A Very Special Thought…. “So long as space remains….” a prayer from the DalaiLama and Shantideva

I receive several “daily quotes” on my home page….here’s a special one from today….

That quote, from one of the DalaiLama’s favorite prayers,
is part of “Shantideva’s Prayer”…
a prayer of deeply felt compassion, aspiration and intention,
written in the eighth century…



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16 Responses to A Very Special Thought…. “So long as space remains….” a prayer from the DalaiLama and Shantideva

  1. zendictive says:

    a wonderful wish for all (~_~)


  2. what a beautiful healing prayer. I am holding it in my heart.


  3. This is so beautiful – thank you so much for sharing.


  4. veehcirra says:

    It speaks to my heart…


  5. granbee says:

    I immediately shared this on my Facebook timeline! This prayer just really covers all the areas that we allow to disturb our own peace. We need to simply BE WITH and REST IN the solutions–compassion, service, love, warmth, attentiveness.


  6. nrhatch says:

    Beautiful! As you know, I’m a big fan of the Dalai Lama. His philosophy mirrors my own . . . well, probably the other way around. 😉


    • yes….a wonderful philosophy that is shared by many…I think that the DalaiLama is a truly remarkable person…I’m amazed by his very busy travel and teaching schedule…in addition to many hours every day of meditation and helping the Tibetan people…but I guess his deep commitment to compassion and helping others energizes him and makes that possible.


  7. dearrosie says:

    Thanks for the link to these beautiful words. It’s a poem our school children should all learn.


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