“We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us, something is valuable…” eecummings


A special quote from e.e. cummings….. reminding us of a very precious contribution
by friends, family members, mentors, partners and teachers in our lives… and, equally important,  the very precious and important contribution we can make in the lives of others.



People helping us to become more aware of those positive  attributes are so precious, so special, so important…but it’s so very, very important for each of us to go further…to be open to that awareness encouraged by others…for us to take that in and to  internalize the awareness…

“We do not believe in ourselves until WE realize that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust,sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human experience”



How wonderful to live with
spontaneous delight….
any of those many remarkable experiences
that reveal and express the beauty
of the human spirit


Perhaps this increasing awareness will lead to putting that e.e. cummings qualities into action….thank you so much (!!!) to Angeles Arrien and to the many generous and encouraging participants…(“important strangers” who became familiar…I call people like that “everyday angels” )….in a very special 3 day workshop I went to this past weekend… “The Second Half Of Life, Opening to the Eight Gates of Wisdom”… a wonderful, wonderful workshop!…. thank you for helping all of us put that e.e. cummings “awareness” into action….

for opening us to deeper awareness and understanding of what we each have to offer,
for sharing so many ideas and insights,
for encouraging belief in our potentials,
and inspiring us all to generously contribute to our world…
thank you so much!

Angeles Arrien Second Half of Life

A quote from last page of her book, Second Half of Life, and offered to us by Angeles at the end of the workshop…

“What is most important as we move towards the end of our journey? Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best: “To leave the world a bit better, whether by healthy child, a garden patch, or redeemed social condition; to know even one life breathed easier because you live- that is to have succeeded”


ralph waldo emerson to leave the world a bit better


Once we realize and develop a belief in ourselves,
a belief perhaps inspired by the encouragement of  others…
perhaps, we can risk more often,
and offer more sincerely to others…
offering whatever gifts or talents we may have
for the benefit of those around us…
coming from our heart


ee cummings Angeles Arrien workshop

something inside of each of us is very very valuable…
worth listening to,
worthy of our trust,
sacred to our touch,
revealing our precious human spirit…
may we share it generously



Previous post, June 2012, the first time I attended a one day  “Second Half of Life” workshop: “Today I am truly grateful for the kindness of others…awareness and appreciation”

About Pocket Perspectives

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8 Responses to “We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us, something is valuable…” eecummings

  1. Robin says:

    Lovely thoughts, Kathy. Thank you. 🙂


  2. thank you Robin…both of those quotes really inspire me. And that book, The Second Half of Life, is absolutely jam-packed with wonderful insights and ideas!


  3. hugmamma says:

    Reminds me of something I heard on a news piece this morning…an architect who became famous …telling his younger self to keep 2 books at his bedside…the story of Don Quixote and Alice in Wonderland. Believe in oneself…and stay curious.

    hope your day is off to a…huggable start! 🙂


  4. What a great pair of books to use for inspiration!… those really capture those two inspirations… believe in oneself and stay curious… great combination! ( I feel a bit like Don Quixote at times… making pages about goodness, kindness, generosity etc…but never quite knowing if I’m just tilting at windmills… but I keep going… : ) )
    Yes…thank you hugmamma…a quietly blissful and content start to my day… and wishing that sense of goodness for you, too… 🙂


  5. sufilight says:

    I read this post yesterday afternoon in my Iphone but couldn’t reply, and I read it again tonight. Both times I felt something stir within me, when I read these words:

    “We do not believe in ourselves until WE realize that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust,sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human experience”

    This exactly how I want to express myself. 🙂


  6. Sindhu says:

    Just wonderful. I have bookmarked this entry of yours so I can read it again and again. There is a lot of wisdom in there!


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