Living with generosity, ethics, patience, joyful effort, concentration and wisdom

These qualities are called The Six Perfections: Generosity, Ethics, Patience, Joyful or Persistent Effort, Concentration and Wisdom…the goal being to progress in developing and “perfecting” these qualities in oneself and one’s everyday life…

And a few other special qualities…embedded within the perfections
qualities that might enhance one’s own life and the life of others…

compassion, comfort, kindness and nurturing


And so….
a few qualities that might enhance each of our own days
as we offer them to ourselves
and others we interact with each day….



~The beauty of some light shining through….


About Pocket Perspectives

A blog about shifting perspectives...
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10 Responses to Living with generosity, ethics, patience, joyful effort, concentration and wisdom

  1. Robin says:

    Those qualities have a special light of their own, but are particularly beautiful with the sunlight adding a little more shine. 🙂


  2. sufilight says:

    It seems this is in perfect timing again… as I started working today with a heart centered counselor, and I am eager to see what insights and clarity I gain. I need persistence, patience and concentration for this program to work. Beautiful photos, the sunlight adds as Robin commented, more shine.


    • I love afternoons when the sun shines through that image in the window…lights them all up. And yes, persistence, patience and concentration enhance everything we are developing or enriching… I think they all intertwine and support each other. 😀


  3. nrhatch says:

    Perfecting all 6 perfections would keep me BUSY for some time to come. 😉


  4. dearrosie says:

    Nice to dip in the basket and take out one each day. I work Sundays so for tomorrow I’m going to chose … “Compassion”


  5. Wonderful options–I like the perfections as you list them. The photo of the disk in the sunlight is just spectacular.


  6. I love the idea of using the perfections for inspiration…and the sun shining through them each afternoon reminds me to keep encouraging each one of them…


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