Nurturing one’s Nature… know, respect, live, share….



nurturing ones nature


Becca, from On Dragonfly Wings, shared an inspiring TED video a few weeks ago.  The video was titled “How to Believe in Yourself” by Ted Cathcart. There were so many helpful insights and ideas  included in that short 8 minute talk!

After watching the video, I reflected upon a few of the ideas that really resonated and then created  some “pages” ….reflecting and expanding upon some of those inspiring ideas.


nurture your nature know respect live share


“Nurturing one’s nature”….to do that, he suggested that it would helpful to

  • know one’s own nature
  • respect that nature
  • apply and live one’s own nature
  • share the good of that nature with the world



When living one’s own positive “nature,” one might be living some of the positive qualities of that “nature”….living the way “the person I’d like to be” might be living.


nurture your nature examples of living onesnature


Thinking in terms of “living” some of those positives…
aligning aspirations and intentions with positive “actions”
expanding from “being” to “doing,”
“WHAT” might we be “about to do?”


nurture your nature what about to do right now


Bringing increasing awareness to what we might be “about to do…”
“HOW” those actions might be done
so that they’re closely aligned with positive intentions,
aligned with our positive nature


nurture your nature how do positives right now


Bringing steady awareness beyond what we’re about to do…
into “WHAT” we are actually doing….
in this moment
flexibly aligning and realigning our actions with our intentions and nature,
as we’re “doing” in each moment


nurture your nature what doing right now


Of course,
a few steps to explore and reflect upon…
finding our seeds,
planting, nurturing and growing them,
nurturing our nature

(steps are starting from the bottom of this next page)


nurture your nature steps to pursue


a few reminders on  “bookmarks,”
ideas from Jim Cathcart’s video “How to Believe in Yourself”
ideas that support nurturing the positives of our nature


nurture your nature reminder bookmark


Thanks Becca for sharing that video…
lots of terrific and useful ideas in there!


nurturing one's nature



About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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12 Responses to Nurturing one’s Nature… know, respect, live, share….

  1. becca givens says:

    How wonderful ~~ thank you for sharing!


  2. pman777 says:

    Very nice. Sometimes we lose track of our “nature” and we don’t nurture it enough!


    • thank you Peter…yes, it’s so easy to not notice, or lose track of, our nature…sigh…yes, so easy. Thank you for your steady encouragement of the nurturing of my own nature…
      (Peter is my (Kathy’s=Pocket Perspectives) husband)


  3. Robin says:

    Thank you for sharing that, Kathy. 🙂


  4. Pingback: Nurturing Thurs – All of You!! | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

  5. Pingback: Nurturing Thursday: Celebrate What You are Harvesting | Light Words

  6. sufilight says:

    Thanks Kathy for this reminder to nurture our nature. A your hubby mentioned sometimes we lose track and forget!


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