Shift…both an invitation and a challenge….

This “sign” has been on our refrigerator door for many, many years…I think it might have originally been an advertising slogan that I cut out of a magazine…..I think the ideas in it are intriguing…

To have the energy and initiative
….to be willing to shift…..
to see this as both an appealing invitation
and an encouraging challenge
A challenge to open our minds
to what might be familiar
or, perhaps, unfamiliar

To be ready and willing
toĀ  reevaluateĀ  what feels comfortably familiar
or perhaps too familiar
or maybe even unfamiliar

To ask questions….many, many questions…
perhaps questions similar to those of others
perhaps different from those of others

But most important…
to think, to ponder, to reevaluate
and to ask those questions…
to be willing to shift
in our thoughts, words or actions
… shift…
an invitation and a challenge



As I was sitting at the computer creating this post, a hawk flew onto a fence, directly in front of the window where I’m working….right there, directlyĀ  in front of me…maybe 25 feet away…I’ve never seen a hawk close up…and never right here in our yard, right next to the house…it was beautiful, with amazing colors and designs in it’s feathers…here’s a photo of the hawk…

I started thinking….Ā  “hmmm…I wonder what the symbolism of a hawk is?”….and so googled it and here it is….kind of interesting, particularly considering the post I was just writing as it flew in and sat on the fence…and what post I hadn’t created because I thought it was too complicated…

Because I think it’s so strange that the hawk paid a visit….I’m going to add the youtube video I made today…one I gave up on making into a post, because it just seemed too difficult to explain…I was really drained after creating it…just plain worn out…and I was concerned about whether others might notĀ  “get” what I was trying to express….but maybe it’s meant to be here… “In every moment….the potential is here….”Ā  (I ain’tĀ  rebellin’ against no hawk…no sireeee…..I’m posting this video RIGHT HERE!)

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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37 Responses to Shift…both an invitation and a challenge….

  1. nrhatch says:

    I love that the hawk appeared at that moment . . . and that you felt inspired to explore its symbolism.

    Good luck in “shifting” gears. šŸ˜€


    • Isnā€™t that something that the hawk arrived as I was writing???ā€¦and something else interesting is that this post is not the one I was originally trying to doā€¦I spent many, many hours today making pages tying in with ā€œawarenessā€ and being more aware of how we add meaning to events and interactionsā€¦I got sooo tired and drained making those pages and a youtube video of them, that I gave up on the idea of trying to create a post out of themā€¦and decided that “shift” is just as importantā€¦.but maybe the hawk knows that theyā€™re in process???ā€¦theyā€™re a youtube videoā€¦hereā€™s the link to themā€¦. ā€œIn every moment, the potential is hereā€¦.ā€


  2. oh The Divine constantly conspires with us! I love this. Hawk medicine is powerful and creative.
    and yes, I am accepting the invitation more and more every day.
    walk in beauty.


    • Seeing that hawk was very special… do you know about Hawk medicine? Do you have links to websites?
      And Joss….I’ve seen you accepting invitations to shift…wow…. I’m drafting off your energy!
      And speaking of shifting…yesterday, I just told people at work that I’m thinking about possibly retiring from teaching in June…40 years of teaching…I still love teaching, but would like to “shift” into something else…using creativity and variations on pages maybe…not sure how…I have no idea what I’ll do…absolutely no idea…but my idea is to shift into another type of contributing to others with energy, liveliness and creativity..but I don’t know what…talk about “shift” ! woooooooooo……


  3. I really enjoyed reading this. For me, in addition to the internal changes, shift is a word that invokes a call to act, to change – it has an association with energy and force, that can also be swift – like the Hawk in a way, what a precious moment. I had an experience just the other day while cycling in the country and a kangaroo came out on to the road. It bounced along in front of me for several hundred metres with such effortlessness. Certainly this is the energy and image that I need – keep moving, maintain momentum. Incidentally, there are all kinds of traditional meanings attached to things, but what message did you get from the Hawk?


    • Thank you for your ideas….I tend to get taken aback when things like this happen….which seems to be happening on a frequent basis recently. I see what you’re saying…the actions, the energy and force of action. And what message did I take from it?…well, I just added something about that to the bottom of the post…a youtube video/pages that I had created today that I hadn’t had the energy or courage to create a post out of…I gave up on it…and so…I just embedded it into the bottom of the post…It’s called… “In every moment….the potential is here….” Thank you for your ideas…


  4. sufilight says:

    Kathy, Just watched the Youtube, very well done. Wanted to give it a thumbs up but then I would have to leave this page to be able to this. šŸ™‚ It’s wonderful that you received with the Hawk’s visit. I truly believe the universe communicates with us, and with all the changes you are embarking on, it’s a message designed to encourage you.

    Two years ago when we had the Chinese year of the tiger, and which I had no idea, I had dream that a gigantic white tiger the size of a small dinosaur paid me a visit. I had the dream on the day that the Chinese year of the tiger started. I didn’t find this out until months later when my nephew happened to mention it was the year of the tiger, and I checked my notes for the date of the dream. I realized then, it was my totem animal as I was struggling with some shifts.


