Reflecting on…this past year, today, and the coming year…

















Some of my ideas…..





Perhaps a spot for  some of your own ideas….








May those of us who might be reflecting during the next few days…

review with clarity
ponder with insight
consider with love, gentleness and forgiveness
appreciate with heartfulness
prioritize with wisdom
wonder with depth and imagination



Those of you who are new to this blog…you might not know that I love bears!…and might not have seen the posts about the book “Bearable,” a book that I wrote for kids in my classroom, but which also applies to adults…it’s about getting going when things seem difficult….with ways we might avoid, shown with bear photos, and strategies to getting going and keep going….also using bear photos…it’s a cute book….potentially good basic ideas for anyone who does New Year’s Reflections or Resolutions….several  good, simple strategies in it.

Link to the post: Bearable post and book

Bearable: the slide show of the book, Bearable, on the Pocket Perspectives youtube channel.

Link to another post with  Bearable reminder cards, games and activities


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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22 Responses to Reflecting on…this past year, today, and the coming year…

  1. nrhatch says:

    Love these words and images. Polar bears are so AWESOME!!!


  2. Roberta says:

    Thank you! I will be doing all of the above! (:


    • Oh, you’re very welcome….I’m enjoying the pondering…already cajoled my husband and daughter to do a little reflecting along with me….not with too much enthusiasm, but still coming up with some wonderful insights…. we started with what we appreciated that each other had done or learned or participated in this past year….now that was special…. : )


  3. mommywritervkent says:



  4. granbee says:

    The greatest gift I have gained from blogging at wordpress these past 3 months or so has been a much stronger belief in myself, in what God has given me the gifts and abilities and life experiences to do. This is largely due to the wonderful insights and encouragements I have received and in learning from so many of you wonderfully creative folk out there in our online community. I truly need this as I go forward. This “Bearable” series is just awesome. It makes the points really stick inside our hearts and minds!


    • I’ve also had a similar experience since I’ve started my own blog(s) and have read soooooooooo many wonderful,insightful, inspiring blogs…I’ve changed/shifted/expanded sooooooooooo much and am also so thankful to the people I’ve read and who participate here…truly, it’s remarkable! And oh, I just love those bears….and “they” can be quite helpful….. : ) …”they’re” really something! I’m happy you gain value from the ideas… warm smiles to you….kathy


  5. Love this Kathy, it is so inspiring. You did hit the mark with each photo and sentiment.


    • Thank you so much…. And the bears?….I find anthropomorphizing and using images/symbols really provides a “backdoor” into my mind….way better than just talking to myself… : ) .
      I am simply stunned by the wonder of your art work…really it’s stunning!…(others who are here….wander over and take a look…stunning work! )and that’s exciting that you’re opening an online store. I wish you well….your art is powerful and makes strong statements for/about so many important causes and perspectives!


  6. What adorable, engaging and winsome bears! Who couldn’t learn from them?


  7. Joni says:

    I have enjoyed your bears and appreciated your sharing them so freely…thanks for their messages. The polar bear “in the midst of complexity” is my favorite! Also, thanks for the “likes” and comments on my blog–it has been helpful and encouraging this year. The best to you in 2012!


    • I’m so happy that others enjoy these wonderful bears….and their messages. And that bear in the middle of all those chunks of ice wishing for calmness and centeredness….I know that sensation well too…not my favorite spot to be. You have a lovely blog and it’s a pleasure to enjoy your posts… And wishes back to you for abundant happiness, creativity and health…. : )


  8. Happy New Year 2012,,,, have fun 🙂


  9. zendictive says:

    this was creative and charming ~_~


  10. Pingback: Leaping….with curiosity, enthusiasm, intention, trust and goodheartedness | Pocket Perspectives

  11. Pingback: Leaping into the New Year…with curiosity, courage, strength and energy | Pocket Perspectives

  12. Pingback: Leaping….with courage, strength, curiosity and enthusiasm…. | Pocket Perspectives

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