The Precious Blossoms of Our Hearts…noticing, nurturing, living and sharing….



The Blossoms of Our Hearts



The precious “blossoms” of each of our own hearts…


Blossom of my heart all together



A few precious blossom that I love….
blossoms that bring “light” to my heart,
blossoms that I look at with a sense of wonder and delight,
blossoms that seem to have “qualities” that touch my own heart,
“qualities” that resonate with my own “heart”


The Blossoms of Our own special flowers



Perhaps those blossoms might offer us clues…
clues about possibly unrecognized or “unclaimed” qualities of our precious hearts,
“qualities” that we might show to only a few trusted friends,
“qualities”  that are precious and wonderful…
“qualities” that perhaps are  just waiting to be nurtured and lived?
perhaps even….
happily shared with others…….


The Blossoms of Our Hearts...using the clues



The Blossoms of Our Hearts your own blossoms



Think of what you might say as you look at precious blossoms that you love…


“How beautiful….”

“So_________……  so___________!”

“Oh, how special….how wonderful!”


The Blossoms of Our Hearts... identifying qualities of each flower



The Blossoms of Our Hearts... reflecting living sharing


I thought about this idea last week, after reading “Yellow Violets”... a special poem by my Aunt Okie, who died a few weeks ago at 98 years old.

I had also been thinking about and missing Okie…
and listening to a youtube of a catchy song…
“Okanagan Okee”…by a Canadian singer Stompin Tom…
Okanagan…where Okie was born and how she happened to be nicknamed “Okie”

A few lines, repeated in that “Okanagan Okee” song…

“little blossom, forever true…”
“little blossom, forever true…Okanagan Okee I love you”
“Of all the pretty flowers I have loved you from the start

little Okee,  you’re the blossom of my heart…..”

“Little Okee, you’re the blossom of my heart.”

No way!…Okie????… “little blossom????”
“blossom of my heart????”
…. no way!…..
“little blossom?”

Okie was such a strong, capable, competent, independent woman…
….a little blossom?….

But look!…right there in Okie’s  “Yellow Violet” poem
a flower blossom clue?

“Yellow Violets! So lovely, so small!
Step softly! Don’t hurt one at all!”


Perhaps a clue about her own precious heart?
tender, vulnerable, delicate?
often hidden under leaves?
seen by only a few?

Blossom of Our Hearts...Okie, yellow violet


Perhaps….Okie was expressing flower blossom “clues” about her own heart?…

But of course…perhaps I’m only reading in “clues” about my own heart?
Watching for those “clues” about precious qualities I may not show to others?

Perhaps revealing hidden clues….through  each of our love of certain “blossoms”


Blossom of Our Hearts okie's yellow violet poem


And so…
I decided to be gently guided by that surprising, awakened awareness…
to search for clues in my own love for certain flowers,
clues to the precious qualities that I may be living openly…
I may be keeping quietly “hidden”………

Using our love of certain flowers…to find clues about our own precious hearts.


The Blossoms of Our Hearts... reflecting living sharing


One of the positive intentions in looking for these clues?

Of course!

To appreciate, nurture, live and share
the precious blossoms of each of our own hearts!


The Blossoms of Our Hearts...and each others hearts



The Blossoms of Our Hearts...appreciating nurturing living sharing



The Blossoms of Our Hearts




~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Part of Nurturing Thursday, hosted at Becca Given’s blog, On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea. Please visit Becca’s blog for  Becca’s Nurturing Thursday post and for links to posts by other Nurturing Thursday participants.

Blossom of my heart all together

blossom of my heart my own blossoms heart

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

15 minutes later:  Oh my goodness….there are iridescent clouds above our house…7 strips of clouds with iridescent  rainbow colors along the edges of each cloud…WOW!!!




hmmmm…I wonder what’s next??????

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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13 Responses to The Precious Blossoms of Our Hearts…noticing, nurturing, living and sharing….

