Spring “Open House Season” begins… homes available…nesting instincts!

Spring “Open House Season” begins!
Homes available!…for birds
Homes for give away!…for birds
Immediate occupancy available!…for birds


spring nesting instincts birdhouses available


abundant amenities, nice neighborhood, neighborhood watch program


homes for sale birdhouses amenities


additional homes still vacant…
but…those people in the main house
(aka Kathy and Peter)
need to figure out how to hang these houses!


homes for sale birdhouses additional

Homes available!



Oh noooooooo!
As I’m posting these photos,
FOUR BLUE JAYS just flew by…
and checked out a blue jay nest from last year!
up in the the birch tree!
right near the bird houses!
Oh noooooo…..
blue jays “bother” the little birds!

oh no old blue jay nest in birch tree

If the little birds nest and lay eggs  INSIDE  the houses,
their eggs won’t be accessible to the blue jays…
and will be safe!

And…maybe the blue jays will find a new spot for their nest?!?!?
I sure hope so!


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9 Responses to Spring “Open House Season” begins… homes available…nesting instincts!

  1. Eric Winger says:

    Lol! Very nice.


  2. Oh, Mom! This is just delightful! Deee-lightful! C’mon, birds! Up and at ’em! Maybe the wild turkeys in the pine trees and the chickens next door are keeping the little’uns away? Along with those darn blue jays!


    • Hi Julie! The chickens are gone…thank goodness! That cluck cluck cluck in early mornings was a bit irritating! No wonder I can sleep til 7 now!
      Ah ha! Maybe the wild turkeys will scare the blue jays away?….but…hmmm….maybe that’s why the bird houses seem quiet????…the turkeys!?!

      (for readers….we have lots of wild turkeys that live up on the hill behind us…AND the turkeys can fly WAYYYYYYY up into the tops of the pine trees. I didn’t know turkeys could fly that high! And btw…turkeys DON’T say “gobble gobble”… their “voices” sound like bizarre, guttural, chortling chuckling…quite confusing at times!)


  3. nrhatch says:

    Hope you end up with lots of baby birds learning to fly in your backyard. 😀


  4. sufilight says:

    The title of your post caught my attention, very clever. May the little birds be safe in their cozy houses. 🙂 Read your comments about the turkeys, so they don’t say gobble, gobble, good to know! 😀


  5. I had fun with the post, until the blue jays flew through. btw…I haven’t seen the blue jays again so maybe they won’t come back.
    It’s so special that the baby birds are safe in the houses…. babies in nests in the eaves and trees often don’t make it, so the houses help.
    And yes…those turkeys are soooooo strange sounding… very unusual…maybe it’s a California accent?


  6. Pingback: “Let’s all sing like the birdies sing”…nurturing lightness, brightness, laughter, playfulness and joy | Pocket Perspectives

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