
Welcome to Pocket Perspectives….

A blog full of perspectives on living life,

with  increasing richness and fullness.

I’m creating this blog/site to share a variety of “pages” that I’ve created, in the past few years…with the hope that some of these  ideas might be helpful to others… I’ve learned a lot of “lessons” the hard way… so maybe some others might be able to learn from my own experiences….and maybe even have  fewer stumbles along the way….or perhaps to get back up more easily when there are stumbles.

The pages may look like decorations, but there is more to them than that…

I create each page  with the strong, positive intention of using the power of metaphor and symbols, color and few words to work toward shifting and including each particular perspective into how I’m living my everyday life.

An observation that I’ve made, through many years of teaching and learning,  is that symbols and metaphor can work like a very effective and useful “back door” or  “doorway” into the mind….and can lead to very positive shifts, without using many actual words…. (see writings by linguist George Lakoff and  researcher Gay Becker, PhD for supporting research)

How I actually “use” the posts on this site: 

  • I have most of the images printed up….I  tape a few of the  pages on various walls in the house or at work… for use when I’m trying to “get” that idea…as reminders
  • I also have smaller cards (the size of business cards) of the images…. I put a few cards in my pocket each morning, to keep those particular ideas in mind that day…my very own “pocket perspectives”.
  • I have some of  the images printed on transparencies and laminated...I hang those  in windows  to help me remember to reflect on those ideas..those “window hangers” are really pretty and very motivating…I’ve found that I’m much more apt to look at something as I look out a window than something on a wall…
  • Each evening, I take a few minutes and scroll down through some of the posts on this site. I reflect on how I may have used some of these positive perspectives throughout my day. When I notice that I did use some of the positive perspectives, I think about how I did that. If I had challenges during the day, I try to be kind and understanding and then think about how I might handle something differently  the next day by using a certain perspective…I am finding that this reflecting process really helps…I’m really noticing  some positive shifts…


May we all be as healthy and happy as we are able to be….

….A the window full of ideas (click image  to enlarge)

The longer explanation:  about the  purpose and creating of the “pages” on this site:

To support actually remembering and using the ideas…which is the entire purpose of every image and post on this site… a few key principles can help. These ideas are also in the book “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath, a book full of excellent ideas. I was using these “principles” before I read the book, but that book confirmed those strategies. I try to  use these principles in creating pages … ( the whole point of the pages is to help myself remember the ideas ) I made this page to remind myself…

Purposes of the pages: The purpose is to shift in a positive direction….As I read books, blogs, websites and  go to teachings and workshops, I’m  learning about other ways  and perspectives of looking at and living life.

  • I try to take some of the important ideas and simplify them so that I can remember, practice and  use the ideas.
  • I  do this by creating colorful “pages” that incorporate a simple, but important idea….an idea that  might lead to some new perspectives as I live life. I use basic symbols, photos, images,colors and few words to try to get the ideas to  “go in”.
  • I create the “reminder” pages and then print them up and put them on walls, doors and the refrig…anywhere there is space…
  • I need those reminders right there in front of my eyes…to keep them in mind and to learn to live with those ideas.

Window hangers:Recently, I’ve begun to make these pages into window hanger/light catchers….I love gazing out windows and am  finding that these “light catchers” contain appealing reminders…and appealing  lighting changes throughout the day…casting light on my ideas.

Using symbols: I think that metaphor, symbols, images, color, photos and very few words are the “backdoor” into the brain….or perhaps, even the front door? Maybe so…. A “Doorway” page I created a few years ago, that explains this idea: Link to pretty page: Doorway

Previous booklets and pages: I’ve been creating little booklets and single “pages” for many years. I first made them for kids in my Resource classroom…often writing about ways to help them to learn or cope with difficult situations.  The booklets  were always short, few words and to the point…to help kids shift in how they are approaching challenges.

Expanding the creation of booklets as I  “stumbled”: And then I had a few  personal “stumbles” of my own…problems that I didn’t know how to deal with or cope with….so I transitioned into making booklets and and “pages” for my own personal use, to support my own learning. They may look at bit like decorations, which is part of the intent, but for me there are very important “study aids”…I find that if I keep them in full view, they are good reminders.

