Brainstorming strategy charts for… “Opening up to & CREATING a good outcome”

4/15 Sunday Morning Note: this post is turning out to be an ongoing process…it’s a thinking/brainstorming post that seems to keep getting additions every few hours…it’s a work in process, with new ideas, charts etc being added as I come up with them…I’m trying to wake up my thinking…and adding ideas as I get more clarity…it could be renamed…. 

“Moving beyond
simply having faith in a good outcome…

to actually creating a good outcome”…
or perhaps…
“tumbling around…
with both the intuitive (images) and linear (charts) brain”

4/14 Saturday evening: I used to love making charts, but haven’t made many recently… well, I guess I still do love making them…this evening, the urge returned.

I realized that to get to those potentially “good outcomes” from Thursday’s post, “Faith in a good outcome,” I’d need to come up with more structured strategies.

The hope, the aspiration, the intention, the faith…
they’re all very important starts…
but usable strategies can help the progress, too

So…a few preliminary strategies for thinking and planning….

I started with that image
and then came up with a chart for filling in usable strategies and steps…
and thought perhaps others who are making transitions
might find some of these ideas helpful too…

so, here we go….
a left brain approach…
right brain doing the tango with the left brain

4/14 Saturday night’s chart:

Please, click on image to enlarge
(it’s a bit blurry…there is a pdf copy below and several less blurry, expanded charts)

Well….that’s what I had fun creating this evening….
…next step…
……fill it in…..


A good quote that I added to that earlier post this afternoon, but I’ll add it here, too…
the realization that taking steps IS making the dots
that WILL connect
and WILL lead to outcomes..
…………so to choose those dots carefully and go toward positives……..

4/15 Sunday Morning: I just made a longer, expanded chart that includes additional sections for

  • identifying which positive qualities  seem to make experiences more enjoyable, specific to each of us
  • looking for patterns in activities we enjoy
  • brainstorming  about activities we might do, to start including more of those qualities
  • reflecting on all of these ideas to support creating activities or pursuits with more positives…
  • btw…I actually learned how to look at the important underlying qualities from MJ Ryan, the author of that book “The Power of  Patience”…I met with her one summer for coaching on how to figure out what else I might want to do in my life…  : )  She really helped me learn how to think like this. She is an amazing woman!

4/15 Here (just below)  is a pdf link to a copy of the new, longer chart: I would love to get ideas about other areas to include etc…or feedback…slightly vulnerable, so careful, please.  (I’ve made charts like these for years, but haven’t shown them to others…so taking a chance here….)

Creating Good Outcomes Chart:  Click link to: pdf chart: Moving Beyond “Faith in a Good Outcome” to “Creating Good Outcomes”   including a reflections page (uh oh…I see it’s a bit blurry…anyone know why that might be happening? Or how to get it to clear up?  I just added the jpegs of the new chart,and a different font pdf at the bottom of this post. Later:  I just printed the pdf’s and they seem to  print clearly)

4/15 Sunday morning…okay…I’ll try to insert the jpeg photos of those blurry pdf new chart pages…see if this is more readable.

Okay…new page….
lying in a quiet, magical opening in  the forest….
….ferns and pretty leaves all around…
a tiny little brook gurgling gently and playfully beside me….
staring up at the beautiful blue sky through the light canopy of leaves….
……reflecting…day dreaming…imagining….

Here is a special insight added in the comments sections of this post…from Nancy (Hatch) from the blog “Spirit Lights the Way”….her ideas provide such a good balance to the charts…and so….for all of us to pause a moment, reflect on her ideas and to stay open to this very special awareness and insight….to tap into that intuitive level….thank you  Nancy!

ahhhhh….I just love that soothing forest, as I ponder shifting and changing…ahhhhhh…..


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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28 Responses to Brainstorming strategy charts for… “Opening up to & CREATING a good outcome”

  1. Such a wonderful resource – thank you for sharing it with us ♥


    • Thanks….you might want take another look…I’ve added a lot of other ideas and chart pages this morning, after you viewed the post….it’s a bit topsy turvey…back and forth from Saturday evening to Sunday morning…. but evolving and emerging… : )


  2. what a great chart. Any chance you could convert it to a pdf file? Would love to use this for my own “Faith in a good outcome”.


    • Coming right up…I’ve expanded the chart. It now has more brainstorming for what one might have liked about past experiences and finding more experiences now to included those aspects. It’s an ambitious chart, but I think, at least for myself,it’s very usable and might be helpful….linear, but I need that now, I think.


      • oh my….Joss…watch out what you ask for….but thanks for asking…I was a bit laid back for myself, but I’ll usually activate more for helping out others….so your request for a pdf motivated me to expand my thinking/charting to look at those important preliminary thoughts….the post has changed…there is new information inserted…including how MJ Ryan, the author of The Power of Patience, actually encouraged me and showed me how to use this more strategic thinking in looking at personal life goals…. : )


        • comes out perfect here as pdf. thank you so much. You’ve put a lot of time and work into this and it is very appreciated by me. Definitely. am going to print this out and start filling it in. I have a huge decision to make having to do with the possiblity of relocating to another province. And I don’t seem to be moving forward with it. Am hoping this will help clarify what is going on as well as motivate me to move forward, whatever direction that takes.


