww-t
To continue to keep offering to the world
Developing “wisdom”: Doing the best I can with what I know …
A happy birthday wish… : )
***Pocket Reminders: Set 4
Pocket Card Sets
Letting go of preferences..
“20 Steps Down the Hall”
Appreciation: “The Sweetness of…”
Courage: “Tests and life can be hard…”
River, take me along….
Tears & Fears, Piles of Smiles
Notice and Appreciate: Mountains and Seashore
Why?: acceptance of NOT understanding..
The things we do to avoid doing amazing things
“A Starbuck Moment”…. a bed, a bath and beyond
May we nurture that gentle fawn….
Thinking Strategies
May I weave well….
It’s in every one of us to be wise…find your heart, open up both your eyes…
“Plant Flowers”
“A more friendly, caring, understanding human family…” DalaiLama
Surprise myself…
Sometimes life involves a careful balancing act
Doorways…with curiosity and courage
We’re weaving our tomorrows…
Surrounded by happy, cheerful, positive people….
Sometimes life involves a careful balancing act
**** Pocket Reminder Cards Set 5 ****
Pocket Reminder Cards: Set 6
“The Six Perfections” …a kind and soothing meditation
I thank…the farmer
*** Pocket Perspectives “booklets” viewable on youtube ***
Taking back “my power”…choices, decisions, options and energy
The “perfection” of…
half full….half empty
“Why?”…dropping the added “interpretations”
Don’t believe it…
Friday June 17
If I took fear out of my life….
As we “bumble” our way along…. a bumble bee perspective
I have a voice…
Abundance and depth
Stay out of the attic….
“Time is suspicious….”
Things do change…
Pick up sticks…don’t touch that one…
*** Pocket Reminder Cards: Set 3, Set 4
Older 2008 “Pockets…”
A day in a life…
Rekindling our light….
Avoiding…. sigh….
“Hope” comes from a large family….
Eight Worldly Concerns…developing understanding, awareness and balance
Surprise myself…
Multiple new pages…
Simply appreciate this life
“I allow you to be you and me to be me”
A birthday smile…
Moving past “preferences”….
Just like myself…
Power struggles: “Push-Shove”
Something “rotten”….
Too many rabbit holes…
Pocket Reminder Cards: Set 4
“Disruptions”…progressions through time
The Complaint Department Has Closed…
Radical Acceptance
“Of course it’s speculation….what do I know?”
Pocket Reminder Cards: Set 5


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