  1. shakeclouds says:

    nice post 🙂


  2. thank you…it’s deeply felt…. I hope people will give the idea a try….. 🙂


  3. cicorm says:

    Agree! Am doing my little bit with this too! 🙂


  4. Meg Evans says:

    Yes, there are clues in all the little everyday things that we see and appreciate — just a matter of taking the time to notice and reflect on them, as you say!


  5. Robin says:

    I’m sorry to hear about the death of your Aunt Okie, Kathy. *Hugs* This is a beautiful post, and I love the idea of looking into those flowers that we’re drawn to in order to learn something about ourselves. Beautiful series of signs you received, too. Guess your Aunt Okie sensed you were missing her. 🙂


    • Thank you, Robin… I seem to have moved from quiet sadness to an even deeper sense of the exquisite beauty of nature, (“the sacred beauty of the everyday”…I think that those are your words!), the human “heart” or “spirit”…. and everything I see and perceive throughout the day… including the “blossoms of our hearts”…for me, that would be to hold very gently the exquisite beauty and vulnerability of each of our own hearts.

      “Oddly” enough, tying in with these ideas, I’m just reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s new book “Big Magic”…Robin, I think you might resonate with many of the ideas she writes about in the book: about “inspiration” and the beauty of “creativity. ”
      She also has intriguing descriptions about her own awarenesses about what “ideas” “are”… ..which, of course ties in with each of our own “ideas” and creating each of our own unique kinds of posts about those “ideas”….
      She wrote
      “I saw this incidence as a rare and glittering piece of evidence that all my most outlandish ideas about creativity might actually be true- that ideas are alive, that ideas do seek the most available human collaborator, that ideas do have a conscious will, that ideas do move from soul to soul, that ideas will always try to seek the swiftest and most efficient conduit to earth (just as lightning does).”
      Her observation is that “ideas are disembodied, energetic life forms” that are “driven by a single impulse to be manifest through collaboration with a human partner…” That “ideas spend eternity swirling around us, searching for available and willing human partners.”
      Wow!…now those are intriguing and interesting “ideas!”…my experience with the “guidance” in sleuthing out (and feeling more than a bit badgered by the ideas) the connections about Okie’s life and heart, the words in that silly song and Yellow Violets poem, leading to the pages in this post sure align with that outlook! Isn’t “life” amazing????? 🙂
      Oh dear, this comment got longggggggggg….oh well…it’s such an intriguing idea! And, Robin, I thought you might enjoy the “amazingness” of Elizabeth Gilbert’s ideas!


      • Robin says:

        I love your long comment. 😀 I already have “Big Magic” on my reading list. Now that you’ve intrigued me with some of Elizabeth Gilbert’s ideas, I’m going to move it to the top of the list. I have some shopping to do this week, and will pick it up when I’m out and about. Thank you! 🙂


        • I think there are may, many wonderful ideas in her new book. (the last part of the book is more specifically for writers of books, which I’m not….but the rest of the book ties in nicely with what I create and share…..)
          I’ve had several very odd-seeming and VERY, VERY WONDERFUL “coincidences” after reading her 2 previous books…tying in very closely with each book.
          I’ve been trying to pull those ideas together..and to make a little bit of sense out of that “magic”….. but the “ideas” seem to be challenging me…which she also explains in her book! Here’s how far I’ve gotten with the seeming coincidences with her 2 books:

          I wonder if more happy or amazing opportunities…Big Magic???…. might happen/arise after reading, enjoying and reflecting upon her new book????????? woooooooo…who knows????


  6. Pingback: Nurt Thurs – Skills | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

  7. This reminds me of “gather ye flowers while ye may” which may, however be misquoted and may be Shakespeare!


  8. Hi Joss! Welcome!….. 🙂
    Well….whomever wrote it, it’s a special quote and idea…gathering all of our and each other’s flowers… the many, many “blossoms of our hearts”…. 🙂


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