“Look out your window”


thank you, Joss….“Look out”
Happy Friday to you…


Looking out my window…opening my door


look out your window song joss


Link to song  “Look Out Your Window” by Ray Repp


Added the next morning….as I’m looking for clues about why the song, “Look Out Your Window,” seemed to resonate so deeply with me… curiously pondering….looking “back” though images I’ve created… images where I was trying express some unspoken, wordless ideas….translating them into images…wondering….where might they be pointing….???

Various images and posts:

An inspiration that “happened” as I was looking out “through”  the back bedroom window several years ago  (one of my very windows and favorite images/inspirations) ..the layers of the trees…going up toward the incredible sky….toward a sense of “wisdom”…. http://reflectionsfromafriend.wordpress.com/2013/11/07/applying-patience-love-kindness-and-wisdom-in-our-daily-lives/

six perfections plus patience kindness love and wisdom...tree levels

applying patience love kindness and wisdom in our daily lives


Inspired by light coming in through the many encouraging “suncatchers” hanging in windows of our home:

Might anyone like a free window “suncatcher”…. to light up an intention?

More suncatchers we have had hanging in our windows  https://pocketperspectives.com/2012/09/03/perspectives-in-my-pocket-and-on-my-windows-a-few-perspectives-from-this-summer/


Beauty and grace:  https://pocketperspectives.com/2013/09/10/beauty-and-grace-are-performed-whether-or-not-we-will-or-sense-them-the-least-we-can-do-is-try-to-be-there-annie-dillard/
beauty and grace are performed whether we will of sense them...the least we can do is try to be there Annie Dillard


Going through various metaphorical  “doorways” of Pocket Perspectives, with curiosity and courage: https://pocketperspectives.com/2014/02/13/discoverying-our-special-doorways-entering-with-curiosity-and-courage-accessing-developing-enriching-sharing-nurturing-thursday/

entering through doorways with curiosity, courage and trust


Steps to support and encourage Compassionate Action, a mobile that was hanging outside a window, one I enjoyed watching dance in the breezes… (that mobile had various phrases of “how wonderful it might be if I/you/we could….” ) Steps below are from RamDass’ book   https://pocketperspectives.com/2014/07/23/compassion-in-action-be-brave-start-small-do-what-you-enjoy/

Compassionate Action and Service steps Ram Dass and Bush


Photo taken several years ago, as I stepped out through our family room door, looking to the sun and sky:  “Look, there in the sunshine, my highest aspirations” https://pocketperspectives.com/2014/05/01/far-away-there-in-the-sunshine-are-my-highest-aspirations-i-can-believe-in-them-nurturing-thursday-2/

far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations


Very early morning sunrise photo, taken from the river, in New Hampshire:
“wishing you a happy and productive day, full of happiness and a peaceful and stable mind”…. a wonderful wish…. https://pocketperspectives.com/2014/01/24/wishing-you-a-relaxing-and-productive-day-full-of-happiness-and-a-peaceful-and-stable-mind-3/

wishing you relaxing


Hanging outside one of our windows… “Just as I offered love, appreciation, kindness, attention and care to Nali, so can I offer those to others….”  https://pocketperspectives.com/2013/08/03/inspiration-just-as-i-offered-love-to-_________-so-can-i-continue-to-offer-love-to-__________/

moved by the winds of love for Nali


Stillness, the beauty of a quiet mind …one of first “suncatchers” that I made and  hung, for inspiration,  in windows of our home.    I see that I had posted this suncatcher/image during the very first week of Pocket Perspectives, April, 2011  https://pocketperspectives.com/2011/04/04/stillness/   And I see I posted it again in January, 2012…and many more times too…. underlying inspiration, I guess?   https://pocketperspectives.com/2012/01/06/might-anyone-like-a-suncatcher-to-light-up-an-intention/



Okay…windows and doorways…looking….seeing….. the inspirations and unspoken “wisdoms” of light, leaves, trees, nature, sunshine, sky, clouds, motion…all  seem to be inspiring metaphors for me…. hmmmm???? ……..????????…… are they pointing in a direction???….

Look out your window
See what you can see
Silence is broken
By opening your door
Look out your window
See if you can see
all the wonders of life
you’ve never seen before

Spend just a moment
To look out your window
The glass is clear as you want it to be
Light dawns a newness
to all who are willing
to open much more
than their eyes when they see

Look out your window
See what you can see
Silence is broken
by opening your door
Look out you window
to see if you can see
all the wonders of life
you’ve never seen before


look out your windowsong


8 Responses to “Look out your window”

  1. oh Kathy this is just delightful. A continuing of beauty and grace. thank you so much for expanding this “out your door”.


    • I have a twinkling intuitive “sense” that this idea and “in-sight” might continue to “brighten” within…and then extending lightly and brightly….in the days and weeks to come.
      I can already sense that, but don’t know what, how or where it’s going…oooooohhh….curiosity!
      I wonder…wonder…. wonder…..???? 🙂


      • I, too, the past day or two, have a sense of things,of life unfolding in new ways. Let’s see where that takes us, shall we? Opening our door, our soul window to receive, to perceive in new ways.


        • I’m looking for “clues” this very minute…in previous posts, images, suncatchers etc….I think that’s part of it…perceiving in new ways…

          I’m adding those ideas to this page/post right now…seeing if I can develop some … clarity?…ideas?… or at least find some “clues”…because I think it’s/somethings’ already happening, but I don’t know “what”…. Isn’t that such an odd sense????


          • it is, perhaps, God’s – the Universe’s whisperings to you,


            • yes…. soft and gentle whispers, it seems…. Oh, I’d love a few clear,articulate sentences instead of whispered “hints”…..
              ahhhh…the mystery…….
              Joss,s do you know where the whisperings coming to you are encouraging you to go?

              Well, hmmm…..flashplayer for the beloved bear cam I watch every day…. it just notified me that flashplayer “crashed”… and needs to be rebooted… hmmmm…????….maybe to take some of the amazing fascination, love, appreciation and compassion I feel for those bears out into the world???…????…they’re about to go into hibernation very soon…. so…. maybe sooooo………………..
              I just clicked “update” for the additions to this “reflecting upon” page/post..it seems I have a fascination with windows, light, sunshine, colors, looking out windows, being inspired by what I see out windows….nature, colors, leaves, clouds,sky….


              • For me, I sense the whisperings lead to more writing, more being present and “naked” in my writings which fits very much, I feel, with the release of my If God Was a Woman book. Time to share more of my heart, more of what I know to be true, for me. Because it is in that sharing of our true self that we inspire others to also step into their truth, their dreams.


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