Offering blessings to each other…if you needed me, I would come to you…


beannacht lincoln woods


Beannacht…from a blessing by John O’Donohue…the last few lines…simply lovely….


May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
May the clarity of light be yours,
May the fluency of the ocean be yours,
May the protection of the ancestors be yours…
And so may a slow wind wrap these words of love around you,
An invisible cloak to mind your life


That “page” above, with the background photo, taken several years ago, walking to the lovely Greeley Pond through the Lincoln Woods of New Hampshire….a walk we took again a few weeks ago….a walk that offers nourishment, clarity, fluency, protection and love…a walk where we were able to unexpectedly and serendipitously offer safety, guidance and  protection to a vulnerable one…a walk of blessings, protection and love…


Ans so….wishing, offering and sharing these special nurturing and protective blessings….
….to all beings….
for all who have ever been there on that little trail,
for all who were there on that path on that special Saturday…
and for the 4 of us who were blessed on that day
to be able to offer protection and a return to safety to a precious, vulnerable one…

The blessing I repeated again and again as I hiked up to that lovely pond,
The blessing I repeated again and again to the vulnerable one,
as we waited, after the hike down, for further assistance…


And most of all,
offering these continuing blessings to ALL vulnerable ones:
(which, of course, includes every one of us, at some time or other)



May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
May the clarity of light be yours,
May the fluency of the ocean be yours,
May the protection of the ancestors be yours
And so may a slow wind wrap these words of love around you,
An invisible cloak to mind your life





May we each offer generous blessings of nourishment, love and protection to each other…


This strong, loving intention and blessing
so richly expressed in the heartfelt song,
“If you needed me….I would come to you”
sung by EmmyLou Harris and DonWilliams…

“If you needed me, I would come to you…
I would come to you for to ease your pain….

Well, the night’s forlorn,
And the morning’s born
And the morning’s born with the lights of love,

And you’ll miss sunrise,
if you close your eyes
And that would break my heart into…”


beannacht lincoln woods if you needed me 2


The words of that song…and John O’Donohue’s blessing,
offering each and every one of us….

an invisible cloak of love to mind our lives…




And so…ALL of this is my birthday wish on August 11, 2015….


dreams upon dreams forest both 777


immeasurables and perfections Greeley Pond trail


dreams upon dreams forest 777

This is a “dream” that I have….


beannacht lincoln woods 33




Previous posts about my own love of, and spiritual connection with,  Greeley Pond….the stillness, beauty, inspiration and healing qualities of the pond… synchronicity, indeed, considering what help and protection was offered there at Greeley Pond a few weeks ago:
A Walk in the New Hampshire Woods…to Greeley Pond
Stillness….a quiet mind
Show Me the Way to Go Home
Stillness and beauty of a quiet mind
Reflections on the Pond..Reflections from a Friend
More Reflections on a Pond
“We can choose to be a blessing to others”

“Calling All Angels”    Not specifically about Greeley Pond, but I sure do wonder about the influence of  life affirming, spiritual “angels” in our experience at Greeley Pond  this summer…something far “beyond” the five of us sure seemed to be involved… Calling All Angels

No Matter What, Every Single Being On Earth  Matters, Yourself and Myself Included”  A reminder that no matter how discourage one might be, you still matter!

John O’Donohue audio interview: “The Inner Landscape of Beauty”


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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10 Responses to Offering blessings to each other…if you needed me, I would come to you…

  1. pman777 says:

    Special post! Beautiful thoughts, beautiful place!


  2. Thank you, Peter…yes it is a very beautiful place…..


  3. “May we each offer generous blessings of nourishment, love and protection to each other”. Thank you for the many times you have generously blessed my life.


  4. becca givens says:

    Happy Happy Birthday! … even if belated!

    Beautiful post ❤


  5. sufilight says:

    Kathy, this post and music relaxed me before going off to sleep. Happy Belated Birthday! By the way, I don’t get notifications from WP so often miss posts since I am not active.


    • Oh Marie, how nice to relax before going to sleep…and a nice way to drift off into “dreamland.”
      Thanks for the birthday wish…I continue to be especially thankful to have been in that particular spot on the edge of that special pond, at the right time to help the vulnerable person who was in great need…what a blessing that was…life is so precious, and to be able to help save a life is a blessing indeed! The synchronicity in that happening at that particular place (the lovely pond from Reflections from a Friend and the background on so many pages and cards..a place I deeply love…and I had been repeatedly saying, and wishing, that blessing toward all who were in that area as I hiked up to the pond, not realizing what we were about to help out with) continues to astound me. Isn’t life amazing?

      Liked by 1 person

  6. sufilight says:

    It is indeed a blessing to assist another especially in saving a life. We will never know exactly what transpires cosmically for these events to transpire, but glad you were there at the right time.


    • Yes…a blessing indeed…. I hope she’s able to renew her connections with the preciousness and beauty of life…so precious indeed. It was a deep and important insight and reminder for the 4 of us who helped her, too.


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