Living as both the potter and the clay….shaping, shifting, evolving, transforming


I had a recent post about “being the hammer, not the  nail…”
After posting those ideas, I was really uncomfortable with the images.
I realized that I actually “live” in a more subtle manner,
not hammering, not pounding…
(although more of that might be helpful)
but living with more gentleness….
perhaps a bit more like a potter and the clay?


Having the flexibility and agility to shift back and forth
from being like the potter…
doing, shaping, flexing
to being more like the clay…
shifting, flowing, evolving
back and forth…back and forth
from “doing” to “being”
from giving to receiving
from shaping to shifting
the flexibility, the agility…to be like both the potter and the clay
back and forth…back and forth



 using the “gifts” of the potter…



and the “gifts” of  the clay



in both roles…
both as the potter and the clay,
using gentleness, steadiness, calmness and sensitivity



so simple,
but sometimes seeming complex
back and forth, back and forth



at times seeming complex
…simple as can be…



simple as can be



About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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23 Responses to Living as both the potter and the clay….shaping, shifting, evolving, transforming

  1. 5kidswdisabilities says:

    Love the metaphor!


  2. thanks…I like the flexibility in it… hope it works for you! 😀


  3. So many actions involved in crafting one of these. You push our boundaries.


    • Hi Georgette, I’m guessing that we’re all “doing” or “being” many of these ways/actions or living and interacting with these qualities all day, every day…we just might not realize that we are. My hope, for myself, is to bring these into my own awareness and nurture and develop them…it might be similar to a “go with the flow” idea…


  4. nrhatch says:

    Watching a pot emerge from a skilled potter’s wheel is always a treat! The end result is often a bit of a surprise, eh?


  5. “throwing” pots is amazing.. it’s mesmerizing as it spins and shapes and feels a bit like magic as one makes them…and if you aren’t steady, weird pots do emerge….big surprises, indeed!


  6. eof737 says:

    I love your imagery and photos… Life is that for all of us isn’t it… TY for the reminder. 😉


  7. Don says:

    I’ve always found the image of the potter and the clay deeply meaningful. I love the way you perceive it, especially – “at times seeming complex but…simple as can be…” Really enjoyed your post.


    • Thank you so much…I’m so happy you relate to the ideas. I loved creating/”throwing” pots around 25 years ago, and that wonderful sense of flow and “simple as can be” is still lingering within me…easier for me to achieve on the wheel than living in real life…but an aspiration for sure! : )


  8. Wonderful photos to illustrate the point! So true and worth thinking about daily! Blessings, Debra


  9. Synth Real says:

    I love the reflective nature of realizations made from interacting with a worldly element you provide in this post. The act of creativity, no matter what the medium or process is inspiring. It intersects thought with action and vice versa as the conditions of what is being manipulated change. The simple joy received from creating, the nuanced and large challenges whether successful or not, provide insight in that which is turning into what could be, thanks for sharing.


  10. cuhome says:

    I really like this idea! Every subtle movement makes such a difference in the outcome!


    • thank you…Janet, it’s so nice when you drop by and offer some words for what I’m trying to say in these images…I often can’t find the words….and that’s just right “every subtle movement makes such a difference in the outcome! ” That’s one of the ideas I was trying to bring to my own consciousness…to be aware of that (maybe “beware” too?)….the beauty of subtlety, and also the power in it as it leads to outcomes….thank you for the words.


  11. Wow, that’s great. Thanks for sharing about “Living as both the potter and the clay….shaping, shifting, evolving, transforming.” I think you’ve made some truly interesting points. Not too many people would actually think about this the way you just did. Hope you keep update your post.


  12. Pingback: Agape is…the Stuff of Which Your Dreams Are Made (Pr 31) | Lisa Shah Escape

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