Courage: Advice from the sunflower…

Sometimes, when I’m  tired or a bit discouraged, I find some strength by thinking  of a few sunflowers that grew outside my classroom….and here’s what they “say” to me about strength…

And so, in my mind,  I image each part of the sunflower and think:

Stand tall

Back straight

Chin up

Face the sun

And oddly enough…after repeating those words several times and imagining each part of that  tall strong sunflower  as I repeat them, my posture straightens and I usually feel more courage, (stand tall) strength, (back straight) resilience (chin up) and optimism (face the sun).

And so…I think that’s some very good advice from the sunflower….

An added note: in the “About”  section, above,  I explained my observations and experience with the power and effectiveness of using metaphors and symbols in shifting perspectives…I think they function like a “back door” into the mind….I highly recommend coming up with metaphors that resonate…I find that they really help !

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
This entry was posted in Courage, Flourish, Inspiration, Intention, Life, Motivation, Personal growth and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to Courage: Advice from the sunflower…

  1. hugmamma says:

    Recently placed a sunflower in a pot on my back deck. Will step outside for some inspiration.

    who’d have thought my potted plant would offer beauty…and advice…hmmm… 🙂


  2. : ) Take good care of it…you never know when you’ll need that inspiration.


  3. tuesday2 says:

    Oh I appreciate this so much. We have planted sunflowers in our classroom courtyard for the past two years, I now know why they tug at my heart.

    Thank you. I needed this today.


    • It took me a few weeks of looking at those sunflowers…and taking dozens of pictures of them…before I realized why I was so inspired by them….but I finally figured it out. The 4th and 5th grade kids in my class were kind of funny as I was trying to figure it out….kind of “ohhhh, there she goes again….. “…but they loved the idea, too. I often imagine that sunflower and get some odd bits of strength from the ideas!….Happy to share…hope it helps…. : )


  4. theponderingturtle says:

    THats HUGE! haha love it!


  5. gypsydoodles says:

    cool metaphors. =) sunflowers do speak a lot. =)


  6. Pingback: May all our innate seeds of natural bravery….. | Pocket Perspectives

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