Noticing positives throughout each day…. positive leads to more positive leads to more positive… noticing



I’ve posted similar images and ideas about remembering the positives at the end of each day..…. “Noticing the positives at the end of the day.”   I’m becoming aware, however, that if I don’t even “notice” the positives throughout each day, then it’s difficult to “remember” them later…at times, I may not even have been aware of them…

And so to “practice”  waking up in  each present moment….to become more aware, to notice and to appreciate….And then at the end of the day to remember those positives and set a positive intention for the next day…


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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10 Responses to Noticing positives throughout each day…. positive leads to more positive leads to more positive… noticing

  1. sufilight says:

    I first read this today while at a local restaurant via my Iphone, and it was a timely as I felt myself getting into a negative frame of mind. So thank you for today’s message! 🙂


    • oh, you’re welcome…it was a good reminder for me today, too…out and about, happy day with h. and “wide open spaces” (that’s daughter J is visiting from WA)…but I kept noticing it!…oh, J. just walked in with a plate of ants of a log…celery filled with cream cheese and raisins on top….talk about appreciating the positives! : )


  2. Roberta says:

    I’ve been grumbling a bit too much..I needed this…Thank you!


  3. oh, you’re welcome…..I figure that the more often I remind myself to notice those positives, the better and more cheerful my own outlook……and then, the less I seem to even notice the not-so-positives, which also seem to lurk… : ) Happy the reminder helped you out… : )


  4. I really appreciate bloggers like you, Kathy, that have taught me to focus on the positive each and every day. It’s managed to make my life so much easier!


    • I’m “working” hard at that too….I wonder if noticing the positives might be a bit like taking a heart “photo”….and since you’re already a terrific photographer, it’s opening to a wonderful talent that you already have….I think maybe so. Maybe I’ll make a page like that….I notice when I have a camera with me, I’m much more tuned into visual beauty….so a visual or auditory camera with a direct link to a heart camera???….hmmmmm???? maybe so…. : )
      ps… I’m not sure what name you like to go by….I’ve seen Terry and Teresita…????


  5. nrhatch says:

    Good thoughts about a valuable practice. I’ve noted lots of positives today ~ a spoonbill sitting in a tree, a heron wading for breakfast, ducks laughing in the lagoon, Tigger purring, delicious tastes and textures for lunch, and . . . this excellent post. 😀


  6. granbee says:

    The act of noticing the positives each day forms a magical stepping-stone pathway up to the summit of our worldview, so that we may see the most possible light, dear one.


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