“Friday Wishes”…may you feel happy and contented, healthy and strong…



“Friday Wishes”……. “Every Day  Wishes”



Sharing warm and loving “Friday Wishes”…
for all to feel a sense of …
happiness and contentment,
health and strength,
safety and protection
living with ease


a Friday wish
…….an every day wish…….
that we all nurture ourselves and each other,
to offer kindness, patience, generosity, acceptance and gentleness
to nurture the goodness and wonder inside of each and every one of us….



Friday wishes...nurturing ourselves and each other



About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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9 Responses to “Friday Wishes”…may you feel happy and contented, healthy and strong…

  1. Reblogged this on Certified Wellness and commented:
    Dear Pocket Perspectives,

    Your wish had been granted. I’m having a wonderful Friday. Best wishes to you. Be Well 🙂


  2. sufilight says:

    Catching up with your posts. It may not be Friday now, but the wishes are well received on my end. 🙂 I have been exploring mindfulness but couldn’t find courses that I could hear as they didn’t have closed captioning. I finally found a course in Amazon Instant video with CC taught by Professor Meusse which has 24 episodes. I like reading but listening to and teacher is much more enjoyable. He does an outstanding job explaining the Buddhist principles of mindfulness. If i could hear well, I would be signing up for retreats and workshops as I truly see the value of making it a part of one’s life.


    • Ohhhhhh….those “Friday Wishes” are “every day wishes” too!!!! 🙂
      Marie, I’m so happy to hear that you’re exploring mindfulness ideas and have found positive teachings of value! I find that I’ve learned so much from reading ideas about those topics…of course CC videos are wonderful too!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. sufilight says:

    Stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year, Kathy! May you and your hubby be healthy, may you be strong, may you be safe, may you be happy throughout 2015. 🙂


    • Thank you so much, Marie, for your lovely New Year’s wishes… they bring such lovely warmth to my heart…thank you…. 🙂
      Sending you abundant heartfelt wishes for happiness, health and love from those here in our home right now…from H, Jampa and me to you and yours…on this truly beautiful New Year’s Day…. loving wishes to you…. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: “Be quick to love… make haste to be kind!” | Pocket Perspectives

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