Stillness….the beauty of a quiet mind

Stillness…the “beauty” of a quiet mind

Stillness, a quiet mind


I’ve posted this “stillness” image several times before,
but have been reminded about this idea repeatedly in the past week…
the beauty of stillness…
the beauty of a quiet mind


I received an email newsletter this morning…from Oprah Lifeclass…
Here’s what Oprah wrote…

“If I only had one gift to offer you, it would be STILLNESS…. What I know for sure: Being STILL at least once a day will enhance your life. It’s your recharge, your breathing space, your chance to reconnect with you. So I’m delighted to invite you to join Deepak Chopra and me — in STILLNESS.”


Stillness, a quiet mind, Oprah gift to offer you


Taking time to sit and access a sense of stillness
is sometimes referred to as…. “sitting”
Each of us can access our own reasons for “sitting”
perhaps better health,
maybe more clarity in thinking,
perhaps less reactivity and  more calmness in one’s life…
maybe an increased sense of vibrancy and positive energy

Stillness, clarity positive energy

For me, a strong motivator is….
access to a sense of “beauty”
the beauty that’s more accessible with a quiet mind,
the beauty of a quiet mind,
more awareness of beauty in my everyday life,
more awareness of the beauty in others and myself,
more awareness of the beauty in our “basic nature”
beauty in it’s multitude of facets

stillness a quiet mind simple beauty

I recently listened to an online talk…
A very special monk, Geshe Gyalten, spoke about
how we may experience a  sense of “suffering” in everyday life,
but to remember….
that even though there may be “suffering” IN life,
life is NOT suffering.
One can learn perspectives, strategies and skills to decrease
a sense of  tension or unhappiness,
to uncover that beautiful quietness, calmness and steadiness.
He went on to say…
“life is actually very beautiful”


Stillness a quiet mind life is actually very beautiful

Well, any of you who follow Pocket Perspectives may be aware….
when I come upon an idea that I think is insightful or  helpful…
I start creating with it…
creating “pages”…reminders…suncatchers…
helping myself to be inspired by the light in the ideas…
and to start “living” those ideas…

Using “beauty” as an inspiration…a motivator…
Being inspired to “sit”…to study… to learn…to live…
with the inspiration of “beauty”
beauty…a quiet mind…access to our basic nature…

Stillness quiet mind life is very beautiful


I created translucent “suncatchers” for various windows in our home…
using photos from beautiful places where I’ve felt that beautiful quietness,
the trail to Greeley Pond,  the stillness of Greeley Pond, the Quinault Rainforest,
the light shining through…
beauty, indeed…


stillness sitting and beauty

and so…
a few words of encouragement for myself and others who might be interested…
perhaps accessing quiet, insight, energy…
and beauty


stillness a the beauty of  a quiet mind~



If anyone would like a “suncatcher,”…
if you think a “suncatcher” hanging in one of your own windows
might inspire a bit of  “quiet” or “beauty,”
I have lots of extras….and would be happy to share them…
I give them away….I’m happy to share…
I’ll add my email address in the top of the comments section of this post…
just email me and send your address and I’m happy to send one along…
it’s such a happy thought to think of them hanging in other people’s windows too…


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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17 Responses to Stillness….the beauty of a quiet mind

  1. Pocket Perspectives….Kathy’s email….
    I’m happy to share…. : )


  2. Raphael's Legacy says:

    Great blog and thanks for posting again, thoughtful, powerful, engaging and calming, sincere regards, Barry


  3. “Stillness” sits right in the center over the kitchen window. Thank you for this gift and others. You are certainly a kindred blogging spirit.


  4. nrhatch says:

    Stillness is a wonderful way to recharge our batteries. I have a piece of drfitwood hanging on the wall in our sunroom that reads . . . Just Be. đŸ˜€


  5. This is a lovely post, Kathy. Stillness is something I try to cultivate as often as possible, and it does take a lot of focus to find it sometimes. The noise of the world tries to penetrate and rob any thought of quiet. I practice yoga, and for me, the big draw that keeps me coming is the external quiet and the internal stillness. I have several photographs throughout my house that are my equivalent, I suppose, of the sun catchers. What a very clever way to keep your focus. oxo


    • thank you…isn’t “stillness” remarkable? It’s not easy for me to have/access a quiet mind, either…. very busy mind here, too. Isn’t it interesting that photos can inspire a sense of stillness…happy to hear you have a few for inspiration, too.
      The colors etc of the suncatchers change throughout the day, depending on window orientation, so my wandering attention tends to notice them…taking advantage of that curious mind, I guess.


  6. becca givens says:

    Such a wonderful post — filled with gems of truth and appreciation. Thank you for sharing!


  7. sufilight says:

    I too love beauty, especially the beauty of nature. This is post is filled with wonderful reminder to have my quiet moments and tune in to the beauty of the spirit.


    • Nature does provide such access to a sense of quiet, stillness, goodness and beauty. I wonder if those qualities we resonate with when outside in the midst of nature partly just reminds us of what’s “within” us already? …I’m guessing maybe so. Nature is lovely in it’s own essence, but also a reminder of our own essence or spirit?


  8. Robin says:

    Glad I came back to have a look. I joined the Oprah and Deepak challenge, too. đŸ™‚


    • Happy you came by, Robin. I think that Oprah bringing attention to…and encouraging…. the value of “stillness” is quite remarkable…the idea of “quieting the mind” getting into everyday lives…wow!


  9. Pingback: Offering blessings to each other…if you needed me, I would come to you… | Pocket Perspectives

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