Surprising myself….with curiosity, courage and strength

surprise myself with curiosity and courage

During the next few days, I’m doing something I might not ordinarily do…
going somewhere I might not ordinarily go,
surprising myself,
stepping outside my “ordinary”
choosing something new, enjoying curiosity,
and taking a chance on a bit of an adventure

And sometimes doing this
seems to take some courage and strength…
like on the sunflower page…
following those suggestions
stand tall, back straight, chin up, face the sun….

courage of the sunflower, stand tall,  back straight, chin up, face the sun


And so…
combining curiosity, adventure, trying new things
while accessing the strength and optimism of the sunflower


surprising myself with courage, strength and optiimism


Surprise myself!


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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17 Responses to Surprising myself….with curiosity, courage and strength

  1. rock on! I love this. Life brings us so much seriousness, how wonderful to think, to know, that we can bring the element of surprise in and experience the joy of that.


  2. sufilight says:

    After reading this I feel more motivated to surprise myself this year. I will like the sunflower stand straighter with chin up and face the sun. 😀


    • Oddly enough, imaging that sense of the sunflower does seem to help me access strength and optimism…I posted it just before we left Friday morning, to shift back into that sense. We drove up to Ashland, Oregon for a weekend seminar….and we all had a very special weekend… outside of our “ordinary” 😀


  3. PS: I tagged you in a blog challenge. Challenging, it is, too! If you’d prefer no to play, I completely understand! It’s time consuming, and I know how little of that there is sometime. Check my site tomorrow on 2-17.


    • thanks Becca….we definitely stepped outside of our “ordinary” everyday weekend activities …(and drove 6 hours each way to get there) ….especially my H and D ….. and thankfully, we all enjoyed and appreciated what we were doing, learning and sharing….a special time for sure! And we were with so many other kind and nurturing people…it was like being immersed in your “nurturing Thursdays”…. now what could be more special than that???? 😀


  4. dearrosie says:

    what a great idea to look to the plants and be inspired by the strength and optimism of the sunflower
    I look forward to seeing what you’re going to do.


    • I’m guessing that the physical posture and orientation toward the sun leads to that sense of strength and optimism…and of course that bright sunflower face. 😀
      We drove up to Ashland, Oregon for a very nurturing, interesting and supportive 3 day seminar…. with lots of other wonderful people who have been participating in these seminars for many years… a very special group of people with such positive ideas…. And we went to a play on Sunday night too…My Fair Lady…which was also wonderful!


  5. There is an ancient practice in Indian country of greeting the sun with gratitude for another day.Thank you for visiting my blog,and for your hopeful writing.


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