“Friday wishes…”…. generosity, kindness, love, compassion and encouragement


Friday wishes and encouragement

“Friday wishes…”
I just LOVE “Friday Wishes”
generosity, kindness, love, compassion, encouragement,
freely offered and shared amongst many,
happily and gratefully received
rekindling each others’  light



Friday wishes and encouragement rekindling



Friday wishes and encouragement and rekindling



Friday wishes and encouragement rekindling too



Friday wishes and encouragement


….Friday wishes….
offering and receiving light,
the rekindling of embers that sustain us,
the warm glow emerging from offerings of
generosity, kindness, love, compassion and encouragement,
freely offered, lovingly received,
Friday wishes


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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9 Responses to “Friday wishes…”…. generosity, kindness, love, compassion and encouragement

  1. nrhatch says:

    I love our warm weather . . . but there is also something so energizing about sitting beside a crackling fire! Thanks, Kathy.


  2. girljerome says:

    Beautifully put! Happy Friday 🙂


  3. dearrosie says:

    Beautifully expressed and important not to forget that while we give light and love and understanding to others we should also receive it!


  4. Yes, both the giving and receiving are precious!


  5. sufilight says:

    It’s now Sunday but this beautiful message is timeless. The light of an online friend has basically gone out as she is battling cancer, had to give up her home and move in with her family. The love and generosity we as a group have extended to her in the form of spiritual, emotional, physical and financial assistance has put a smile in her lips and a deep gratitude in her heart.


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