It’s good to stand on one’s own two feet…courage, independence, persistence, resilience







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10 Responses to It’s good to stand on one’s own two feet…courage, independence, persistence, resilience

  1. zendictive says:

    from moment to moment…one step at a time (!_!) perfect…


  2. thanks….yes…I’m trying to remind myself about those ideas… that sometimes, one just has to take care of things oneself…sigh….


  3. nrhatch says:

    Yes. One step at a time allows the path to unfold before us. 😀


  4. sufilight says:

    Wow, I felt like I was being hypnotized. I like it! Thanks for this reminder to take one step at a time.


    • Ahh…standing firmly….independence, taking care of “things”…and remembering that it really is just one step at a time….maybe if I get a bit hypnotized by it, too… it will go into my mind and stay there??? (I’m finding the slide show format kind of does that for me….wooooooo…. how about that??? : ) )


  5. cuhome says:

    A great reminder, to stand and take just one step at a time, to stay in the moment! I love your presentation!


  6. As I scrolled down, I felt like I was being hypnotized too! haha


    • Well, if I’m going to be hypnotized by something…those words and ideas might be good. I’m actually thinking there’s potential in this “format” to get ideas to go “in”….it’s easy to think about them…but a whole other thing to get them to “go in”…subliminal on its way…. : )


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