Hang in there….not stopping now… humorous “pocket cards” supporting patience and persistence

A few years ago,
I made lots of silly “hang in there” cards
for kids in my classroom….
to encourage them to just keep going…
to persist, even when things seem difficult…..
to keep using calm, steady effort in each moment…
to “hang in there”….

Well….it seems that work has gotten a bit busy….
the last 6 weeks of the school year…
way too busy…tons of work to do…

And so…
now I get to use those cards to encourage myself…
and anyone else who might be feeling under pressure these days…
to just keep going….
don’t stop now…



uh oh…pressure’s really piling on….


this is harder than I thought it would be…but I can’t really stop now…


ah ha…the end is in sight…and pretty soon I’ll be saying…

And what a relief that will be!!!!

: )


And so…
a whole bunch of silly reminder cards
that are proving to be helpful….

Well…actually I see that cute little bear cub
MIGHT be in trouble if he stops right there…
well…maybe just a little snooze break,
til he starts down again…????

cards…in a youtube format….for lightening up…  : )


…kids seem to like these cards…
and so do I…
they’re printable…
(click to enlarge)

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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12 Responses to Hang in there….not stopping now… humorous “pocket cards” supporting patience and persistence

  1. leah77 says:

    Kathy, these are great! You are such a motivator;) I just signed up to Send Out Cards, an online company that allows you to create your own cards online and they print and ship them for you. I just love it!
    Hang in there girl…just six more weeks to go until summer vacation!
    Sending hugs,


  2. Thanks Leah…. I’m actually “retiring” in June…well, I’ve renamed it “re-wiring”…(“retiring” sounds like going to bed and not getting up….) …so connecting the wires a different way….using my own wires and energy source to light up new circuits…I’ll need to power up to clear out the classroom too..I’ll check out that card company…good idea!


  3. Roberta says:

    These indeed are great! You do know how we all feel at times..It’s count down time for you..I hope it means a little leisure for you…


  4. thank you, Roberta……And I bet you felt that way during your move?? Those cards were so much fun to make..And count down time for sure….here’s the irony…I love teaching and enjoy being productive…so a bit of leisure would be good, but I’d really like to keep using my energy…so a shift in use of it…


  5. sufilight says:

    I actually like these cards for grownups like me. 🙂 I was smiling and chuckling at the images, especially of the little boy hanging on the clothesline. I am hanging in there too!


    • : ) … maybe they appeal to your playful spirit. : ) ….And oh, that boy hanging from the clothesline…I hope that was photo shopped….if not, who would do that???….a big brother maybe. I’m waiting for Nancy to arrive to give/suggest a good caption for him…actually, he’s rather….stuck!


  6. nrhatch says:

    The kids must have LOVED these cards, Kathy.

    My favorite ~ the boy hanging from the clothesline. A handy reminder “not to throw the baby out with the bathwater” . . . or “hang him out to dry” with the laundry! 😀


  7. granbee says:

    Wonderful sharing of your “hang-in there” cards. So great that we can print them. Bless you for this valuable gift!


  8. I’m happy to share…I never quite know whether my perspective resonates with others….maybe since I’m with kids so much, my presentation and words might seem a bit “young” or enthusiastic for others…I try to rest in simply sharing, whether others get it or not…but it’s so nice to hear when people do.


  9. cuhome says:

    This is a terrific post! And you use photos so well to make your points! This reminds me of the many times I’ve “stopped” just a tiny bit short of a goal, and in looking back weeks or months or years later, have realized that, if I’d just hung on a wee-bit longer, I would have accomplished what I was stretching for!!


    • I guess we’ve all had that experience of stopping too soon….I tell “the kids” that when I see them keeping going, hanging in there, when school work or tests get difficult, that they are an inspiration for me to keep going, too… now that surprises them! So, yes…hanging on a wee bit longer… : )


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