What could be nicer than….a basket full of kindness?

what could be nicer than….


a basket full of kindness
overflowing with…
kindness, gentleness, acceptance, understanding, caring and nurturing
what could be nicer?



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9 Responses to What could be nicer than….a basket full of kindness?

  1. Robin says:

    What wonderful way to fill a basket! 🙂


  2. saymber says:

    Not much could be nicer! 🙂 Uplifting post, as always! 🙂


    • thank you….I agree that not much could be nicer. Isn’t it remarkable that the giving and receiving of the qualities/goodness/gifts in that basket provides what might be the deepest and most valued sustenance in life…just right there, simple as that. : ) thanks for adding your ideas…a nice little gift of kindness from you…thank you.


  3. eof737 says:

    Yes, yes, yes… 🙂


  4. Gina's Professions for PEACE says:

    Oh how wonderful, such a cozy basket overflowing with kindness and goodness. Delightful!
    Thank you for this heart-warming post 🙂


  5. Pingback: Nurturing “self kindness” and “self compassion” | Pocket Perspectives

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