Carmel, Point Lobos and Big Sur… “Follow Your Bliss”

A weekend in Carmel, Point Lobos and Big Sur,
so many magical and wonderful places,
so many hello’s and goodbye’s

Point Lobos
the power of waves slamming against huge rocks


At Weston Beach,
named after Edward Weston,
a well know photographer,
tide pools teeming with so much life….
the circle of life right there,
anemones and other little animals

Point Lobos tidepools

seaweed that had grown tightly around a small rock,
with shells embedded,
perhaps floated in on a large wave,
a temporary visit to the beach,
before floating back out to sea

Point Lobos seawood around rock

A rock lover’s paradise,
among the larger rocks and tide pools,
so many beautiful rocks….
polished by the heavy turbulence of waves and rocks


Driving south to Big Sur,
with beautiful panoramas, vistas and views,
sweeping views of the expanse of  life

Big Sur

The entry to Nepenthe
a famous restaurant sitting high above the Pacific Ocean
Phoenix rising from the ashes

 Nepenthe Phoenix Sculpture~
A humorous sight…the only telephone reception,
at the entry to Nepenthe
Nepenthe telephone booth~
A view of Carmel River Beach, from Mission Ranch Inn
Carmel River Beach from Mission Ranch~
The Mission Ranch Inn Farmhouse
My husband’s mother and brother Jon lived in this wonderful house,
for several years in the early 1970’s

Mission Ranch Farmhouse

a night time photo of the truck,
purported to be from the movie Bridges of Madison County,
in the back parking lot at Mission Ranch,
(Clint Eastwood owns the resort now)
odd aura around it…memories of dearly held relationships?
Mission Ranch truck from Bridges of Madison County~
A weekend of  warmth, breezes, waves and  happiness,
vibrant sunrises and hello’s
sunrise Carmel
Glowing sunsets and goodbye’s
sunset over Pacific Carmel

Some fitting words of wisdom that we saw,
“Follow Your Bliss”
a quote from Joseph Campbell,
another appreciator of Big Sur

Follow your bliss Carmel“Follow Your Bliss”
Recommitting to living our lives
with fullness and gratitude,
noticing the abundance of opportunities that we have,
pursuing amazing possibilities all around us,
living with a sense of wonder and appreciation,
loving nature,
caring for the earth,
cherishing each other,
thankful for each and every day


An elegant egret at Weston Beach,
joining us…pausing and lingering,
calmly and serenely keeping us company
for an extended period of time,
blessings indeed

Egret at Weston Beach

So many years of blessings and bliss
following one’s bliss

follow your bliss so many years of blessings~

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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17 Responses to Carmel, Point Lobos and Big Sur… “Follow Your Bliss”

  1. becca givens says:

    I spent my 30th birthday tootling around San Francisco, Napa and Sonoma Valley, Carmel and many points between … quite a memorable trip. One day I will repeat it! Lovely photos.


  2. I think we have “lost” daughter #1 to CA. She loves it so much. This pictorial explains again why it calls to her.


  3. I’m back. I didn’t even mention how beautiful and unique is the blue of your Pacific Ocean, the red of the seaweed and the varied pastels of the sand pebbles. Thank you for bringing all this to us.


  4. Pingback: “Make haste to be kind!” | Pocket Perspectives

  5. Pingback: “Life is short…make haste to be kind” « Reflections From a Friend

  6. sufilight says:

    This gallery of photos and the descriptions reminds me of Art Wolfe’s “Travels to the Edge”. It’s beautiful! I am starting to watch his PBS program as I love the way he sees the world with wonder. Every description he gives of nature is always in a positive note, he teaches one to look at life with wonder.


  7. nrhatch says:

    Wonderful post, Kathy . . . love those polished rocks and the white egret and the old “homestead.”

    We visited Big Sur and Carmel by the Sea in 1992 on a cross country trip. So breathtaking. A wonderful place to follow your bliss.


  8. Robin says:

    It’s been a long time since I’ve been to those areas. You make me want to go back. Now. 🙂


    • Robin…yes…. “now”…that’s one of the most important things we were aware of that weekend….the incredible gift of having this “now”….5 of us…my husband’s 2 cousins, his brother Jon’s daughter, my husband and I had gone to Weston Beach at Point Lobos..the beautiful beach with the seaweed, beautiful pebbles and the egret…for a happy, warm and loving time…we were there to release Jon’s ashes into the sea,per his request…and oddly enough, it was a happy, enjoyable, warm hearted time of togetherness, as he would have wanted… (and a bit of sadness too,of course) ….and it really reminded the 5 of us of what you wrote…the remarkable preciousness of our opportunities to live with appreciation, wonder, exploration, love and happiness available to us in each moment of “now” …that egret hanging around for such a long time was quite amazing, too! And that “follow your bliss” bumper sticker!


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