    • Hi Marie,…thanks for checking out the youtube…I just realized that one of the views in that sequence is a “hawk’s eye” view of our actual home…it’s google earth, but a hawk might see it like that too…(it’s the aerial photo of a few houses, with a swimming pool just visible) Well, I do hope it’s a message of encouragement…there are some big changes ahead…but I’m excited and happy about them all, so that’s good.
      That’s remarkable about your dream about the white tiger and Chinese year of the tiger…really remarkable….I find tigers very special too and have made a number of “pages” about them….guess the I’ll add a few hawk ones too… : )


  5. How fitting the hawk appeared at a time of momentous change. I’m so happy for you that you had this “sign” accompany your decision. This is something you will always remember. What a tribute to your life long career. Once you retire, your creative energy will soar in different directions. I found that one project at a time, I am able to dedicate myself to things that mean a lot to me and I’m doing it less mechanically and so much more from the heart.


    • Thank you for your encouraging words, Georgette…I’ve worked since I was a young teenager, and I like the structure and purpose built into “work”…so I might need to develop more initiative to come up with that on my own…a real growth possibility there…I guess a “shift”…. I hope that I’ll keep my energy focused and positive…I really, really hope so!….maybe I’ll keep that hawk in mind… : )


  6. zendictive says:

    wow, you know … when I was growing up I had hawks that would land next to me. I would sit still and my aunt would praise my patience. I remember working on a car one day and a large hawk flew and landed on thehood and watched me. I even started my online experience under the name “blue hawk soaring”..Ialwaysthought I would love o be an eagle… but I am just a hawk, but a hawk is a marvelous animal. You are very insightful and perhaps your aniaml spirit is a hawk too. (~_~)


    • Art, how special that you’ve had so many close connections with hawks…that’s amazing that the hawks would land right next to you!…and another one actually watched you! wow!…a “blue hawk soaring” indeed…. : )


  7. Roberta says:

    Oh my gosh! How cool was that Kathy..It was meant for you and then meant for us to be recipients of what you received.. (:


  8. It was quite remarkable to see that hawk sitting right there…and so….to pass it along, I guess…. so to all of us…passing along the beauty and importance of accessing the motivation and energy to shift, in whatever way might benefit ourselves and others…and to nurture and develop the realization that the potential for anything, and maybe even everything, is present in each moment…to learn to become more aware in each moment and to choose the positives….whatever they might be…. : )
    (and you’re moving soon?…now that sounds like a very positive shift…that’s for sure! and maybe to practice letting go of being pulled down by the interactions with the grumpy, rocky neighbor, too? )


  9. Joni says:

    I enjoyed your video and glad the hawk motivated you to post it! The music is also very nice with it…good to have you visit!


  10. Connie Wayne says:

    I loved the story and the video. Best of luck as you make your life shift. I am sure that you will succeed in whatever path you choose or chooses you. Sometimes that is how it works. What we are to do next sometimes chooses us. That is where the keen awareness of the hawk is needed. Keep your ears and eyes open in the days ahead, and you may be given an opportunity that you may never have chosen for yourself, but it may choose you. That’s advice from a retired grandmother. Blessings, Connie


  11. Thank you Connie for your encouraging words…I really do hope that “something” finds or “chooses” me, because I really don’t know what I’ll be doing…and I don’t know where to look…there’s lots I can do, but I really don’t know where or how I might do whatever that might be…I’ll follow your advice and try very hard to be alert and aware, in case opportunities might present themselves…I’m very open to possibilities…and would be delighted if opportunities “choose me”….I hope I notice them if they appear!


  12. Robin says:

    Hawk has a way of bringing us messages just when we’re ready to hear them. šŸ™‚

    Wonderful capture, and wonderful interpretation of his message for you.


  13. Anonymous says:



  14. Great photo, Kathy. Funny how spontaneous things seem to make connections with the present. Interesting symbolism.


  15. judithhb says:

    Kathy how lovely that the hawk visited you just before your special friend from my part of the world is due. I have always thought hawks were messengers, bringers of good tidings, although I have never had any reason for this belief. I just accept it. They are spectacular birds and so bring spectacular things into our lives.
    Listen to his messages – they will become clear to you and you will find so many paths and doors opening to you. Often when we start on this journey (a new one) the changes seem overwhelming but trust that you will learn and find the right path or door to follow. Good luck in your shifting. It can be a little unsettling when we first move into gear but it usually comes out well. šŸ˜›


  16. Thanks Judith for your ideas…I really appreciate the wonderful input, suggestions and ideas that I’ve gotten from everyone…I combined your 2 comments…I didn’t want to miss out on any of the ideas so put them together…thanks


  17. eof737 says:

    Beautiful … shifting in the spiritual realm with a special bird… blissful. šŸ™‚


    • thank you…it has been a spiritual week, too…and….we saw the hawk again today…up in a tree….then a larger hawk came by and seemed to be directing the smaller one…then the 2 hawks flew off together….my friend who is a monk and I watched them doing this and he wondered if it might have been a mother hawk scooting a fledgling along….ah, maybe so…I see…….


  18. granbee says:

    Awareness and perspective are what I have observed in hawks flying over our fields on many occasions. Thank you for providing all of this wonderful information about having a “hawk perspective” as we “shift” into a higher gear, on a higher plane, to meet life’s challenges and opportunities with insight and the proper vision to take effective initiative. I have seen a few field mice who became all to aware of these “hawk perspective.”!


  19. That’s helpful the way that you pulled those ideas together in your comment..thank you….and yes, the field mouse becomes the target of that “hawk perspective”….poor mice…


  20. tuesday2 says:

    Sign me up for the challenge! šŸ˜€


  21. Welcome….lots of us shifting gears…I’m in the midst of a big shift….wow, who would have thought??


  22. Pingback: Shift…both an invitation and a challenge to align with kindness and positive, compassionate action | Pocket Perspectives

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