Shifting, through creating and using the booklets and images: I was in the middle of some challenging times at that point, and the booklets were my way of attempting to work my way through some of those challenges…they really helped…I continue to find those perspectives helpful…

More than just a hobby: Oddly enough, I’ve considered that creating and making these booklets and pages was a bit of a “hobby”, but now that I look at them, they look like more than just a hobby.
Sharing with others: At this point, I have 100’s of booklets and pages …and decided that maybe I’d put a few of them onto this blog/site…in case others might gain benefit from them…

75 Responses to About

  1. Peter says:

    Very impressive!!


  2. jampa says:

    wow, very nice my friend, clean and informative and easy to navigate around as well…..perfect for all sorts of people


  3. Thanks….happy you like it… : )


  4. Julie says:

    Hi Mom! This is fantastic! Congratulations on the beginnings of a great blog. I’m on my phone right now, so I’m only seeing the mobile site, but it looks great even in the simplified format! I’ll take a look on my computer once I get home. Or rather, when the bus finally arrives to take me home from the grocery store!


  5. awwww…thanks…purrrrr…..I’ll put Starbuck on here too?


  6. Pat Cegan says:

    Hi, nice to meet you and thanks for visiting me at Source of Inspiration. I look forward to exploring your unique blog. Hugs, pat


  7. hugmamma says:

    So glad you visited my blog, and that I’ve found you too. Will add you to my blogroll. You share my desire to be a voice for compassion, and a positive beacon in an environment which is becoming increasingly more negative. May the “”force” be with us. ha, ha.

    hugs for accomplishing our mission…hugmamma. 😉


  8. amyhighmoor says:

    Aloha Kathy! Thank you for your kind words and in turn bringing me here to your blog! I LOVE IT!! We have so much in common! Mahalo (thank you) for sharing your love and joy with the world!! All my love and smiles Amy


  9. Marty says:

    Hey Kathy, I have finally linked to your site and appreciate the comments you share on my site. Your organization and experience are impressive and informative. Keep up the great work.



    • Hi Marty…happy to have you stop by. You have so much on your site that is so positive, specific and helpful!

      You might be interested in “cards” in another site that I set up….but the words aren’t mine…they come from a dear friend, Jampa…all extremely reassuring ideas, urging to come back to the present moment etc. My friend is a Buddhist monk, but the site is more filled with universal, kind, helpful ideas for everyday life. Sending a warm smile your way, kathy

      Reflections from a Friend: http://reflectionsfromafriend.wordpress.com/


  10. Marty says:

    Very nice site. For 5 years I went every week day for zazen at a small Soto Zen Center in Oceanside California. Learning to have no goals and no expectation while sitting has been a great blessing. I have always followed my guide inward and have established this unique relationship with my breath. Very soothing

    I am trying to organize a book out of my journey, not about me but daily help between therapy sessions or whenever needed. Your experience and organization amaze me. Well look at your education and teaching skills, I see why.

    It is great to have others like you out here in cyberspace given support. It is healing in itself.


    • Ah ha….5 years of meditating/sitting…how special! After reading through your site, the idea of you putting your ideas together into a book sounds like it would be very helpful to others. Supporting people with ideas for daily help between therapy sessions is so important.
      My intention for posting the “pages” that I’ve created is similar….to offer ideas for “every day life.” Thanks for your supportive feedback.


  11. Nicole says:

    You have a great blog – there is plenty to explore.

    Denali is very cute!


  12. brittany220 says:

    Sounds like you’ve had some great careers with teaching and being a research specialist! It’s cool that you live in the Bay Area, that’s where I live too. 🙂


    • Yes, I’ve had lots of interesting varied experience.

      And….welcome to Pocket Perspectives…there’s lots in this blog. And there are lots and posts and pages tying in with the name of your own blog about “shyness”…. creating several blogs seems to have set off a bit of “self consciousness” in me…rather unexpected, but getting less so as I just keep making pages and keep posting. I hope you find some useful ideas.


  13. You have a beautiful site here. Your enthusiasm for teaching radiates off the “page/screen”. I look forward to returning. These pages certainly seem like the bulletin boards of a lifetime. My husband’s cousin was a Special Ed program director in the El Paso area. I have taught foreign languages and served as department chair for 25+ years. I’m still teaching, but at the college now, also, involved with state and national projects. A gradual retirement suits me now. Thank you for visiting my site today. Happy Veteran’s Day.


