“Wishing you a relaxing and productive day, full of happiness and a peaceful and stable mind”

This is a kind wish that I received a few years ago…
and one  that’s now hanging as a “suncatcher” in our home….
lighting up a wish…

for a balance of ….
relaxation and productivity

a blossoming of…

and the developing of….
a peaceful, steady and stable mind…

And so I pass this wish along to every one of us….
may we nourish and develop all of these qualities
each and every day of our lives….

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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26 Responses to “Wishing you a relaxing and productive day, full of happiness and a peaceful and stable mind”

  1. as you wish for us, I wish for you.


  2. Kathy thank you for the inspiring post. And sharing the thought of happiness with us…


  3. tuesday2 says:

    I’m trying to find balance today…I’m not able to relax on this beautiful day because there is so much on my ‘to do list!’

    I should just get the work done and stop dreading it; it’s ruining this gorgeous sunny Saturday!


  4. I guess that’s a key…to learn to balance relaxation and productivity….ahhh…that “to do” list….maybe add “relax” to it?


  5. Team Oyeniyi says:

    Thanks, Kathy. A lovely thought to share. 🙂


  6. nrhatch says:

    Aah . . . peace! 😀


  7. What a wonderful, calming message. I shall remember it for this week. Thank you, Kath.


    • you’re very welcome…I’m so happy to share ideas I have or have received…and I find any ideas or suggestions that are calming to be very very welcome in my own mind…. especially during hectic or busy times


  8. Fergiemoto says:

    A great wish and message! Thank you.


  9. sufilight says:

    This message is very appropriate for me as lately I have taken on some projects and find myself too busy, as business on our end has to be attended to; so today my mate Phil and I went out to the park, relaxed chatted and then went to eat. I came back feeling balanced and relaxed enough to catch up with my favorite bloggers. 🙂


  10. Hi Marie….how special that you took some time away from pressure today for some connection and relaxation…and that you came back feeling more balanced and relaxed….I think that even pressured projects benefit from that more balanced mind…wishing you well…kathy


  11. veehcirra says:

    Such a lovely thought, thank you and you too 🙂


  12. eof737 says:

    As always, thoughtful and generous… Peace be with you too. 🙂


  13. You have such a beautiful way with words. And of course with pictures! Thankyou for continuing to share it with us.



  14. Robin says:

    Such a beautiful wish. Thank you. 🙂


  15. you’re very welcome…


  16. The Gospel of Barney says:

    My mind is peaceful, but since my stroke, steady has been tough!


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