“To get into a space where life becomes more of a source of wonder….”

I saw this wonderful quote  in Marie’s post, “The Magic of Belief” at Love is the Answer…

I love Marie’s words…
to allow ourselves to enter a space…
….to nurture, encourage and welcome ourselves into that space….
…where life becomes more of a source of wonder…

Marie has recently published a wonderful book…
“Beyond Inspiration”
a lovely little book that sits beside my monitor….
reminding me to nurture inspiration, connection, love and wonder….
Each part with its own special offerings
Part 1… with insightful “Affirmative Prayers”
Part2 …with stirring “Spiritual Musings”
Part 3… with encouraging “Inspire My Day Affirmations”
Part 4… with  gentle “Soothe Your Soul Meditations”
A very special little book…
offering us inspiration as we create…
and nurture a life
…….filled with a sense of wonder…….

Nurturing a sense of  wonder….
I got the book through Amazon…  Beyond Inspiration

thank you Marie
for supporting a sense of wonder
and for writing such a special collection of meditations, affirmations, prayers and musings

(ps…Marie didn’t know I was creating this post…I got her permission to use the quote on a card to add to the earlier post, “Creating a good outcome”….but I decided to create that quote’s own special, expanded spot…right here….  : )   …surprise Marie! )

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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31 Responses to “To get into a space where life becomes more of a source of wonder….”

  1. sufilight says:

    Oooh, what a beautiful surprise! This is one of life’s wonders, kindness and encouragement, and you just extended it to me. Can’t stop smiling and looking at your photos. You did everything so beautifully, THANK YOU so much. 🙂 I have to share this post with my s/o Phil and loved ones.


  2. : ) ….oh I had so much fun creating those pages and this post…and then waiting ’til you found it…I felt like an elf on Christmas eve…. btw…my posts usually expand in the hours after I post…and so has this one…a little bit of wonder added to the final photo..that lushly vegetated cliff is on the side of the most magical little gorge in NH…called The Flume…a place of wonder indeed!


  3. sufilight says:

    The final photo is magical! Makes me want to go out in nature. Just sent it to Phil and said a big “wowser!” to your post. It was indeed like a Christmas present. 🙂


  4. “Nurturing a sense of wonder”. May it be in every parenting book, on every parent’s list in addition to love, food, clothing and shelter!


    • Yes…a sense of wonder is such a remarkable quality…and I like your idea of encouraging in parental suggestions!!
      I think that one of the reasons I so enjoy being around children is that their sense of wonder, when they have that, can be so contagious….so I pick it up too.


  5. veehcirra says:

    What a lovely post…I too loved Marie’s thoughtful words on the power of belief…you two are such beautiful inspirations 😀


  6. nrhatch says:

    Wonderful surprise for Marie . . . and for the rest of us. Thanks, Kathy. 😀


  7. sufilight says:

    I tried to link this post on the sidebar of my blog, but don’t know how to do it. It ended up in the blog roll instead. Will try again later on tonight!


    • I’m trying to figure out how to do that now. I did that last week with the “Friday Wishes” image and link to that post. (but then took it off)I just tried it with this image and managed to get it in my right hand widgets column. Which image did you want? I think I can remember how I just did that…I can email the steps to you, if that’s what you’re wanting to do. Go to my right hand column and see if that’s what you were wanting to do. Which image do you want?


    • Hi Marie…I just emailed you some steps for trying to add an image and link on your own blog…I added it here in PP to show you what it looks like…right column, down below categories and tags…. : )


  8. granbee says:

    How wonderful of you and Marie to remind us and lead us in nurturing a sense of wonder. The sense of wonder will shrivel and fade and lose all its life-supporting leaves is we do not NURTURE it.


  9. Marie’s ideas are so helpful for realigning with that sense of wonder…and so are yours! And yes, as you write…. to nurture that sense of wonder along…so important and so easy to forget to do!


  10. sufilight says:

    Kathy, This is so woo-woo. I logged to WP, didn’t select anyone yet to read, and walked away to the kitchen to get more soup while the page loaded. Wen I came back to my office, I was surprised to to see my words and your post! Wow, this is a wonder to read your words again. 🙂


    • ohhh…Marie, isn’t that something? Maybe the “woo woo”/spirit was looking around for the snuggly warm scarf I added yesterday, with you in mind…up in that cool, rainy weather in Oregon…and brrrr, chilly here too… a snuggly, scarf, created and added special for you last evening…. 😀 Here you go…nice and warm and comforting…. : ) https://pocketperspectives.wordpress.com/2012/11/19/brrrr-its-getting-chilly-a-snuggly-warm-scarf/ But, Marie, that’s kind of bizarre that your computer did that… really, it is…. !!000.000!!! That’s my own special emoticon that I use for “eyes wide open with surprise!” : )


      • Ps…I guess that’s encouragement to get more into that space of wonder??? Well, it seems like it must be….

        psps I was also imagining those “whispers of families from long ago years”…from the pages/post I just made on PP (my aunt’s poem) and thinking that if there are/were past lives, that all lives earlier than now would have had so much difficulty, struggle, illness, challenges etc…so, no matter what might be going on now in one’s life these days, it is so much easier and more manageable than it would have been in earlier times… infinitely easier, in many ways…except of course, loss of loved ones would have impacted hugely…but at least now we have better medicines etc. But anyways, I had a very strong sense of floating around in times gone by…strange sensation and something I’m been encouraged to not do…but I think that awareness of how fortunate we are now is special….maybe I was drifting a bit far afield? : )


    • Are you familiar with the term “joyful effort”…it’s one of the 6 Perfections, which are part of the vows Jampa takes and I also try to live by, as much as I can. I’ve been having a hard time getting motivated etc and had gotten this, below…maybe it might be helpful? … (I used to be quite terrible at patience, but now am quite a bit more patient…so that’s what is being referenced)
      I think just like the ideas of patience were not something you may have been fond of once upon a time, likewise joyful effort is something you will come to truly appreciate as well, it really is one of those underlying perfections that can really help us to not only put effort into our day, practice and lifestyle but also really help us to remain upbeat and positive as much as possible.
      So I’m trying to learn how to access more of a sense of “joyful effort”…I tend to drop down into “moan and groan” effort or “not bother with it” effort…so a bit of a challenge. But I figure I’ve gotten better at “patience” so anything is possible. Maybe going back to “inspiration” and sharing that “sense of wonder” as source of motivation or effort?..maybe so…


  11. sufilight says:

    I am going to read your entry about the scarf. 😀 And yes, I take this as a message to get into that space of wonder as I have been struggling now and then with my mind as most of us do… . !!000.000!!! :


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