
I  sometimes get so “busy”
or preoccupied with my own thoughts
that I don’t “notice” the beauty and wonder around me…
I seems to miss out
on so many tiny, positives each day…
in nature,
with people…
you name it…

I sometimes just seem to not “notice” them…

    One day I was just stepping outside
and actually noticed the sun
starting to peek out from behind this cloud..
it was so beautiful!

And I thought…

“yeah, that’s it…
wake up and notice what’s around me…
I’ve been missing so much.”

And hence, this page…“Notice…Appreciate”…to take that image and idea and try to keep it in mind throughout my day…

  • first, it would help if I would slow down,
  • come back to the present moment,
  • and “notice”…that’s a big step right there…
  • and then to feel that sense of wonder and appreciation and gratitude for whatever it is that I’ve seen…
  • And hence… “Notice… Appreciate”


Note:  That’s one of  actual photos, above, that I took after I noticed the beauty of the sun peeking out.  I brought this post up from April posts, because I want to keep this idea more current in my mind.

A similar idea from another site called  Reflections from a Friend: Warmth, Love, Appreciation

I found a lovely poem by Pat Cegan, in her blog called “Source for Inspiration” .  I took the last few lines of her poem and put them onto a “page”, to help me keep these ideas in mind…similar  to the “notice…appreciate” ideas. I also printed out 2 small copies and one is  now taped on the edge of my computer monitor and the other is above the kitchen sink…it seems to be one of those days when that reminder is a helpful one…

awwww….this is nice…Pat added my “card” to her blog… : )   Really, Pat’s words are such a lovely reminder…  : )

In addition:  … Amazing (!!!) youtube nature/sun and clouds slide show: Morning Has Broken, sung by Cat Stevens  (click, play, full screen, feel the beauty….) A different youtube slide show. Notice & Appreciate… (omg…who are these amazing people creating youtube videos???? wow…I say…wow! )

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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9 Responses to Notice…..Appreciate

  1. Pat Cegan says:

    This is a consistent theme of mine, too, Kathy. Thanks for reminding us that we need to pay attention to all the gifts our Creator gives us each day. Hugs, pat


  2. becca givens says:

    Indeed – we must all learn to consistently look around us and appreciate the gifts generously bestowed upon us – each day, each minute … thank you for the reminder. 🙂


  3. hugmamma says:

    Small things are the stuff of life. Before I renamed my blog, with my daughter’s help, to “Hugmamma’s Mind, Body, and Soul,” it had been “Hugmamma’s Attention to Detail.” The change was to broaden my readership. But I’ve always been about noticing the little things. Those remain; the big stuff, job, money, house, come and go. Our daily ritual, and the other mundane trivia are what we take with us to the grave.

    we should find joy in them…and make them the best they can be. 🙂


  4. Pingback: “Appreciate…be grateful” | Pocket Perspectives

  5. Pingback: “Pause…notice…appreciate….be grateful…” | Pocket Perspectives

  6. Pingback: Re-minding ourselves to take time to “pause, notice, appreciate, be grateful”….so much abundance in our lives | Pocket Perspectives

  7. Pingback: Reminding ourselves to take time to “pause, notice, appreciate, be grateful”….so much abundance in our lives…Nurturing Thursday | Pocket Perspectives

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