Climbing our own “ladders” of possibility… living with inspiration, determination and possibility

Ladders of possibilities  Carleton Road


Kathy’s 96 year old Aunt Okie (link to Okie’s blog: 96 years old and still writing ) recently wrote up a recollection about an experience from when she was in her 80’s… a simple little experience that I think provides inspiration to those of us seeking to live with continuing, expanding possibilities… enriched goals, inspirations and aspirations…. not living with limitations of what we perhaps might not be able to do…rather with the open “possibilities” of what we can do… right now, this minute, this month, this year… creating our own “ladders” of possibility…whether simply adding a little “E” to a road sign or undertaking major shifts in life…

As you read, perhaps keep in mind….


Ladders of Possibilities Carleton Road Meredith NH written by Okie Howe


Can you believe that? What a sense of purpose, independence, creativity and determination!  And, that pleasant, older gentleman friend? He held the ladder while Okie, in her 80’s,  climbed way up to paint in the little E!  (That sign post was unusually  tall!…tall enough to be visible above high snowbanks!)

I love Okie’s response to the passing driver who expressed disbelief about what he was seeing….simply… “I’m fixing things”… no more, no less… a simple and adequate explanation.


Ladders of Possibility... Carleton Road, Meredith NH


And so….for each and everyone of us, no matter what our “age”….to gain inspiration from Okie’s choices. (see Okie’s blog for more more feisty inspirations and perspectives)

Each of us, hopefully  continuing to develop and nurture our own sense of purpose, independence, determination, inspiration and creativity…each of us being willing to climb our own “ladders” of possibility!

(I’m guessing that the ladder Okie used may have been a rickety old ladder found in somebody’s barn… perhaps a bit lopsided, but obviously good enough to do the job!)


climbing the ladder of possibilities... Okie, Carleton Road, Meredith NH


I’d like to “dedicate” this post to several other inspirational bloggers,
bloggers living with such a rich sense of adventure,
bloggers who are providing all of us with so much inspiration…
people who are actively living, choosing,
and climbing their own “ladders” of possibility….
thank you for your inspiration!
(links, below, to their blog posts about the changes they are making)

She Who Walks in Beauty,
“Baby Boomers Busting Out!”
Joss is selling her home in NovaScotia
and moving with her husband to France/Europe,
and other places as yet undetermined

Breezes at Dawn,
another adventuresome spirit
who recently moved from the Bogs of Ohio
all the way to the Atlantic Ocean…
purchased a home and large property
on the Maryland shore,
a new life filled with wonder, unexpected treasures and surprises

Growing Younger Each Day,
I Choose How I Will Spend the Rest of My Life
(a kindred spirit to Okie, for sure!)
selling her home in New Zealand and traveling to Paris and Europe,
other destinations still open


Thank you to all of you,
who live with such a strong sense of exploration and possibility…
bringing your own dreams to life…
offering inspiration to us all…
setting an example for what can “be”….
choices we also can make…
dreams we can live!
thank you!



Ladders of possibilities  Carleton Road


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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11 Responses to Climbing our own “ladders” of possibility… living with inspiration, determination and possibility

  1. I feel a bit like your Aunt Okie. Don’t like the way things have been looking around here i.e. around my life, so I’m climbing up and fixing it! So easy to just sit back and sigh and wish when, really, we can always be up and about and fixing things! Smile all the way through reading this post!


  2. Pingback: “A Correction, From Carlton to Carleton” | 96 Years Old and Still Writing: Okie's Poems

  3. judithhb says:

    Of course, I am planning to be just like Okie and I have several years to practice before I reach her age and her inspiration. Thanks for the pingback.


  4. Thanks so much for posting this great inspiration from Aunt Okie. Your timing couldn’t have been better — for today I almost gave up my dream to accept the limitations of my life as it is now. I thought I had finally come to accept & live with defeat when Aunt Okie reminded me that it would always burn inside. Your list has inspired me to look at this from another direction. Thank-you so very much.


    • Oh, I’m so happy that you were able to gain some positive inspirations from Okie’s words and experience… I’ll tell Okie that it made a difference to you…she’ll be pleased. We’re all plugging away at our dreams, some days at a faster pace than other days. Wishing you the best…warmest wishes to you…


  5. Robin says:

    Thank you for the shout out, Kathy, and for this wonderful post. You are one of the people who inspire me, and your Aunt Okie sounds like someone I’d love to know. 🙂


  6. sufilight says:

    This made me smile! Especially when she said the incident with the street sign happened years ago when she was in her 80’s. I love her spirit. I hope to be this independent when I reach her age. 🙂


  7. mj1978 says:

    Reblogged this on My Blog.


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