I Am ONLY One, But Still I AM one

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I receivedĀ  a newsletter from Numi Tea a few days ago..at the top of the newsletter was a wonderful quote that was attributed to Helen Keller…her words were so moving that I created a page containing her words…

I am only one, but still I am one.

I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.

I will not refuse to do the something I can do.

I’ll try to keep those words in mind as I go through each day and remind myself that…

Ā even if I can’t do amazing, remarkable things,

I can still do little things and make little differences…

and to be willing to do those little things

and enrich the lives of others and myself, as I can.


From another WordPress blogā€¦.. Inspirations for living lifeĀ  Being The Best We CanĀ Be

Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang their except those that sang best. ā€“ Henry van Dyke, 1852-1933

ā€œAll of us have something to contribute to the world whether it be big or small, it makes no difference. But the paradox of the whole matter is this, ā€œWhat we consider to be insignificantĀ can oftenĀ be significant to another.ā€ That being said, all the things we do in life are important. You never know the impact you will have on someone else. And if you are fortunateĀ enough, you may have others tell you about the difference you have made in their life. ItĀ could have beenĀ somethingĀ as simple as kind word, gesture, or evenĀ a simple touch to acknowledge the friendship between the both of you. So never underestimate the power you have within you. As Walt Whitman said about life, ā€œThat the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.ā€Ā 

Monday, July 11, 2011
ā€œThe task of man is to help others; thatā€™s my firm teaching, thatā€™s my message. That is my own belief. For me, the fundamental question is better relations; better relations among human beings-and whatever I can contribute to that.ā€

– Dalai Lama

Numi Tea

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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12 Responses to I Am ONLY One, But Still I AM one

  1. Marty says:

    This Helen keller quote I used in a post.
    ā€œYour vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
    Who looks outside, dreams.
    Who looks inside, awakens.ā€
    – Helen Keller –

    What insight and courage. If this gal can find this kind of reason for living , risking and thriving then I have to believe, we can heal and accomplish so much more than our ego wants us to believe.

    The human spirit possesses so much more for us to use to be here now present, experiencing all that is available.

    We are perfect all of us and on the same journey. Slow down be aware and enjoy the breaths we have been graanted.

    Don’t think just be and live.


    • What a special quote you added…thank you. Helen Keller was such a remarkable person. And I really like how you relate the inspiration she provided to us for using in our everyday lives and challenges. Thanks so much for your ideas!
      btw..you have a very special site/blog…full of good ideas…kathy
      ps…I lived/worked with deaf-blind and blind children at Perkins School for the Blind for one year and taught deaf-blind children for 7 years…tremendously inspiring children!


  2. A lovely post! Thanks for the encouragement. I LOVE Helen Keller’s quote. Got to remember that one.


  3. Marty says:

    Bring that experience and sort of intuition you gain from working with and providing support for others. That is a special place you did some very nice work.

    Tap into the inspiration and human spirit you touched and touched you. You are perfect and you will find this out through discovery about yourself.

    I see a truly amazing and caring person waiting to see the whole her without worry or care.


  4. Wonderful inspiration, thanks. I always like to read Desiderata as well…it works for me.


    • I’m happy you found it inspiational. That image and Helen Keller quote have provided lots of inspiration and courage to me….especially the idea that I can contribute by doing “little things”. I had that Desiderata poster on my wall in the early 70’s… so special. Thanks for the reminder about it!


  5. What a gorgeous, thought-provoking blog. I’m glad you found mine so I could find yours! Reading this post and the comments was just the inspiration I needed today. So true that none of us can write the entire play but we can all contribute a verse. Keep doing lovely little somethings. šŸ™‚



  6. Kate Kresse says:

    loved this post. we each do our part and whenever we do, someone’s life is enriched, someone is strengthened. lovely concepts in this post today…


  7. Thank you, Kate…I guess this is an ongoing theme…maybe even the predominant theme…. of both blogs…not only to have that aspiration, but to develop the energy and courage to do so…. that quote gave me the original courage to start the blogs and to keep posting pages that I had made for myself, or the kids I teach…and found helpful…it was a HUGE leap of courage to show them to others……but I just kept looking back at that image of the earth with the quote around it…and kept adding each day….


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