???… “Setting senior slumpers on a straight path” …???

A headline from the Saturday Contra Costa Times newspaper…
??? what are they talking about ????
??? what ???

senior slumpers


senior slumpers....what?


senior slumers...what are they writing about???


who are those “seniors” ….????

senior slumpers...who are those seniors?

And “slumpers” ….???
what is a “slumper” …???
uh oh?


senior slumpers...what IS a slumper?


???…. “straight path” …???

senior slumpers...what straight path?


senior slumpers...forgetaboutit...nope!


shifting gears
shifting perspectives


senior slumpers?..shifting gears


wandering happily


meandering non-worker exploring happily along




wandering non-worker exploring happily along


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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20 Responses to ???… “Setting senior slumpers on a straight path” …???

  1. peachyteachy says:

    There’s a chiropractic message in there somewhere. For a college senior. Nice blog!


  2. thanks…happy to have you visit!
    Love it…chiropatric message for college seniors! 😀

    Okay…I’ll tell what the article was REALLY about…which I found out once I got over that initial bit of wide eyed “self” absorption that it might be about “me” and read the article…. it was about high school seniors slacking off the last 3 months of high school, once college admissions letters have been received… and how to attempt to get them back on track, so their admissions offers don’t get rescinded!
    I had fun with this one! …and learned a lot about choices!


  3. Ha! I missed that one! By the way, I thought that was called “senioritis”. It’s nothing new!!


    • I missed it, at first, too! 😀 ….yup…senioritis…
      I think that newspaper writer had fun with the title of the article! Little did she/he realize that someone else might have fun with that title, too! 😀


  4. wandering the world, together, apart, bumping into one one another, wandering through each others’ world. High School Seniors haven’t got a clue about us marvelous seniors out here. But maybe we could teach them that it’s not about the straight path, but the one that meanders, and curves, and branches off!


  5. Oh yes, Joss…wandering, bumping, wandering, roaming… High school students, and other young people on that certain “track” might not realize what wonderful exploring, meandering, curving and branching off life can offer to anyone who is willing… yes, maybe they’ll learn something from us… 😀 … “Heads up, young’uns!!!…there’s more available than you might realize!” Hey!…Cat Stevens’ song… “if you want to say yes, say yes! If you want to say no, say no! There’s a million ways to go, you know that there are!” (I printed that onto a lightcatcher, that’s now on our shower door! at the bottom of this November post… https://pocketperspectives.wordpress.com/2012/11/27/if-you-want-to-say-yes-say-yes-theres-a-million-ways-to-go-you-know-that-there-are-cat-stevens/ )


  6. Senioritis!? I haven’t thought about that in a while.


  7. auntyuta says:

    I think it describes this 78 year old. I would call myself a ‘slumper’!


    • Well…wow! congratulations…78 years old/young! 😀 Many of the criteria for my description of a “slumper” sound pretty good to me.
      I wonder how many of the “criteria” under “slumper” you fulfill?…hmmm… I think there are 17 criteria…I seem to have 14/17 …wooooo…
      I just made little, oval, plastic suncatchers that say….”wandering non-worker exploring happily along”…maybe I’ll tape one on my car window?


  8. auntyuta says:

    There are 17 criteria? I just looked through them again. I don’t think there are any that don’t apply to me. Wow, 17/17! Is this possible?
    My husband and I sometimes go wandering, looking up old known or new places in our area or also somewhere far away from where our home is. Somehow we always keep ourselves busy. But when we feel tired we take a good rest. It’s really a good, enjoyable life, I reckon.


    • That 17/17??? …it’s not really for the “slumper”….how about, instead, the HONOR of being a 100% qualified member of….”wn-whea”….or WN-WHEA”… (wandering non-worker happily exploring along)…wow! 17/17! 😀
      Sounds like you’re living a very good life… “a good, enjoyable life”… 😀


  9. I’ve never been one to stick to the path! Lol… Loved that you came by to visit and loved this post.. what a lovely blog you have… Thank you for your lovely comment 🙂 ~Sue


  10. sufilight says:

    Haha. It is indeed a matter of age and perspective, the message takes on a different meaning. Just straightened my posture as I typed this comment. 🙂


    • 😀 …I had fun with this one…but, oddly enough, I actually learned a lot about how I perceive certain “words” or ideas….and Marie, I straighten my posture as I read the last sentence in your comment… no “slumpers” here! 😀
      (and I now have lightcatchers of this…little and big…..I’ll add what they look like to the bottom of this post…I taped them on windows, in car, on shower door…to remind myself to enjoy having more freedom and flexibility!…wow…that’s progress! 😀


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