“Life changes….so appreciate and share what we have…make the most of this very moment right now



life changes...appreciate and share what we have ....make the most of this moment right now



a few words of wisdom that I’ve been trying to live by, especially throughout  the past few days…

We all “know” that life changes… we have  “awareness” that the time of  inevitable change is uncertain… but…. we may tend to feel surprised by “unwanted”  changes when they happen, not “expecting” them quite when they do happen, not “expecting” the changes to “really” happen… perhaps, not realizing to appreciate what we do have each moment


Although I intellectually “know” that life changes, I’m often  very surprised and taken aback when it does change, especially with changes that I don’t want…. such a surprise… and such a surprise that I am surprised!


So to do our best to increase our awareness and understanding to appreciate what we have in each moment, while what we value is  here in our lives… …to share, appreciate and value each other… to live with fullness and appreciation in this moment, to make the moment of each moment now… with appreciation, generosity and goodness in our hearts, to live with a sense of contentment and happiness


And so… for each and every one of us… no matter what changes may have happened,  be happening, or about to happen, to realize it’s possible to live in a peaceful and steady manner… no matter what is….or is not…happening

more words below, received several years ago from the same friend who wrote the words above, May each and every one of us  have a happy day today

wishing you a relaxing and productive day...full of happiness and a peaceful and stable mind


Saturday morning:  Oh my goodness, as I just was about to push “publish,”  I got more news…more changes… about another  new emergency with  Nali, our golden retriever… further complications… more “unanticipated” changes and problems… we just authorized her being transferred in 30 minutes… by pet ambulance transport  to UCDavis Veterinary School Center, about 50 miles away…they think they might be able to  save her life there…. goodness me… dear,sweet, Nali… we visited her last night and she was happy to see us…. All of these changes keep coming as such surprises!  ….so, we’re shifting into taking care of things today…hopefully with  peaceful and stable minds… hoping for the best…that she lives…As it says above…change happens,  but the time of change is uncertain….there’s no way to know…we’ll do what we can… please hold positive healing wishes for Nali… thank you… kathy, peter, julie and nali Sunday afternoon:  We are so sad…..very, very sad. Nali passed away this afternoon at the UCDavis Vet Hospital….there were just too many infections and lung complications after the 2 surgeries.  She had wonderful interventions and care at UCDavis, but her body just couldn’t handle it all. Thankfully, we were with her as she passed away…just quietly and gently. We are very, very sad…. but also incredibly thankful to have had her in our lives for 11 years…she was such a gentle, loving, precious and tender being….we loved her very deeply and dearly….she will be deeply missed…we are so thankful to have had her in our lives… deeply thankful…we will miss her….


December, 2013: we continue to deeply miss Nali, but are so thankful to have had her in our lives…a link to an older  post, with some ideas “from” Nali …about comfort and “comings and goings”  “Comfort….shhhh…it’s going to be okay…”  Ohhhh…the “comings and goings” of loved ones in our lives….

Nali comings and goings


December, 2013: Our “Nali-vue” room… a room filled with a deep sense of sweetness, goodness, gentleness and love…as was reflected in Nali’s life…

backroom nali vue sweetness 3a


About Pocket Perspectives

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12 Responses to “Life changes….so appreciate and share what we have…make the most of this very moment right now

  1. SuziCate says:

    Holding Nali up in positive healing thoughts and for you all as well.


  2. Roberta says:

    oxoxoox for Nali…


  3. sufilight says:

    I love the way you take a difficult challenge and work through it by writing an inspirational post. Keeping Nali in my positive, love filled thoughts.


    • thank you Marie…she is settled in at Davis and resting… and being carefully monitored, treated and taken care of. They seem extremely attentive and kind.

      I seem to have lots to learn… sometimes more peaceful and quiet, but then challenges arrive…and yes, that’s how I try to work my through challenges….by creating the images, “pages” and words in posts.
      btw…I wonder if you recognize the words in the first card…those were in a response to a question on rfaf in 12/2011… something you had written. I changed one of the words from the response…something I wouldn’t usually do…from the original word J. used to “changes”… I just am not ready for the other word….especially not now…. ah, changes…


  4. sufilight says:

    Glad she is resting, Kathy. No, I didn’t recognize the words from 12/11, I just resonated with the message as it’s one of my explorations as well.


  5. Pingback: 6/29/13 Change is certain….live our life now…appreciate and share what we have now | Reflections From a Friend

  6. Changes we don’t anticipate,, changes that take our breath away.
    Sometimes it is just so difficult to accept that all things are meant to be.
    Yet we know it is certain.
    And as certain we are that changes are a necessary component of living, so be it as well that we find certainty in the acceptance of even the difficult changes, even those we can never understand.
    My heart is broken for you Kathy.
    Sending healing energy in loving sisterhood ~ .


  7. Pingback: Comfort: shhhhhhhhhhhh….it’s going to be okay… with time, it will be okay… | Pocket Perspectives

  8. Pingback: Comfort: Shhh….it’s going to be okay | Pocket Perspectives

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