“target” = how to offer an effective apology???


Ahhh…. apologies…an ongoing challenge in any relationship….mistakes are made, feelings are hurt, complications result… How can we learn to offer sincere, effective apologies? What kinds of apologies do we wish we would receive from others?


apology art of effective apologies title


How to offer sincere and effective apologies???  What specific steps might we take to create that apology? How can we remember those important steps when we “need” them? How can we repair the damage we may have done?


apology art of steps


Oddly enough, there was a full page “letter of apology” in the newspaper today… an apology that actually contained many helpful steps in offering apologies to others….a letter from the CEO of Target to the impacted Target customers from the credit card information hacking.



Link to full text of letter: Target CEO letter of apology


apology newspaper letter


Looking at some excerpts from that letter… excerpts that contain steps that could be helpful components to any apology…in any of our own relationships…components we might wish we would receive in apologies from others…and that we might learn to use to get better at offering sincere apologies to others…


apology art of effective apology


A few key phrases…
words that seem to resonate,
words or ideas that might be helpful in our everyday lives,
in any apology or resolution of “conflicts”


apology art of effective apologies shorter excerpts


A few specific “components” of  potentially effective apologies…
wishing to receive… learning to offer


apology art of effective apology steps


Some possible steps …
wishing to receive…
learning to use…
learning to offer more sincere and effective apologies in our relationships


apology art of steps


apology art of effective apologies shorter excerpts


apology art of effective apologies title



Disclaimer from Kathy: I’m not very good at letting go of my “position” and making apologies… and hence I’m creating these pages for possible reminders… for myself…or anyone else who might be plugging away at developing and nurturing this “skill”… And, of course, like everyone else, I’d love to receive these kinds of apologies, too…. Ahhhh…. apologies…. wishing us all well…


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6 Responses to “target” = how to offer an effective apology???

  1. Rene says:

    Reblogged this on Mind Chatter and commented:
    Very good advice to us all. Thanks to Target, it appears they actually hire some people with an education.


  2. Good advice for sure. Better than the short meaningless whinny I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
    PS. Last Summer there were many checkers with BA’s at my local Target!


    • I agree….he took positive steps in that letter.
      I hope they’re able to figure the problem out soon. The world has become a very complex place, particularly with huge, sophisticated technology systems and it’s complications!
      There are so many bright, personable people in so many jobs..including the checkers at Target!


  3. Ellen Johnson says:

    This really hits home. Many times it is just as hard to accept an apology as to make one.


    • I agree… I wonder if apologies that contain more of those different components above…if that kind of apology might be more “easily” accepted? …. perhaps, a “learn-able skill” ???? … learning more about some
      “specifics” of how to offer and accept apologies seems so important to nurturing positive, respectful, kind, loving relationships…


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