“Over the river and through the wood”… Happy Thanksgiving to all…


A photo taken a few days ago…the Mountain Road, Sanbornton, New Hampshire…where my great grandfather lived many, many  long years ago…. near my grandparents’ home, where we went each Thanksgiving Day when I was a child.  And the  song we sang happily as we drove along….

Over the river and through the wood Sanbornton Mountain Road


Off to our own Thanksgiving….
different side of the country,
different mountains,
different roads…
still warm and loving hearts,
same spirit of thankfulness,
Another Happy Thanksgiving Day


Over the river Happy Thanksgiving Mountain Road


~  ~  ~

A poem, below,  written several years ago…about the Mountain Road in Sanbornton New Hampshire and the  long ago people who lived on that road… written by Kathy’s aunt who is now 97 years old, and still writing….with a blog of her own writing at  “Poems by Okie, 97 And Still Writing”


okie mountain road if you walk softly


“But if you walk softly, perhaps you will hear
Whispers from the families of a long ago year”

by Okie Howe


okie mountain road whispers from the families of a  long ago year


~ warm wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving to all ~

About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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12 Responses to “Over the river and through the wood”… Happy Thanksgiving to all…

  1. Don says:

    Happy thanksgiving to you. Being from Africa I have always found this celebration you all partake in such a wonderful thing to do. I wish we had something like that in our own country. Enjoy and celebrate.


  2. We had a very rare fall of snow just 45″ to the north of us. No snow here, but still it’s cold. I don’t ever remember snow that close so early. Rick brought in a truckload of firewood to enjoy this long weekend! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and here’s to many more lovely warm memories to hold close to your heart.


  4. sufilight says:

    I hummed the song in my mind. It gave me feelings of warmth 😀 Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.


  5. lauriesnotes says:

    Warm wishes returned ♡


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