“Beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them…the least we can do is try to be there” Annie Dillard



beauty and grace are performed  whether we will of sense them...the least we can do is try to be there  Annie Dillard



I saw this insightful reminder…an Annie Dillard quote…. in an amazing book I’ve been reading and rereading:  “Magical Journey: An Apprenticeship in Contentment” by Katrina Kenison.   Magical Journey is bursting with wonderful quotes, wisdom and insights …this Annie Dillard quote being one of them. Katrina Kenison puts “words” to so many feelings I’ve had through the past few years…a great book…reminding us to see the “beauty” and grace within ourselves, in others, in relationships…throughout each and every precious day of our lives…


And this Annie Dillard quote…such a perfect reminder! …pausing, noticing and seeing the beauty throughout each and every day… honoring the exquisite beauty of  nature… pausing, noticing and appreciating… appreciating nature, our world, our lives…



“Beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them.
The least we can do is try to be there….”
Annie Dillard



beauty and grace are perform...try to be there  Annie Dillard




beauty and grace flowing in sky and life  Annie Dillard quote



beauty and grace...oh look...look...look,...



The quote is embedded in a longer passage…
a lovely passage,
so beautifully written


Beauty and grace Annie Dillard quote in context



Beauty and grace are performed...try to be there.... Annie Dillard



Beauty and grace...the least we can do is try to be there... Annie Dillard quote



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6 Responses to “Beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them…the least we can do is try to be there” Annie Dillard

  1. sufilight says:

    It’s a good focus to see the beauty and grace in everyone and in everything. Sometimes when Phil and I take a walk in nature, and we empty our minds we are able to tune in to the wonder-beauty of life. We watch the birds with their graceful flight, and the deep peace of our surroundings.


    • Isn’t it remarkable how pervasive beauty and grace are in life and our surroundings… and how lovely that you and Phil take walks and tune in to that beauty…a true gift to yourselves. And oh, the beauty of Oregon… so lovely. : )


  2. A small bird landed in our yard yesterday. Instead of flitting about and flying away, he walked around our yard giving me a chance to notice his long tail twitching, moving up and down. Such a sweet bird allowing me to watch him take a walk.


  3. Pingback: Becoming more aware and present… the least we can do is try to be there…. | Reflections From a Friend

  4. Mary says:

    Reblogged this on Looking Forward and commented:
    I like this.Do look


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