    • I’m easing into “retirement,” too…working 60% now, with Fridays off. (although I have no desire to stop teaching ) My energy level seems to be struggling a bit to keep up with the multiple demands of teaching. The teaching is easy and wonderful…I love it…but the paperwork/meetings etc is a bit draining. But, I just try to keep my focus on the kids and teaching and that re-energizes me. And a note about the “pages” I make…even though I made them mostly for my own use, or out of my own challenges…. the kids really get them…few words and images seem to go in quickly for them. It’s fun to watch them look at the pages, think about it a few seconds and then “get it”… : )

      I enjoyed browsing through your site…I’ll be back.


  14. judithhb says:

    I shall return often to muse and consider all these beautiful things you do. Thank you for sharing and thanks for visiting my blog. I have subscribed to yours so that I don’t miss any. 🙂


  15. brittany220 says:

    Hey Kathy, it’s great that you are using all the things you’ve learned in life to help others and to help yourself as well. I always enjoy hearing what people have learned over the years and their perspectives. 🙂


    • At some point I realized that I was going to have to figure things out and create ideas for myself…which I did. I had lots to learn….and have made lots of progress. I hope some of the ideas or perspectives might help others, too.
      Brittany, you have terrific ideas and insights on your own blog…I hope you continue blogging past the one year anniversary…. maybe you’re kind of like the Lorax speaking for the trees…..your voice can continue to speak for those who aren’t quite able or ready….wishing you well….kathy


  16. Connie Wayne says:

    Hello Pocket Perspectives. Thanks for your recent visits to my website. I have now linked you as one of my neighbors on my website. Feel free to drop by anytime. Blessings, Connie


    • Hi Connie…. I’m so happy to be added as a “neighbor” on your website…thank you so much for including me there. You have a lovely site with such nurturing and inspirational ideas and posts… warm smiles to you, kathy


  17. Hi Kathy, thank you for stopping by my blog today. I just love your perspective on supporting others and your methods of accomplishing or “remembering” to move peacefully through life. I admire that greatly. I am certainly not as organized as you, I seem to gravitate to three principles i.e. live in the present, personal accountability for mindfulness, and be aware of egoic attachments.The recovery process, and Buddhist philosophy as always been my guiding light. I am subscribing to your blog (I thought I did already). And last but not least, I like the two photos of you, the one hiking and your gravatar.
    Peace and Light


    • Hi Walter… thank you so much for your kind words and ideas…I’ve been teaching elementary school for 40 years, so I probably bring some of that organization and “omphhh” along with me into the blog and image making.
      I like your principles…they may sound basic/simple…but my goodness…hugely complex, important and ambitious. I have similar principles that I try to live by…the hardest one is seeing the “ego” in it’s fullness…whew…exhausts me at times. Did you know that there is another blog “associated” with this one…Reflections from a Friend…which contains simple and practical ideas written to me by a dear friend who is a Buddhist monk. His ideas are very special and have led to wonderful shifts and changes…. I highly recommend browsing in his ideas and wisdom. Here is the url http://reflectionsfromafriend.wordpress.com/
      And the two photos?…I was so happy when each one was taken…one was in Glacier Nat’l Park…in the midst of mountains,flowers, meadows, little tiny brooks….and a little while after we had just seen a real live grizzly bear next to the trail…the other is at the trunk of an exquisitely beautiful, ancient cedar tree in Washington…what greater peace than in those 2 spots? (even the grizzly was mellow)


  18. Hi Pocket Perspectives. Thank you for following our blog. We would like to send you some letterpress bookmarks as our way of saying thank you and Happy New Year. For details read: http://peachfarmstudio.wordpress.com/2011/12/31/free-letterpress-bookmarks/ Happy blogging in 2012!