          • Joss, I hope it helps…maybe you could come up with a variation for helping with your decision?…it’s a big one.
            I’m stuck too…I seem to be avoiding/refusing to actually fill out the official retirement application forms and sending them in…I can’t believe I’m doing that! Making major decisions can be difficult…that’s why I’m hoping that filling in the chart(s) might help me get myself going…with thinking about positive outcomes and possible opportunities…. wishing you well… : )


            • Me too. I feel like I have a foot in two different streams of possibility right now and of course,that means, I’m standing still. Usually when that happens it’s because I’m considering a course of action that I may want but am not sure is the one to take. So I’m hoping working through this will help. I’ll likely post about it later because I think many of us need help when making a major decision. Walk in beauty.


  3. veehcirra says:

    Kathy you are so creative. Thanks for sharing this. I love charts, they are easy to read and work on. Though I don’t have it in me to make some like you.


    • Thanks Vee…I revised it a bit…changed the order and a few words….and added a final page for “reflecting” on the ideas…for that day dreamer in me. : ) The charts are actually very easy to make…and fun! I like that challenge of getting mulitple ideas onto one page.


  4. nrhatch says:

    Your charts look great, Kathy. I expect they are very helpful in manufacturing change . . . and in recording progress.

    I use my journal in a similar way when I want to get from “HERE” to “THERE.” I list options, possibilities, wants, desires, dreams, etc. Sometimes when I look back (months or years later), I see that the desired change manifested itself. 😀


    • Thanks, Nancy…I just added another page…a “reflecting page”…non-linear….as a last page and included your words on it…those are good and helpful to reflect on… it’s remarkable how sometimes change will manifest over time without deliberate intention…a bit like that Stever Jobs quote. I think really positive changes can happen “intuitively”, without really conscious awareness…at least that sure happens for me. (but I’m a bit nervous about depending on only that right now : ) ) Thanks for your ideas. ps…I just added pretty ferns to that page too….


    • nrhatch says:

      I believe that. at our most authentic/intuitive level, we want (for us) what the Universe wants for us. So, unless we do something “counter-intuitive” . . . we manifest our dreams even if we aren’t consciously aware that they are “our” dreams.

      Our lives tend to unfold as they should . . . with or without our assistance. Sometimes they unfold as they should even with extreme resistance on our part (e.g., NO! I don’t want to change!).

      Perhaps bringing our intention to the mix, gets us where we are intended to be that much sooner ~ a move, a new career, better relationships, improved health, etc.


  5. sufilight says:

    You are very creative with images, charts and words and put your talents to good use, which is to uplift and inspire. Thanks for this! 🙂


    • thanks Marie…it was really enjoyable creating the charts… I’d really like to combine the charts and images…maybe another day… Hey!…I can add that to my potential activities! : )
      I changed the pdf copy of the chart…changed some words, changed the order/progression of pages and added a soothing green reflecting/dreaming page at the end…with words that Nancy used in her comment….and oh that pretty green….love that soothing! (maybe I’ll add that pretty fern background around and behind those charts….)
      PS…I just made and added the fern background to the reflecting page…at the end of the post…oh, I’m having so much fun with these ideas!


  6. How so very awesome. Just as I was thinking I’d love to ask if I can use this there is a statement by you that you’ll EVEN make blank copies if asked. How nice! I’m a new “follower” and love what I’m finding, you make it easy to jump on board. Thank you! Thank you.


    • Hi….welcome BB to pocket perspectives…..happy you found “us”…..just to reassure you…everything in this blog is put here to be happily shared with anyone who might find any of the materials or pages useful or helpful. Please feel free to print and use anything in this blog that you might like or find useful…it’s here to be happily shared. I love making these “pages,” whether they be image pages or charts….and I use them to help me “shift”….and it’s a bonus if others might find them helpful, too. (btw…the pdf’s look blurry on my screen, but they print clearly)


  7. Pingback: Hope is Beautiful « this time – this space

  8. granbee says:

    My “chart” is filled out every morning with my walking mediations in the woods near my home! I know first,middle and last to allow a LOT more silence (from myself!) in my life and just BE with myself and just BE with others in groups settings. This is an ongoing challenge, but one I am rising up to meet again each new day!


    • I was thinking of adding a suggestion to do one’s own guided meditation to complement that more linear approach…I think nurturing of these ideas can be so enhanced by quiet meditations, in whatever way works for each one of us…to access that intuitive part of ourselves..of course, the ending ideas of nestling down in a pretty forest area and staring up through the trees at the sky…I suppose that’s a mediation in itself… : ) …and yes…so much can be learned and nourished by “silence”..I’m learning similar lessons….at least I hope I am… : )


  9. stuartart says:

    These are excellent tools to get clearer. In my book I mention Lisa Sasevich’s technique of ‘Listen-Act-Trust’ which is similar to yours above. Our intuition is far more in tune with our core than our waking mind is. 🙂


  10. Pingback: Manifesting Our Dreams | Spirit Lights The Way

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