Surprise myself….consider NOT choosing “my ordinary…”



Sometimes, it can be easy to get “into a rut”
choosing the routine or the  “ordinary”
perhaps NOT expanding…
NOT trying new ideas, activities or perspectives

And so…
perhaps instead,
to shift gears,
to surprise oneself
by not choosing the ordinary



Every few months….
I benefit from reminding myself
(or maybe giving myself a “protein boost”)
to “surprise myself,”
to get out of repetitive ruts, habits or limitations.

There are so many activities, classes, people and opportunities
to choose to explore, reach out, expand, experiment,
to consider not choosing
“the ordinary”


a bit like my own version of a delicious Jamba Juice with a protein boost
I need to add my own “energy boost”


tapping into
my own motivation, energy, initiative…


and one of the most satisfying of all
help someone else….

there are so many people who might benefit
from our creativity, energy, ideas and support

and so….
to learn to tap into and use our positive energies
to create new possibilities, opportunities and perspectives
to wake up…
to surprise myself,
to surprise ourselves
by not choosing our “ordinary”




A few hours after this was posted: maybe I’m even more “suggestible” than I thought???….this afternoon, I actually managed to download (or upload?)  some audio lectures  that I was interested in…then  managed to “unzip” them, open them, save them, get them into itunes….and then…amazingly enough!….even transferred (uploaded???… downloaded???) them to the itunes/music part of my iphone…and now I can listen to them anytime…wow…ALL BY MYSELF….no one here to help me out…I did it!…talk about “surprise myself!”….I certainly did!…maybe I’ll try to “surprise myself ” in little ways (or big ways, but little ways are also fine with me) throughout this week….a page to notice and remember some ways I “surprise myself”



About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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21 Responses to Surprise myself….consider NOT choosing “my ordinary…”

  1. Kate Kresse says:

    I love this!! and, may I add, I really, really needed to hear this today.


  2. I’m happy that you might benefit from this idea too…I sure need it today! I’ve used this idea over a period of several years and it seems to help “get me going.” …and as you mentioned in your other comment from “today is your moment, now is your story”…they do fit together well. Thanks for noticing that and bringing it to my attention!
    ( )


  3. Eric Winger says:

    I’m not surprised to hear you were successful. 🙂



  4. nrhatch says:

    It’s great to create those unexpected surprises. Congrats on your audio tape experience . . . enjoy the lectures.


  5. It isn’t hard to get into a rut, that’s for sure! Especially if we’re not particularly uncomfortable. I love the idea of surprising myself. And good for you for downloading the lectures. There are some great things out there if we just get over the fear of technology! Ha! Debra


  6. stuartart says:

    We’re on the same page you and I. 🙂


  7. sufilight says:

    I chuckled out loud and celebrated your uploading or dowloading the lectures and doing everything by yourself. I know the feeling of accomplishment without asking for help. I always have Phil to help me but actually do a little victory dance when I, Marie , did all by myself! 🙂 Enjoyed your message on getting out of ruts. THANK YOU for this!


    • Yay for both of us when we accomplish tech challenges!
      And getting out of ruts… a common challenge, I think. I’m finding doing that to be a bit more challenging when not having an actual “job”…motivation was easier as a teacher than as a…umm….a transitioner… I’m thinking of starting a group “teachers without principals”… twp….no boss watching…being independently motivated to actively live by one’s principles…Now starting a group called that would certainly be a surprise!


  8. sufilight says:

    Sounds like a good plan, Kathy! 🙂


  9. Robin says:

    Great idea! I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately. Thanks. 🙂


  10. I hope some of the ideas might give a boost! Strangely enough, I’ve been doing lots of surprising things since I posted this…without deliberately trying! I also printed out that bottom blank star page and have been jotting down “surprising/unexpected/unusual” things I’ve done each day…I’m surprising myself! Good luck!
    (isn’t finding “motivation” an interesting endeavor?…I find it kind of fascinating and am exploring this “quest/confusion” in some new image pages… Don Quixote, here I come!… )


  11. I like the way you explained about “Surprise myself….consider NOT choosing “my ordinary…” Thanks for sharing this great info with us.


  12. Pingback: Surprising ourselves….”Mystery School”….Bevie and Bo…away we go! | Pocket Perspectives

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