Today I am thankful….for feeling quietly content

Now this is a welcome surprise….
feeling “quietly content”…
it’s definitely appreciated…
doesn’t seem to happen too often,
but it seems to have appeared

“quietly content”
seems to have dropped in for a visit for the past few days.
What could be nicer?
…quietly content…

I hope that “quietly content” might visit us all
and provide some relief from the busy-ness
of our everyday lives…
a pause, a quiet mind and some moments of calm
for all who might benefit
“quietly content”



And an added reminder for myself,
the desktop reminding me
to continue to notice and  nurture that sense of “quietly content”
as I live my everyday life


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24 Responses to Today I am thankful….for feeling quietly content

  1. sufilight says:

    This is a good state to be in, “quietly content”. I get those visits at times. 🙂 Enjoyed the image.


    • “quietly content” seems to have gotten a bit rambunctious and published itself before I intended to push the publish button…and I had to scramble to finish it as a revision…good thing I’m so calm or it might have flustered me! I’m quite amazed to have such a quiet sense…really a welcome surprise. And that image…so pretty. I liked it so much on reflections that I made into my desktop background…and now added it here too…


    • Marie, it’s several days after the post and your reply…just catching up…I hope that photo/image and words brought a little bit of “quietly content” to you, as you go through the days…wishing you as much of that as you can access.


  2. Beautiful image. Happy Easter weekend!


    • Thank you…the photo is from a pretty little redwood park that’s not far away. I love the looks of all the green and that water…maybe I’ll take a little rubber raft with me next time i go there. (that would have been my choice on your survey 🙄 )
      and a very Happy Easter weekend to you, too!


  3. Content is a word that I don’t hear very often. I think I shall use it. The photo does express it well. Good weekend, Kathy!


    • I’ve learned that “content” is a lovely word and a really nice feeling…I wasn’t too familiar with it, but recently have been noticing and nurturing it more…it’s steady and even…kind of nice…I highly recommend it! And that photo really brings that sense to me…something about the greens, the light and the water…I can just look at that photo and access the feeling.
      And wishing a good weekend to you too! : )


  4. cuhome says:

    Very nicely put, and yes! It is heaven to have moments of quiet content!! Thanks for sharing that!


  5. nrhatch says:

    The best Chinese fortune I ever got . . . you will live a happy and peaceful life.

    Quiet contentment is BLISS!


  6. veehcirra says:

    This post is calming…the pictures are wonderful…I find water very soothing and relaxing…makes me content and just be…


  7. Connie Wayne says:

    Beautifully written and illustrated. I hope you are still quietly content today and that you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday weekend. Blessings, Connie


  8. Pat Cegan says:

    I love this…contentment has become a way of life for me. We talk about serenity, contentment, etc. so much but I never knew that it could be a way of being. There is a quiet knowing that I easily return to, even in the midst of drama. ahhhhhhh is how it feels. Thanks! Great post! hugs, pat


  9. Hi Pat….yes, contentment is such a nice bonus…as you write…”a way of being”…a way that I wasn’t very familiar with, but which is sooooo special and appreciated. yes…it feels like “ahhhhhhhhhh……” So happy to hear that you’re living with that too…smiles back to you, kathy


  10. granbee says:

    I celebrate with you this wonderful blessing and joy of being “quietly content”. The creekside photos reminds me so much of the creek behind my present home and all the childhood joys in the creeks on our cattlefarm in my childhood! Quiet contentments, indeed, with a occasional whoop for shear joy in Our Father’s world!


  11. Ahhhh, yes…quietly content…oddly enough, I felt quietly content just a bit ago…after some of the tears of sadness about my aunt had dried, I seemed to rest in quiet spot.
    And how absolutely wonderful to have such a creek in your BACKYARD….oh my goodness!…how wonderfully fortunate you are!..and in your childhood too?…wow! I grew up playing in a wonderful rocky river, just up the road from my home…a magical world of fantastic rocks, little rapids…and joy. hmmm….you might like this….let’s see if I can link this in here River Rock Girl…that’s me…


  12. Pingback: An afternoon in the redwoods…”my little corner of the world” | Pocket Perspectives

  13. Julianna says:

    Gratitude…being quietly content…what lovely energies to send out (and therefore to attract in). Thanks for sharing the beauty with us!


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