Here’s what I “know”…acceptance of “not knowing”…..



A “booklet” created several years ago…
as I was trying, not very successfully,
to help out some loved ones…
learning acceptance of “not knowing”
not understanding “why?”
not being able to figure things out,
not knowing what to do to help,
“not knowing…”
a human dilemma



a 54 second youtube video/slideshow of that  “booklet”
“Here’s what I know….”
















developing acceptance of “not knowing”





About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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13 Responses to Here’s what I “know”…acceptance of “not knowing”…..

  1. what strikes me the most is the colours you used throughout. So often not knowing seems like a black tunnel which we can’t find out way out of. The colours here speak to me that, somehow, somewhere, even in the darkest times of not knowing, there is life beyond. Thank you, for once again, shedding light.


    • That’s an interesting observation, Joss…the colors do have an optimism about them. I’m not usually aware of why I use certain colors or symbols…but there is an intuitive sense about the choices. Maybe it was at that point of letting go?…the relief of that. I do recall that some of those blotted ink spots were from tears falling on the paper. I also have no idea why I wrote backwards on one of those spirals…never did that before or since! (left hander talent, I suppose?)…I’m guessing there was some reason, but I don’t know what it might have been. Thanks for your ideas.


  2. nrhatch says:

    Thanks, Kathy. I’m OK with “not knowing” . . . most of the time. But if wishes came true I would know far more than I do. 😉


  3. Nancy, I’m learning to be okay with it, much of the time. I’m guessing your wish is already “true”…that you perhaps know far more than you realize… 😀


  4. Don says:

    I’ve found that the more one accepts “not knowing ” the more adventurous the journey becomes. Things have a way of simply revealing themselves without us always wanting to know and control. To be able to live with mystery enhances life in ways we sometimes can’t imagine. Really enjoyed your post. Thank you.


  5. sufilight says:

    Kathy, I started watching your Youtube on accepting not knowing and ended watching a few more. 🙂 My most favorite is “The Way It’s Supposed to Be”… what a message! As humans we can all relate. You impressed upon me “there is no supposed to be, only flow.”… You truly are doing a wonderful service. I have to make the effort to stop by your Youtube more often and use it as part of my meditative practice in the evening. I love the music, I can hear instrumental music better than with words.


    • Marie, I think coming to terms with there not being “a way it’s supposed to be” might be part of that backward writing. I think many of us have had lots to adjust to in terms of these ideas.Thank you for your kind feedback…the reason I share what I’ve made and continue to make is in case others might find some soothing or perspectives, as I also do. That’s wonderful that you can hear the music! warmly, Kathy


  6. I am so impressed by this! What a beautiful effort and a gift to your loved ones, and now to us. You have such an open spirit, that “not knowing” is a blessing. So well done…


  7. Pingback: Nurturing flexibility… allowing “I don’t know” to open up to “new learning” | Reflections From a Friend

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