One step at a time….balanced, steady, calm…patience, persistence and perseverance…



some helpful encouragement  I received from a friend…
one day at a time….
one step at a time…
one moment at a time….
remaining balanced, steady and calm

one day at a time, one step at a time


One step at a time…
coming back again and again,
to that quiet, steady sense of patience, persistence and perseverance





one step at a time….that’s enough for now…one step at a time



Part of Nurturing Thursday, hosted by Becca Givens, On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea. Please link to Becca’s blog to link to her Nurturing Thursday post and posts by other Nurturing Thursday bloggers.

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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18 Responses to One step at a time….balanced, steady, calm…patience, persistence and perseverance…

  1. we so often need this reminder, don’t we? one. step. at. a . time.


  2. becca givens says:

    Step by step, moment by moment!
    Thank you for linking to Nurturing Thursday! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, yes….Becca, I guess “one step at a time” would be coming back to living in each moment…moment by moment….thank you! 😀


  4. Meg Evans says:

    Patience, persistence, perseverance… an excellent mantra! 🙂


  5. I sometimes need to remind myself of those…


  6. Elizabeth says:

    yes, I agree, here and now the most important moment.


  7. judithhb says:

    Yes one step at a time and suddenly one day we look back and see how very far we have come. Thanks for the reminder PP


  8. Pingback: Nurt Thurs – Let Yourself | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

  9. hugmamma says:

    Something I’m trying to do throughout this thorny presidential election…hugs! 🙂


  10. Aren’t the interactions in this presidential election process sooooooooooooo bizarre!…really quite upsetting!


  11. Beautifully inspiring as always. Love to you — Laurie


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