“Well….certainly I can do this ONE little thing…..” …encouraging and motivating oneself…


Ah…. getting oneself going…an ongoing challenge, at times.
Today, I’ve been taking care of  household “fix-its”…
the broken pool pump, rust stains on concrete, finding “fix it” people,
signing up for new healthcare policies…
lots of unfamiliar tasks… feeling more than a bit of confusion…
and having a  tendency to just stop and avoid all of those “tasks.”

And so…once again…reminding myself….
it’s really not that hard…
“Certainly I can do this….”


How to find ways to get started
when the “task” probably IS realistic and manageable?
Sometimes, it’s soooo  hard to get going!


How to give oneself a “green light”…
a signal that it’s okay to “go”
A good start,
…a green light…
might be to reassure oneself…
“certainly, I can do this…..”
(this= one little, first step)

certainly I can do this~

Sometimes, I have a hard time “getting myself going”.  I might come up with lots of seemingly “valid reasons” or rationalizations about why I can’t do something or don’t particularly “feel like” or “want to” do something…those “reasons” can function like stoplights…big, bright, red stoplights… for one’s energy and motivation!


Sometimes, there seem to be pushy,  limiting “thoughts”…
simply “thoughts”….”opinions”…not truth…
perhaps, habitual thinking patterns that we may have developed over the years?
But to remember and remind ourselves
…they are simply “thoughts”
…not “truth”…

certainly I can do this...limiting thoughts~
Shifting out of limiting thoughts…
and into more affirming, confidence-filled  thoughts..
“Certainly I can do this…”

certainly I can do this...affirming thoughts

 I’ve noticed, however,  that if, or when, I  “get myself going,” I often gain some momentum, and then “keep going”….but getting started can be a challenge.  So…a simple little statement I say to myself seems to help…. just to think about one tiny, little first step…

“Certainly, I can do this…..”
this first little step

…simply reassuring myself that I can take one very simple little action….maybe as little as putting a few pens back into a drawer….just taking one little “step”…doing “one little thing….”



And, of course, any project or undertaking is a series of “one little things”….one leading to the next, leading to the next….a series of simple little “things…”



a path consisting of many “one little thing’s”…
sometimes once I get going, I get lots and lots accomplished!


It’s a bit like teaching little kids…encouraging a little bit at a time…to just get started…one little action being a “jump start” to get the momentum going… reassuring oneself…

“well, certainly I can do this….”
this one little step





“Certainly, I can do this one little step…”




Previous related posts:
Note: when I was working, I think I may have been powered by busy-ness and adrenalin surges. Now that I’m not working at a “job” anymore, I’m finding that this wonderful calmness I’m feeling lacks that adrenal, “must do this right now” rush…and so I’m having to learn new ways to access energy and motivation amidst more calmness of mind.

And so…a few related posts about this “endeavor.” (whoops…I see that many of these pages/posts were created when I was still teaching, so I guess it’s been a continuing challenge…. live and learn, I guess…a big part of my teaching “job” was to help the kids I taught develop more persistence, so lots of early pages were for “them” )
September, 2012: “Certainly I can do this ONE little thing”
“Uh oh…my get up and go got up and went!”
March, 2013: “Who you gonna call?” finding household fix-it people, phone numbers etc
Thoughts and opinions: “To know the truth, only cease to cherish opinions”
“One step at a time…balanced, steady, calm….patience, persistence, perseverance”
“A Little bit, little bit…a little bit at a time”
Accessing motivation… recognizing and getting  past “excuses”
“Advice from the sunflower…stand tall, back straight, chin up, face the sun”
“Bearable…do a little bit at a time”
Various “persistence” posts link:  Persistence posts


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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9 Responses to “Well….certainly I can do this ONE little thing…..” …encouraging and motivating oneself…

  1. nrhatch says:

    So true, Kathy.

    When I don’t feel like tackling anything . . . I say, “Just One Thing. Pick one thing and do it. Then you can stop . . . if you want.”

    But often getting started gives me the momentum I need to keep going.

    An object at rest tends to stay at rest.
    An object in motion tends to stay in motion.


    • Good ideas, Nancy…. oh, the wonderful powers of momentum! I’ll keep that in mind!


    • Nancy…I tried your idea…of doing “just one thing” this morning… and lo and behold…I went out to wash just one window and then proceeded to happily washed ALL the outside windows and sliding glass doors…wow… momentum happened! And then trimmed rose bushes and shrubs…wow, you just never know…. positive momentum, I guess? wow! 😀


  2. Roberta says:

    Yes…we can…. (:


  3. sufilight says:

    I have two pair of pants that need to be shortened, and have had them for over 6 months, and still have not done the job as I don’t like sewing. Maybe this week, I will finally get the job done. Perhaps, I can visit this post again to get motivated. 😀


    • Marie, I tried Nancy’s ideas (in her comment) this morning…to do “just one thing”…(and hoping for the emergence of momentum.)..and guess what? I went outside to wash just one window, so the sun would show through clearly in the morning…and went on to wash all the outside windows and sliding doors(not very well, but adequate), trimmed the rose bushes, washed up some spots on rugs…wow, momentum seemed to happen. I hope your hemming might get going, too! I resist hemming too…especially if I don’t do it right away…Isn’t “motivation” tricky at times????


  4. Fabulous! Sometimes it’s time for “I think I can, I think I can…I know I can!” Love the green lights! Debra


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