    • Thank you so much…I had read the post in your blog about that and been figuring…as I recall….hmm…..read and comment on 3 posts…well, that’s easy…I enjoy so many of your posts…thanks!…I keep stopping by… : )


  19. Connie Wayne says:

    Hello Pocket Perspectives, I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the new Hope Unites Globally HUG Award, because I believe you and your site deserve it. You may find out about the HUG Award at http://ahopefortoday.com/2012/01/14/hope-unites-globally-hug-award-guidelines/. I hope you will receive the award and pass it along to others who you believe also deserve the award. Blessings, Connie


    • Dear Connie, thank you so much….I left a comment on the HUGs site…but now I’m mixed up a bit…I thought that was your site, but I see different blog names etc….did I mention that I’ve been a bit confused recently????? : ) …ah, living within confusion at times….sigh…but fine and okay….just confusing. : ) Thank you Connie…Warm smiles of appreciation to you….kathy


  20. happyhooligans says:

    Hi, Pocket Perspectives! I’m not sure how you found my blog (happyhooligans), but I’m thankful that you did, because it brought me to your blog. I am absolutely in LOVE with your blog, and with your dedication to brightening the lives of others through your inspirational posts. Being here is so uplifting. Your posts and photos are just beautiful, both for the eyes, and for the mind.
    I’m going to share your blog with my H.H. readers, and on my personal page as well.
    Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE daily inspiration, and try to share my gratitude with others in some small way as well.
    Thank you for putting so much love and energy in to enlightening others.
    Love and joy to you and yours!


    • Hi Jackie, Well….a happy welcome to you too….: ) Thank you for your kind comments and ideas.
      I was delighted with that delightful “play in the snow” post you have…it brought such a happy smile to my face and my heart. I’ve taught preschool…and loved playful activities like that…and watching the curiosity and joy on the kids’ faces when playing….and loved when my daughter was little and we could find playful activities like that, too. I had also just forwarded your post along to my 24 year old daughter…with a must read teaser as the subject…she’ll love it too! I love when people play and have or provide wonderful fun, creative activities for their kids…warm smiles of appreciation to you, Kathy


  21. dianne - life as i see it says:

    wonderful bog, enjoyed my stay 🙂


  22. reneeboomer says:

    Beautiful blog. Very inspiring. 🙂 Renee


    • thank you, Renee….this blog has grown, and is just bursting with “pages”…please feel free to wander around and find what you might enjoy or find helpful…. : ) kathy


      • tuesday2 says:

        Kathy, are you on Pinterest? It’s a great place to share your blog posts!


        • My daughter set me up with a Pinterest account and page, but I’ve never been back to it since she set it up…I don’t really understand how that would work…I just saw crafts…wonderful crafts…on it….do you have suggestions? I don’t use facebook or the other sites…not even sure what the other ones are. I’ve seen twitter, but don’t really get it..and tumbler, but don’t know that either… Any suggestions? I have more than a few gaps in my tech knowledge…I can make pages etc…but haven’t applied myself to the others…(good teacher language there???…sounds like a report card.. : )


          • tuesday2 says:

            I have yet to discover Tumbler; I am on Twitter, but don’t get there often. I am addicted to Facebook and Pinterest. Pinterest is so much more than crafts; it offers every single topic you could imagine, including blog sharing! Ask your daughter to get you on FB and Pinterest; such an amazing social network…not to mention a huge blogging arena to share your work! 😀


            • well…independent me…. : ) …I found a button in wordpress settings and clicked that to add pinterest sharing to the blog…and then went to my pinterest page and account and created a board for pocketperspectives…but I haven’t figured out yet whether others have access to it. I think I checked off “my life” as a location, but not sure that happened. I didn’t see a location for “blogs”. I see 2 of my pages on my own pinned board, so I must have connected to something…I’ll keep “plugging away” at this. All suggestions and ideas are welcome. thanks!


              • tuesday2 says:

                Kathy, find me on Pinterest (shelley MacPherson) and then I will be able to ‘follow’ you and find your boards. I wanted to search you, but don’t know your last name 😀


                • Hi Shelley, I actually got to “you” on Pinterest…but then kept leaving it, by mistake. I’m Kathy Boyle, but I see that my user name seems to be riverrockwalker. I also put the name PocketPerspectives into my profile..at least I think that I did that. I actually pinned 3 posts into something that has my name on it, and when I go to Pinterest, I see them there. And I see that one person arrive at PP from Pinterest, so I guess maybe I’m in there somewhere. Kathy


      • reneeboomer says:

        Thank you Kathy. 🙂


    • Thank you Renee….I just found your comment here from several months ago…I really appreciate your supportive feedback…thank you…. Kathy


  23. Ben Naga says:

    As you will see from a click to http://bookofguff.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/beautiful-sunshine/ you are included in my list of “recommended sites”. You are invited to accept either or both of the Awards offered here which you are not currently in receipt of. Should you have them all already I can only add to that fact by saying how much I enjoy your writings and honour their author.

