“Guangualez”…encouraging “being” a strong, capable, independent woman

About 15 years ago, a woman who had been in the Peace Corps in Africa used this word…”Guangualez”….a word that she explained was used to describe the many strong, capable, independent African women with whom she had worked…


For so many years
I’ve found the ideas represented in that term
to be inspirational…
and these few weeks I’m reminding myself
to be aware, to access and use those qualities…
and perhaps a few other women might benefit, too
…and so I share…














… strong, capable, independent women…
as indeed,
we all are


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I just made a “to do” list…
with that reminder at the top….
uh oh…perhaps creating,
instead of doing the things that are going to be on that list…

I just put that list page on the table
and took care of/filled out
some extremely confusing forms, procedures etc…
with that term “guangualez”
reassuring me that I really could figure it out…

(click on “to do” list images to enlarge)

and a blank one…

pdf of printable guangualez pocket cards
on days that I think might be doing something challenging or difficult,
I really do put one of these cards in my pocket…
an affirmation of the potential for being
a strong, capable and independent woman

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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14 Responses to “Guangualez”…encouraging “being” a strong, capable, independent woman

  1. excellent. and what a great application, to put it at the top of a to do list because we truly are strong, capable, independent women. and we rock!!


  2. nrhatch says:

    Did you draw the crocodile/alligator? It’s awesome.

    I wouldn’t want to bump into it in a dark alley.


    • Yup, watch out for a croc/alligator like that….that’s the kind of determination I need some days!
      I love that croc/alli…but, I didn’t draw it…it’s from the program that I use to create pages (print shop)


  3. cuhome says:

    Great images and very well done message to go along with them!


  4. Brilliant!!!!

    And, it is my pleasure to nominate you for the Commentator’s Award, for all you do to create a blogospheric community with your thoughtful, generous comments.

    If you wish to accept, simply follow the guidelines posted here:

    Gratitude for the Commentator Award


    • thanks… that croc is a great assistant!
      And thank you so much for that honor… in 3 weeks, once the school year is done and hopefully I have some energy back, I’ll have the time to thank, acknowledge and follow guidelines for the lovely honors that have been offered to pp in the past few months…


  5. Boy, that would make a great chant: strong, capable, independent! Lovin’ that alligator too. Forms? I wonder how many more the state of nj will send . . .I’m just retiring, not expiring.


    • I’ve been repeating those 3 adjectives as a kind of affirmation….taking each adjective and thinking of as many examples as I can of times I’ve been each particular way…actually more often than I realized.
      Can you believe the forms needed for retirement?!?!?…they really could use a few teachers to help them create procedures and forms that are more efficient and user friendly…well, I guess if we were expiring, at least we wouldn’t be the ones stuck filling them out? 🙄 …could be worse, I suppose??? : ) (I’m retiring from 2 different systems…so double fun!… )


  6. sufilight says:

    I needed this reminder, to see myself as strong, capable and independent. I know I am all those things, but sometimes, I don’t feel as strong and independent as i was in my 20’s and 30’s.


    • A few months ago a friend had commented that I was strong…I looked at him like he was crazy…or oblivious…then I sat down by myself and wrote as many times in my life as I could think of when I had been strong…focusing on the past 10 years…and the entire page was full…I really recommend trying that. I really hadn’t been thinking of how many things I’ve done where I had been strong, capable and independent.
      I’ve been thinking of adding a golden heart to the alligator…and adding “all this strength, capable-ness and independence is powered by a kind, caring and compassionate heart…”


  7. sufilight says:

    Good idea, Kathy! My page will probably be full too. 🙂 I am going to do the exercise, so thanks for the suggestion.


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