“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible” The DalaiLama



HHDalaiLama be kind whenever possible, it is always possible





Sometimes, it might seem easy to access a sense of kindness. Other times, it seems, at least for me, a bit more “challenging.”  ( “whenever possible” seems to be my range… “always possible” is an aspiration: “look, far away there  in the distance are my highest aspirations”...Louisa May Alcott )

If you notice the “categories/tags” listed beneath this post, they include some of the qualities that I find are helpful for accessing and acting out of a sense of  kindness: positive intention, patience, tolerance, generosity, compassion, spirituality, courage, inspiration, a sense of “common humanity,” and wisdom…. a group of loyal “helpers” and  “allies.”



HHDalaiLama be kind whenever possible helpful qualities


“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible”
The Dalai Lama



A link to a special and touching newspaper article… The Dalia Lama gently and kindly comforting some very sad and grieving parents: The Healing Powers of The Dalai Lama



be kind whenever possible HHDalaiLama



About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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14 Responses to “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible” The DalaiLama

  1. Robin says:

    Sometimes it’s difficult to remember that “it is always possible.” Thank you for the reminder. 🙂


  2. SuziCate says:

    Kindness is free so we all have access…wouldn’t it be fabulous if all practiced it?


  3. hugmamma says:

    The possibilities are as endless as our lifetimes…so it behooves us to keep on trying…always.” hugs…


  4. Pingback: “Our prime purp… « socialchange27

  5. I hadn’t read his post but I posted about kindness today too. Many Blessings! Happy Thanksgiving.


  6. A group of loyal helpers and allies. I like that. I think that’s whats missing most for me right now! At least having ones in the same country. And being without those beautiful allies is teaching me how essential they are in the kindness journey.



  7. Sometimes the most accessible “allies” or “helpers” are those qualities or supports. What deep perspectives and awarenesses you’re developing and realizing about having kindred and supportive people around…wishing you well…


  8. Joni says:

    As I have gotten older, I seem more aware of the importance of being “kind’. Thanks for reminding us of it in a world that sometimes views it as a weakness, instead of the strength it actually is!


    • I think that awareness blossoms as we live our lives… I see “kindness” as an incredible strength…especially when we aren’t feeling inclined that way in a situation. Speaking of “blossoming”…it’s nice to see you posting again…and a lovely blossom you painted/quilted, too… it’s really beautiful! ….a nice perspective, indeed! 🙂


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