“Stop everybody, I’m happy now!”… said by a 4 year old

Here’s a page/image that I’ve posted several times… and remarkably enough….

this is  the most viewed image/page on the entire Pocket Perspectives blog!

This page has triple the number of views, mostly resulting from searches using the words  “i’m happy,”  “happy now” and “im happy”….now isn’t that a wonderful image/idea for so many people to be  “searching” for????….happiness…..

(privacy note: WordPress doesn’t show where searches come from, just the cumulative search terms…)

I’m  posting this image again today, as a special seasonal reminder….as the day with the shortest amount of sunlight approaches and then segues into increasing amounts of sunlight each and every day for the next six months…to notice the light in our hearts, no matter the amount of light in the sky….

May we all  notice, nurture and appreciate
moments of happiness in ourselves and others….
each moment in life is precious….
may we learn from this 4 year old child’s perspective


The original post and explanation:

A friend of mine, Carole, has 5 wonderful grandchildren.  A few months ago, her  4 year old granddaughter  woke up from a nap at her preschool…and was soooo distressed and  unhappy. The other children and teachers were very concerned and comforted her and expressed lots of concern.  A bit of time passed, the kids were sitting at a table and this little girl suddenly raised her arms high in the air and  made an enthusiastic announcement to all…

“Stop! Stop everybody!  I’m happy now!!”

Don’t you just know that feeling???


And so…

may we all appreciate that wonderful sensation of  “moments of happiness,”

no matter how long those moment may last,

  or how often they may occur…

each moment of happiness is such a blessing.

May each one of us notice moments of happiness today….



Dec. 22….an added note….this is a slight variation on that sentiment…from the perspective of some moms and dads… has anyone had the experience of mothering or fathering young adults as they adjust to an independent life out of the home nest?….

the young adults are doing fine,
then….a challenge comes up,
a woeful or perhaps tearful  call to mom or dad….
the young adults feel better, back on their feet, going out happily into life….
but mom or dad???….
lost in the mood/concerns/worries  that were just passed along…
it’s amazing how strong, capable, competent, independent parents
(me included)
can stumble into that “mood”…
biological imperative is my guess….

and so, someone had mentioned the sentiment on the following page….
and I just couldn’t resist adding those lines to a page/window hanger…


Maybe  adult “children”  don’t realize that this happens?….
and perhaps they might help out their kind parents 
by making that additional call..right away!
that lets parents know….
that THEY  are happy again now….

How about starting a movement that supports this shift!!!!  Everybody appreciates that sense of…. “I’m happy now!”

May we all do our best
to foster happiness,
in ourselves and others…
to support, in whatever ways we are able,
that sense of…

“I’m happy now!”

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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21 Responses to “Stop everybody, I’m happy now!”… said by a 4 year old

  1. zendictive says:

    sometimes we just need to be left alone long enough to let the healing of distress to take hold (~_~) a unique post with a touching point.


  2. sufilight says:

    Wow, I enjoyed reading this. Just looking at the image and reading the words made feel appreciation and warmth even if the sky outside my window is dark and rainy. Good reminder to be enjoy our little moments of happiness. The child is adorable and a teacher. 🙂 Sharing this is Facebook!



    • I learn so much from children…. they have such a fresh and clear perspective! Happy that her words will be shared… : )
      I was writing about light from a California perspective…it’s sunny here today…but sunny or not, there will be more hours of light in a few days… : ) But for the southern hemisphere people who come to this site….I hope that you’re enjoying those long days of light that you have right now : )


  3. Joni says:

    It is such a sense of relief to suddenly (or seemingly so) feel happy again after a down mood…thanks for the “like”! And, have a great holiday…


  4. nrhatch says:

    LOVE IT! That SUN is exactly how I feel when Happiness resurfaces after a “down day.” 😀


  5. Sounds like my yesterday. A down call from my daughter, then by the end of the day a really happy, amazing call! After that happy call, I truly wanted to say “Stop any more calls, I am happy now and let’s keep that way for a while at least.”


  6. Savira says:

    Children have a way of telling us how to just be!


  7. yes, don’t kids have such a way of phrasing ideas….simple, to the point and hitting the essence…remarkably enough, this post is the top search term/phrase post on this blog…with more than 400 hits from search terms “i’m happy”, “i’m happy now”, etc…remarkable that so many people search for that phrase and end up at this child’s quote!…special, I think.




    • yes…. always so special to return to a sense of happiness… And how did you ever find this post in the midst of the huge list of posts? This is actually the most viewed page, by far, on my blog. Huge numbers of people google image search for “I’m happy”, “happy now” etc…considering that I had been less than happy for a long time, it’s interesting that my blog now has all those hits for “happy”. (and reflections blog top search word is “patience”…a word I could barely listen to being said by jampa a few years ago!…ironic)


  9. Caddo Veil says:

    This is WONDERFUL!!!


  10. sufilight says:

    Wish I could “relike” this entry again! Congrats on the 1,000 views, that’s wonderful because I bet they were ALL smiling… it’s hard not to when thinking of the 4 year old announcing that she is happy now and to stop… 🙂 I have many moments of pure happiness and I find it’s when the mind is calm and the heart naturally opens. Our true nature is a happy one.


    • Isn’t it remarkable, and wonderful, that so many people search for the phrase “I’m happy”… (and I just looked back and it’s closer to 1500 views…so much happiness in people…. 😀 …I’ve posted it several different times, so several different posts ) I noticed that July was a big month for that search/post…summer vacation time maybe? It’s a bit like those Center for Disease Control google analytics that figure out where there’s a flu epidemic, based on flu word searches. Well, here’s another version… the PP happiness vector! kind of a nice idea 😀
      Isn’t it wonderful when the mind is calm and the heart simply opens…a real blessing…as you write, our true nature.


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