“Plant Flowers, Pull Weeds…The Garden of Life”…nurturing the positives, decreasing the negatives



“Plant Flowers, Pull Weeds”
Encouraging us to become more aware,
to expand on positive “states of mind”  in life…
kindness, compassion, gratitude, patience, courage, inspiration…
the remarkable potential in each and every one of us
for an abundance
of dozens and dozens of positive thoughts, feelings and actions…

While we’re doing that….
to try to limit or decrease potentially negative “mind states”

Creating a beautiful garden!


It’s springtime!
A busy time for gardeners!
Time to refresh our flower gardens,
to enrich the soil, to sow new seeds, plant new seedlings…

An imagined garden…
choosing, growing and nurturing those flowers we want

Plant flowers, pull weeds...and imagined garden

Just like in our lives…
seeing our minds and hearts as a garden,
to become more aware and intentional,
to create, enrich and supplement the soil,
to plant our flowers…
and then to carefully and consistently water those flowers
growing in each of our own gardens,
to pull weeds that might crowd out the flowers,
plant flowers, pull weeds
the amazing potential and possibilities
in the gardens of our lives


The Dalai Lama Plant Flowers, increase the positives, decrease the negatives



May we all make steady progress in growing our own gardens,
planting more flowers and pulling more weeds…
in this very, very precious garden of life


Plant Flowers Pull Weeds, The Garden of Life



About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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21 Responses to “Plant Flowers, Pull Weeds…The Garden of Life”…nurturing the positives, decreasing the negatives

  1. nrhatch says:

    Lovely thoughts, Kathy!

    I did a painting of a garden once . . . then added: “Love grows within. You are the garden. Nurture yourself.”


  2. Robin says:

    Lovely thoughts and blessing, Kathy. Thank you. 🙂


  3. Roberta says:

    Wonderful post, Kathy!


  4. Beautiful flowers and thoughts, Kathy.


  5. sufilight says:

    Kathy, reading your posts always helps me to be more mindful and shift perspectives. I love the analogy of watering the garden of my mind, it makes more visual for me.


  6. Anonymous says:

    This comment is by Kathy, Pocket Perspectives….Does anyone know whether WordPress changed some setting???… I’m showing up as “Anonymous”… I’m not being recognized… “shhhh….patience Kathy (PP)…plant flowers! 🙂 ….not weeds”


    • nrhatch says:

      Check to make sure you’re logged into your WP account.


      • As far as I can tell, I am logged in. I tried signing out and then signing back in again, but I’m still not being recognized when trying to reply to comments in this post or to leave my own comments here… simply “anonymous.” Well, maybe by morning, it will have “righted” itself…????
        Added a few days later: I was logged in on the dashboard, but not on this comments page. Thank you Nancy.


  7. Thank you for planting seeds of introspection, and watering with words of loving kindness. Peaceful Blessings.


  8. penpusherpen says:

    tidy garden, tidy mind and everything to hand… Loved the simile… just as I love gardening, (but not the weeding as much..tho’ it has to be done… 🙂 ) xx


  9. Pingback: “Plant flowers, pull weeds…the garden of life”…. increase the positives, decrease the negatives | Reflections From a Friend

  10. Patinspire says:

    Love your blog 🙂


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