“Make haste to be kind!”


make haste to be kind, life is short



Life is short,
be quick to love,
make haste to be kind
Previous image and post, November 4, 2012

This is a continuation of the previous post,
the underlying motivation of
“Follow your Bliss”

May our “bliss,” in whatever manner we pursue it,
include the primary intention and motivation…
love, kindness, generosity, compassion and connection
May we all make haste to be kind,
as we follow our bliss


life is short, make haste to be kind



About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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14 Responses to “Make haste to be kind!”

  1. brittany220 says:

    Love it, a very peaceful image! Hope 2013 has been good to you so far! Do you still meditate regularly?


  2. Pingback: “Life is short…make haste to be kind” « Reflections From a Friend

  3. Patricia says:

    May we not be too hasty to learn this lesson.


  4. sufilight says:

    The image is very relaxing, Kathy. Everyday is an opportunity to also be kind to ourselves. My year has also been off to a good start. My nephew’s wife delivered their baby in Thailand 3 days ago and I am now a great aunt. My heart was joyful in thinking the nephew that I taught how to dress himself as a toddler is now a daddy. 🙂


    • Oh, how wonderful….a new baby! 😀 What joy to all of you! How touching for you to see that transition from baby to little boy to young man to daddy… 😀
      And yes…kindness with ourselves is so important. Thank you for adding that.


  5. Robin says:

    “So be quick to love..” Wonderful! Love is my word for the year, and this was a beautiful reminder for the day. Thank you. 🙂


  6. This is really great. I have recently been contemplating kindness. It seems the least we can do is cultivate a climate of kindness towards others. It’s interesting how often that simplifies things. We can be in situations where there is conflict, but if kindness is still in motion, there is hope for a peaceful resolution. I really like the quote you’ve offered! 🙂


  7. brendamarroy says:

    I love the thought of making haste to be kind. Thank you.


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