Continuing to surprise myself… opening to exploring possibilities and opportunities

I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately…and letting a few things slide, not taking care of a few other things….not living with as much positive energy as I’d like to live with…

perhaps to get back into the practice
of waking up, finding more energy, being more proactive…
surprising myself….


It may look like there are lots of “aspirations”  there, but most of them are quite simple… involving simple shifts in outlook and perspectives…
but the results of those shifts would be positive and energizing…
qualities that would be welcome as the days get shorter, the dark evenings are longer
and the urge to hibernate gets stronger…..


And so for all of us….to continue to have positive and dynamic energy….
to enjoy surprising ourselves in whatever ways work for each one of us…



An earlier post: “May 23rd  Surprise Myself”   (it seems that some of my new surprises were “surprises” I was working on then too  🙄  )

And….ah ha! It’s Marie’s birthday! (see comments section ) And so some birthday wishes, too!

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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22 Responses to Continuing to surprise myself… opening to exploring possibilities and opportunities

  1. Kathy, Wow! This post really spoke to me. So many of the things you listed are things I need to do. “Learn how to do something that I’ve avoided because I find it confusing.” Um…yeah! I’m working on publishing my novel and I keep putting off stuff or avoiding it because it seems so confusing. Also…the positive energy thing. I really need to focus on the good stuff;)
    Thanks for sharing sister!


  2. : ) You’re very welcome….ahhh, common challenges….I really seem to try to avoid situations where I feel confused…but, I’m really limiting myself when I do that….And yes, the good stuff….wishing you well…. : )

    ps…Well…I’m confused right now!….This comment keeps appearing ABOVE your comment, instead of below it…I keep cutting it and pasting it down there, but it won’t go! Confusing…. 🙄


  3. AJ Barlow says:

    These are all very good goals, a few of them I definitely need to do better. Thanks for the reminders! Hope all is well 🙂


  4. All good reminders. The colors certainly grab my attention. You are inspired.


  5. Roberta says:

    I need to work on these as well. I am a procrastinator.. ):


  6. nrhatch says:

    Very energizing! 😉


  7. sufilight says:

    Kathy, As I celebrate another year of life on earth today, I take this post as bda’y gift because I too have needs of making certain shifts and your format is quite energezing and inspiring. I like the approach of surprising myself! 🙂


  8. Robin says:

    I like this. Great energy here. 🙂


  9. totsymae1011 says:

    Yes, I had a day like this last week. So much better now. This is a good idea.


  10. Thanks for the reminder that I need to keep up the positive energy during the dark winter months–they’re tough for me.


  11. eof737 says:

    The vibrant colors you used in this post will do the trick too; they’ve made the boxes cheerful and dynamic! Love them! 🙂


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