Life changes….so make the most of this very moment, right now….



life changes so make the most of this moment now



Some very insightful reminders, offered by Ven. Jampa, a family friend who is a Buddhist monk in Australia…in response to a long ago question from another blogger on Reflections from a Friend,  another blog I’m part of…

Some advice that is resonating deeply right now  in our family…that a problem was unexpectedly found and repaired in Kathy’s husband P’s heart, before anything “happened.”…. This was in our family…but this awareness is valuable for any family, any situation, any circumstance….

so, a reminder for all of us…
to awaken an increasingly deepening appreciation
for each precious moment,
in each precious day


life changes so live your life now



life changes so appreciate and share what we have



for all of us…
remembering to awaken appreciation throughout each day,
each hour…each minute…each moment…
appreciating everything we have
sharing that with others



life changes appreciate each precious new moment



“now” … IS  our moment
our moment IS …. “now”

May each of our precious moments of  “now”
be increasingly filled with appreciation and grace


life changes  now...filled with appreciation and grace



life changes so make the most of this moment now


…….life changes……
so make the most of this very moment
…….right now…….






Sunday: an addditional compilation, reminder page…an important, ongoing reminder,  now taped up on our kitchen cupboard door…right at “eye” level….


life changes all on one 777


appreciation of….
being alive
….awareness and appreciation in this very moment…


life changes appreciating each of our precious moments of now






About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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13 Responses to Life changes….so make the most of this very moment, right now….

  1. sufilight says:

    Kathy, The words below I truly appreciate as I have feelings of vulnerability at times that triggers anxiety. Staying in the now is our point of power.

    I am glad your hubby is well now.

    “So make the most of the now, and in this way there is not much to be vulnerable about, because we are focusing on now, instead of later.”


    • Marie, those words were written, several years ago, to you!…in response to a question/concern you had written in the RFAF comments area… I’ve used those words sooo many times, to remind myself of those ideas in there. I am soooooo thankful you had asked that question…and so thankful for the ideas in the response.
      And yes… we also are SOOOOOOO incredibly thankful that Peter is fine and healthy! How incredibly fortunate that the problem was found (there were no symptoms, but doctor said something would probably have “happened” quite soon, if it hadn’t been fixed ) and so easily fixable…modern techniques are amazing!
      Ahhhhhh, yes…….appreciating this wonderful moment of “now”


      • sufilight says:

        I don’t remember. Wow. I am so happy you posted it again because I see it with more clarity. It’s perfect as I am exploring mindfulness which I wasn’t a few years ago. I saved the poster to reference back to it again and again.


  2. Precious new day. What a tender thought to ” wake up” to all the time. Living with the beginers mind. Amen.
    Happy International woman ‘s Day !


    • Yes, such a wonderful “wake up” call…. beginners mind, for sure.
      And yes…. International Women’s Day…there’s a wonderful google doodle today for that… photos and video clips from women from all over the world…such wonderful progress has been, and continues to be made!
      And what a lovely spring day for all of us here in the SF Bay Area…green hills again! and abundant poppies, and lupine and mustard blossoms…wow! spring…Renewal!!!!


  3. pman777 says:

    Well said, Kathy. After this fortunate “find”, I will strive to appreciate each moment.


    • 🙂 …oh, Peter… too… such an amazingly fortunate “find”… and a wake up call for us all…. to deepen our appreciation and choices in each moment!
      pman777= Kathy’s husband Peter… with the artery that was “opened” and is allowing flowing freely again now…a happy “opening”…that’s for sure…


  4. hugmamma says:

    No getting around change. Life’s full of them. We just have to maneuver our way in and around and come out the other side…in one piece. hugs for the reminder…


  5. This is really helpful to me right now, Kathy! Lately it feels like the statement “everything changes” has been exhausting me! I can turn that around right now. 🙂 Your cards are beautiful.


  6. Thank you…I also “struggle” with the idea and “reality” of “everything changes”…that’s why I created the cards. I hope some of these ideas might be helpful for you and others too.
    Speaking of deeper awareness of “change”…we watched the new Cosmos tv show last night and the beautiful and deeply moving documentary “Saving Luna” tonight…similar issues and awarenesses as the cards.


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