    – Ben


  24. Pingback: Just Want To Say | Thank You « VeehCirra

  25. cuhome says:

    I read your “about” page today, for the first time. What a wonderful format you present with your blog! And, it’s useful, practical, and full of good stuff for the spirit and heart and brain! The way you lay out your posts is so helpful ! Lots of “food for thought” books out there, but not all include the instructions, the way you have! Love your blog!


    • thank you so much, Janet. I keep thinking about shortening this “about” section of the blog, but keep forgetting to do so….and so it includes many details.
      I’m so very, very happy to hear that you find the materials useful…I had no idea when I put them onto the blog whether anyone would even get what I was trying to say…it was/is a definite leap of faith/courage to share them… but I’m so thankful that they are helpful to you and others too…. thank you so much for your kind, enthusiastic and supportive feedback… : )


  26. Interesting blog – enjoyed reading 😉


  27. Ben Naga says:

    Just to let you know that you have been awarded the “Tell Me About Yourself Award”. For more details go to http://bennaga.wordpress.com/2012/06/29/just-like-buses/. Congratulations!


  28. Androgoth says:

    I like your style my friend
    and will be calling back again
    sometime soon, here in the
    UK it is almost midnight 🙂 🙂

    Have a wonderful rest of evening
    and a superb start to your week 🙂



    • Androgoth says:

      Thank you, wow that was a fast reply
      I was just going to take a browse before
      leaving and sooooo I will do and do
      have a very nice afternoon 🙂 🙂



  29. andy1076 says:

    Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog 🙂


  30. dearrosie says:

    I’ve seen your gravatar at several blogs I follow and had to come by because your photo intrigued me. What an incredible tree. Where did you meet it?
    You mentioned to Robin that you live in California. I’m in LA – where are you?


  31. Pingback: La Deuxième Partie (Part Two) – Breaking the Rules | theseeker

  32. seeker says:

    Hi: I mentioned you in my post http://theseeker57.wordpress.com/2013/03/25/la-deuxieme-partie-part-two-breaking-the-rules/ As a recipient of an award. Thanks for being there.


  33. seeker says:

    You are most welcome.


  34. lauriesnotes says:

    I just read this again. I worked as an aide in special ed for a long time before staying home with my daughter. It was great practice for the work on myself 🙂 I learned so much from them.


  35. Lovely blog! Thanks for following mine and leading me back to yours!


  36. Hi! I love how informative and great your articles are. Can you recommend any other Spiritual Awakening blogs that go over the same topics? Thanks a lot!


    • Thank you Nikita. The blog you have created is very insightful, informative and special!
      A blog I was creating (from Jan 2021 through April 2021) to try to re-inspire myself toward reconnecting with senses of warm heartedness… warm-spirited… :


      Creating Jewel Mind opened my spirit to deeper and broader insights which turned out to be deeply prescient….

      On May 15 I was notified that my 75 year old brother (who lived unhoused around the west) was hospitalized with serious covid in Salt Lake City, intubated …he passed on May 30… my world felt like it was turned upside down…

      Then my husband and I left June 10 to drive cross country from our California home to our NH home… I got severe vertigo ( bizarrely… world tuned upside down again) in Jackson Hole, hospitalized 3 days, improved, continued driving on to NH after that… grief stricken….

      then …. 4 months amidst the lovely mountains and forests of New Hampshire… of being nurtured and healed by “spirit-helper-beings” or “spirit-allies”…. the vibrant, exquisitely lovely river below our NH home… forests… amazingly friendly people I’d meet every day… continual love and support from a dear friend who is a Buddhist monk…. the care, generosity, patience and love from my husband….

      then, in late September, laying my brother’s ashes to rest under a lovely birch nurse log, in a little, grace-filled ancestral clearing in the beloved NH woods by the beloved river…

      perhaps…. seeming like Joseph Campbells description of a heroine’s journey… eventually transforming into a spiritual state of deeply peaceful, loving, warm-hearted, deep hearted, bright hearted…. accepting, caring, nurturing….

      And now we just arrived back into our California home after an 8 day cross country drive through so much lovely scenery and full days of continual senses of awe and amazement as we were in the presence off exquisitely beautiful clouds and skies…

      … the return….

      a new beginning…


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