Reminding ourselves to take time to “pause, notice, appreciate, be grateful”….so much abundance in our lives… Nurturing Thursday



I’ve posted the “Pause, Notice, Appreciate, Be Grateful”  images and ideas, some of my favorites, a number of times…including July, 2011, July, 2012 and December, 2012…adding this today as part of Nurturing Thursdays, at Becca Givens’ blog.


I think it’s so important to keep this awareness and appreciation in the forefront of our minds.  I help myself remember to do this by keeping these images in full view….right there in front of me….as bright “suncatchers” in our windows,  printed on paper and hung on walls,  printed as bookmarks, holding places in books…ongoing re-minders and inspirations….

to live our lives with this underlying motivation….
to pause,
to look around us and notice,
to become more aware of  the abundance of positives around us in each moment
to pause, to notice, to appreciate and to be grateful.


Expanding on some ideas that were in the “Notice…Appreciate”  post…to help remind ourselves to follow simple steps that might lead to a more ongoing sense of appreciation and  gratefulness…and so for us to take moments, many times a day… to become aware of each of our senses,  our thoughts, our minds, our hearts, our relationships….



the oval window suncatcher…
“whispering” a suggestion



And so today,
and in the following days,
to practice taking moments…
to pause, notice, appreciate and be grateful,
to linger with that positive sense
in whatever ways we might be able




Of all those awarnesses, a  warm heart… perhaps the most precious.  Living with, encouraging and nurturing one’s own warm heart, noticing and appreciating others’ warm hearts, contributing to developing warmth in every person’s heart… the beauty of a warm heart.



encouraging,  and being grateful for,
every single being who lives with
…a warm heart…








I’ve created many “pages” and posts that relate to these ideas. Some of these include:
Plant Flowers, Pull Weeds Developing positives, letting go of negatives
Right now, I’m alright”  Appreciating that right now, everything is “okay”
True to my North Star..but also in this moment, I am loved enough, fed enough….
“Taking in the Good” …. and link to  the Pocket Perspectives youtube channel
“Feelings like clouds, moving on…”  feelings come and go, to develop more acceptance
“Notice….appreciate”, one of the first pages about slowing down and noticing positives
“Truly appreciating the miracle of …now”   To notice and appreciate the fleeting moments of “now”
“Noticing the “wow” in each moment of now”




About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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9 Responses to Reminding ourselves to take time to “pause, notice, appreciate, be grateful”….so much abundance in our lives… Nurturing Thursday

  1. lauriesnotes says:

    Always inspiring. Thank you. I love how you keep your words in full view. I’m working on that ♡


  2. Robin says:

    Pausing now to notice, appreciate and be grateful for your post. 🙂


  3. a beautiful post, to read right now, as I reflect on the impact of Nelson Mandela’s life on our world. He would love these words, this awareness, I can’t help but think that.


    • oh… I hadn’t seen the news today until you wrote that…what a great man he was…truly a hero… here’s a video from this summer urging people to offer time to others to generously help and support those in need…here’s a link

      Just added to Reflections from a Friend…

      Nelson Mandela … a truly great man

      Nelson Mandela…a truly great man
      A video release on his birthday…July 18,2013
      born July 18, 1918

      A few inspiring quotes from that video….

      ” my admiration….a great man…Nelson Mandela”
      “perseverance, forgiveness, strength, wisdom and grace…”
      “the embodiment of magnanimity and reconciliation …”
      “dedication to others…his inspiration to serve, as he did, to build a more just and peaceful world…”
      ” to celebrate by following his example…by doing your best to help others, with a full, happy, grateful heart…”
      “take action, inspire change, make everyday a Mandela Day…”
      “for one another, together we can create a better world…”
      “thank you for your example….”


      May we all live our lives….
      inspired by, and living with, the heartfelt qualities of this great man…
      Nelson Mandela


  4. Pingback: Good things are happening….all the time | Pocket Perspectives

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